My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1089: Confrontation is no way out

Approach, keep approaching.

Su Jin came to Xia Yuyan, who was still sitting but leaning back on the chair, and was stunned for a moment...

Xia Yuyan wore a casual white casual shirt with the cuffs neatly folded up, revealing a section of the snow-white skin on her wrist. Her soft hair was clamped by the hairpin, and a few strands of hair were scattered. These are just the small details that attracted Su Jin's attention, and the more important thing is that she wore a large proportion of black-rimmed glasses.

Despite this match, there is no sense of contradiction!

So beautiful~

"You, what do you want to do..." Xia Yuyan was not sure about Su Jin's next move, and stared at him cautiously with big eyes, with a very nervous tone.

"My wife, I think you shouldn't be able to sleep. Why don't we play some heart-pounding games? How swollen?" Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan weirdly in the tone of an old player, seemingly looking forward to her promise.

Heartbeat game?

If Xia Yuyan felt like she agreed, she would be Su Jin. She has been very smart since she was a child. Now she is the president of Xia Group. You can imagine how smart she is, but if she talks about IQ, she doesn’t Dare to play with Master Su!

"Tell me, I will weigh whether to agree or not." Xia Yuyan hesitated, but the suspicious eyes that looked at Su Jin did not change.

"Remember when we were young, when we met for the first time, what did you do?" God Su Jin asked mysteriously.

Xia Yuyan's complexion changed, and her pink halo spread rapidly on her face. Even though she was not too old at that time, the sloppy behavior of this guy made her remember!

"Fuck, you go to death now, I won't care about you anymore..."

Xia Yuyan cursed, really unable to tell the feeling that she was filled with shadows at the time, that was the first time she was put on her pants by the naughty child Su Jin——

"Blam me, human nature blames me?" Su Jin tried to whitewash himself.

"Why don't you blame you at that time?" Xia Yuyan argued hard.

"When I was young, everyone was ignorant. Boys were very curious about girls' body structure. Isn't it normal?"

"Normal you big-headed ghost, don't talk about it, shamelessly big guy."

"If you don't play, you won't play." Su Jin's eyes were very sharp, and he asked: "Now you tell me seriously, don't let my husband come in to sleep, what do you mean!"

"Punishment, it's very clear." Xia Yuyan rolled her eyes and said.

"Now my husband gets rid of the punishment, but I still come in, but I think you know that a door can't stop me, so you didn't sleep, waiting for your husband, right?" Su Jin asked.

"The door is not locked at all..." Xia Yuyan's expression was very speechless.

Su Jin:...

Playing psychological warfare, the temperament wife wins.

What a pit, a huge prehistoric pit——

Su Jin immediately grabbed Xia Yuyan's wrist, ignored her whispered exclamation, forcibly dragged her to the side of the bed, sat down and pressed her on her lap.

"I'm not afraid of you." Xia Yuyan struggled to no avail, and immediately changed her tone: "Help...ah--"

"Papa", "Papa", "Papa"!

On Xia Yuyan's black tube skirt, Su Jin was photographed several times in a row, and the sound was clear, without mercy!

Immediately, Xia Yuyan was beaten and cried, sobbing loudly.

"Tell me, at home, who is in charge of riding horses?" Su Jin said leisurely and slowly: "Ahem, it's your father. But among us, it is the young master."

"You are domestic violence, I want to tell my dad." Xia Yuyan was still a woman after all, and she was naturally reluctant to be bullied by Su Jin.

"You told your big aunt that you can't do it, you dare to talk back, don't you?" Su Jin turned her over, watched the tears swirling in her eyes, tilted his head and looked lightly.

Xia Yuyan raised her mouth and her face gradually became quiet. This time she gently got up from Su Jin's arms, but the official Su did not stop her.

She seems to know that there is no way out of confrontation. Xia Yuyan leaned slightly, tears have been absorbed by her eyes, and now her eyes were filled with innocence, she sulked her small mouth, and said softly, "Master~ I was wrong. ."

