My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1096: Han Enjing?

"I reject--"

The little colored flag first crossed the slender willow waist with his hand, and then stretched out the other hand, compared to a scissor hand and swayed over the pair of big eyes, flashing in his eyes: "After all, I am innocent and beautiful. Kind and cute new girl little bunting..."

"A girl is your true color?" Su Jin asked in a daze.

"Yes, it's the baby's protective color. The baby is inspiring to be the happiest happy sweetheart in the world, so you don't need to teach you to be a woman~" Little Caiqi blinked his eyes.

Su Jin:...

The eldest master thought that Xiao Caiqi was young, had not very rich experience, and might be a little nervous, but now it does not seem to be the case, she can't deceive her at all.

"Alright, I will come again at night. In the daytime, I can't help your little aunt at all." Seeing the hopelessness of the induction, Su Jin simply planned to go to the company first. Although Luan Yan had sister Yan, he was very relieved, but there was If he hasn't been there for a while, he will definitely be a little worried. After all, he has such a small property now and must take care of it...

"Wow, can you really make Auntie wake up?" Little Caiqi asked very much.

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"Great, I believe you can do it too!"

Little Caiqi asked tightly: "What the **** is the deceitful Zhang Tianshi? Why did you let him go?"

"Oh. It's also a lifeline..." Su Jin sighed sentimentally, "I'm leaving, and I have to wait for me to come back tonight anyway."

As he said, Su Jin walked past Xiao Caiqi, and a voice of embarrassment came from behind him where he hadn't walked far.

"Teacher Wolf, if you really want to rescue the little aunt, the baby sheep will be willing to let you catch and eat it at night—"

The words are naturally said by the little colorful flags.

Hearing the sound, Su Jin, who was holding his pocket, did not turn his head. A weird smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and he quietly said four words: "A word is definite!"

It seems that this little colorful flag doesn't understand anything! Even his own conspiracy and tricks have been seen through. If you don't take her down at night, wouldn't you be sorry for the resounding name of "Qin City's First Wolf"?

For a time, the motivation seemed to be more sufficient.

Little Caiqi covered her face with her hands, and watched Su Jin go further and further away from her fingers, and finally disappeared into her vision. Her heart was also very contradictory. Why did she have to say such a thing.


Luan Yan Media.

At noon, Su Jin slowly parked the "Death Supercar" in the parking space and got out of the car.

After entering the door, Su Jin first found Sun Youquan and found that this buddy was eating lunch ordered online, so he asked him to notify Lan Yan after the meal and let her meet him in the office.

Immediately, Su Jin returned to his own boss's office.

But the moment he opened the door and walked in, Su Jin's eyes widened...

He found a beautiful woman on his desk, drooling, sleeping on her stomach!

This beauty is no one else, but the quirky fox who loves to make trouble-Fox Tiantian!

Hu Tiantian suddenly realized that someone was approaching and fell asleep peacefully. She wore a **** shirt and tie on her upper body. Below the slender waist, there was a short skirt with blue lines and plaid with long legs. Come out, at the end is a pair of pointed light pink high heels with a bow.

This girl's dress is very professional--

It seems that Hu Tiantian has really integrated into the atmosphere of a professional woman.

Su Jin stopped by her side, stretched out his finger to pick her mouth, a ray of crystal saliva appeared, which made him shook his head, and then raised his hand in the bulge of Hu Tiantian’s short skirt. From the top, hit hard.


The noise appeared.

"Who, who's hitting someone!" Hu Tiantian was stupefied by such a move, and she opened her eyes to see Su Jin, who was staring at her with a smile but a smile. She got up and held her hands in front of her and exclaimed, "Oh, Stinking rogue……"

Stinking rogue? what's the situation?

Su Jin was stunned.

Hu Tiantian pouted her small pink mouth with an unreasonable appearance. Just now she opened her eyes after sucking her saliva, and found that this guy’s eyes were very dishonest, and her position in front of her was completely pressed. On the desk, it is natural to attract his attention, but he also took the opportunity to hit him behind, what is it not a gangster!

"Tiantian, it feels like your style of painting has changed drastically. When did you start to take the pure line?" Su Jin slowly asked.

"Sister Yan said, being a woman can't be careless, you should be more reserved, you can't sit on the owner casually, let alone charm the owner and others..." Hu Tiantian couldn't continue.

"What are you doing with you?" Su Jin licked his lips and looked at Fox Tiantian, who was wearing a red tie on a snow-white shirt, as if a flame was burning in his heart!

"Oh, it's embarrassing." Hu Tiantian wrinkled her nose, swaying her golden ratio figure, pouting her small mouth and embarrassed eyes, Su Jin was even more impatient.

Oops, I can't help it!

Su Jin took a deep breath, sinking his heart, and then suppressed that feeling. Sure enough, Hu Tiantian, who has learned the skill, has a set of skills, and the ability to hook people is getting greater and greater!

"No matter how pure the performance is, it can't match the fact that you are lying on Lao Tzu's table, your posture is not elegant, come down to me." Su Jin said quietly.

Hu Tiantian stretched her waist, she stood on the table with her light and delicate figure, and opened her arms to Su Jin with her little tongue, and said, "I won't come down, no...unless, Unless you are willing to hug people down."

Su Jin watched quietly, tapped his mouth for a while, opened his arms and nodded: "Come on, please."

"Catch it--" Hu Tiantian actually jumped off the table.

This this! It's hard to change your nature!

Between Su Jin's arms, there was a sweet and fragrant beauty in her arms, and Hu Tiantian trembled in front of her. Although the two of them were far away face to face, their good figure had perfectly impressed Master Su.

The young master is very curious, such a fierce figure, is there a number she wears in the store?

"Cough cough." There was an unnatural soft cough in front of the office.

Su Jin hugged Hu Tiantian face to face, and the girl lifted her feet off the ground, her whole body hung on him, and it was nothing...

"Sister Yan." Hu Tiantian's face flushed, leaving Su Jin's embrace, standing aside honestly, watching Lan Yan walk in.

Su Jin didn't care. He walked up to his boss chair and sat down unconsciously, folded his hands, supported his arms on the table, and said, "Sister Yan, please sit down."

Lan Yan nodded and sat down at close range across from Su Jin.

"Let's talk about it, has our company done anything lately." Su Jin wanted to hear Lan Yan's report.

"Good boss." Lan Yan was dressed up as a president, with a good temperament and standing upright. She went on to say: "The company has arranged several activities recently. The first is to push the'fairy tale band'. After going out, the photobooks of the members of the fairy tale band have gained the headlines of major websites recently after careful operation by the team, and the response was strong. The four people formally appeared in the form of a team the day before yesterday and announced the establishment of the band."

"Good job." Su Jin nodded.

"Secondly, the little dragon girl Long Han is also very busy recently. I have held two autographs in Qincheng. The scenes... Of course, I don’t need to say any more. We found some of the most famous musicians to write to her. A few songs are currently being recorded and planned to be released as albums."

"Continue." Su Jin became more satisfied as he listened.

"The third one is Park Yoona. It is rumored that she met with Han Enjing, a well-known Korean actor and musician, in private. Now it is reported that Han Enjing is about to sign with Luan Yan Media--" Lan Yan blinked and laughed.

Su Jin was stunned.

Han Enjing?

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