"Know your mistakes and correct them, and make mistakes again and again. My husband is narrow-minded, and forgive you this time. But you have to remember how hard this ‘forgive’ is and know how to cherish it." Su Jin said earnestly.


"Sleep, close your eyes, and don't open them." Su Jin gave the order.

Sure enough, Xia Yuyan climbed onto the bed, closed her eyes honestly, and placed her hands naturally on the white shirt on her flat stomach.

Su Jin snapped his fingers, the lights in the room went out, and his wife’s office laptop was closed by him. He sighed inwardly, walked to the sofa opposite the bed, and sat cross-legged. His injury still needs to be resolved urgently. For the time being, his children’s personal relationship can only be left aside. Now his strength is greatly reduced, and he always seems to have a sharp sword hanging above his head, making him very uncomfortable with this feeling of insecurity. .

Time passed in the night.


The light of dawn often rises. As the temperature in the room rises bit by bit, Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of hot sunlight poured into his pupils. He felt very good and comfortable, although his strength was restored. Less than 30%, but the trauma has almost disappeared!

Su Jin picked up the phone and glanced at it.

It’s already past eight o’clock in the second Olympics. He has a lot of things left to do when he returns to Qincheng. The school flower group "Fairy Tale Band" didn't know whether it was fired or not. This beauty group is his top priority in entering the entertainment industry, and it is bound to make them popular.

Most importantly, there are still a few missed calls on the phone!

Su Jin's head was as big as a fight. First, he opened a short message, only to realize that it was the younger brother Nangong who saw no one answered and sent him a message.

And this news also made Su Jin frowned, and the content was to make him go to Haoran Villa as soon as possible. Tang Yuxun was ill, and there was no sign of waking up from sleep until now. Her father Tang Linzhe was already mad...

Tang Yuxun was escorted home by Xiao Zhanyun last night. It is reasonable that there shouldn't be an accident. Everything was normal before—

After returning to Nangong's little brother with a message of ‘Go right away’, Su Jin got up and didn’t even change his clothes. He walked out wearing those beach shorts, and then drove away from the residence.

More than an hour later, the nameless mountain descended.

The "Haoran Villa" above is already in sight.

At the intersection under the mountain, Su Jin saw a young girl pacing back and forth, her hands clasped, and her expression seemed very anxious.

It is a small bunting.

When it was impossible to contact Su Jin directly, Haoran Villa sent someone to contact the younger brother of Nangong, and learned that Su Jin would arrive as soon as possible. Little Caiqi approached Su Jin in the past, and everyone else was busy with Miss Tang’s affairs. Running around, she was the only one who came to the intersection with anxiety and hoped that Su Jin would arrive soon.

"Su Jin!" Seeing Su Jin parked his car on the side of the road, Xiao Caiqi couldn't help running over quickly.

"Be careful..." Su Jin turned around, saw a puddle of light black things on the ground in front of him, and said, the distance between the two of them was very short of more than 20 meters, but Nizi was very nervous. It's now at the highway junction, I don't know who's car leaked a lot of oil on the road, and the small flag is still wearing flat slippers!

Official Su spoke too late.

Little Caiqi staggered backwards, finally grasped the balance, and started to fall forward again. Fortunately, she is very close to Su Jin now, she instinctively feels that she can catch him!

Where can I manage so much, but the next situation, it seems that the world has stopped turning——

Little Caiqi did not fall, Su Jin lowered his head and looked at Xiao Caiqi's arm, already full of innocence.

The sister of the colorful flag is extraordinary...

"I, I, I didn't mean it!" Little Caiqi was about to cry. She was shocked. She pulled her hand back and immediately rubbed her clothes. She found that she would rather fall than that.

It's the kind of indescribable shame!

Su Jin was sober from a daze, with a weird expression, and said to Little Caiqi: "Goodbye~ Fortunately, it is me. If it is your little aunt, you must fall to death—"

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