My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1101: Win or lose

Who is the king of singers?

Asiba~Su Jin actually wants to sing with other world-class singers!

Park Yoona is already crying at this moment, I haven't heard you sing before, brother——

Lan Yan is not much better. I want to say, Boss, let's not sing in front of the king of singers, but go back and do the ease with the shopkeeper.

But goose...

Su Jin was still indifferent, and had not planned to change after he had spoken. The so-called utterances are probably to describe his aura!

"It's better than fighting." Park Yoona looked at Su Jin and said something in Huaxia, telling the truth, it is estimated that Su Jin can defeat Han Enjing in a fight. If it is better than singing, it is estimated that she will be crushed by a girl...

"Just don't trust the boss?" Su Jin frowned slightly, his tone also quite dissatisfied.

"Boss, we have never heard you sing a song, so..." Lan Yan's face was not very good.

"Yes~ You still quietly be your beautiful man, and you can't sing better than Eunjing~" Park Yoona said truthfully.

"Come on... come on, gamble or not, you guys are so special, don't press the Lord, what if I win!" Su Jin was a little angry, what is this all, a stick from a horse, can Where to hang, the young master refuses!

"You can bet any way--" Lan Yan said weakly, suppressed by Su Jin's aura.

"Yes." Park Yoona didn't know if it was due to the country, and she often murmured her mouth clearly when she spoke, and she looked very smelly.

"Okay, you can bet any way, right? The young master will just put it here. If you win me, each of you will give me 50 million Chinese coins." Su Jin's slinger stood up and continued: "If you lose, Today 1+1 is equal to 2, and I will roll the sheets in the hotel with Lao Tzu for one night!"

Lan Yan:...

Park Yoona:...

For some reason, Lan Yan faintly felt a bad feeling in her heart. For the boss of Su Da, she didn't know much about her identity and background, such as her identity and background. She only knew that she was generous. In fact, all the bosses are like this and rich!

But you can't spend it like that if you have money?

It's more true to be a true singer with Han Enjing, and you can even pressure yourself to win, bet 100 million, it is estimated that no one in the world can have this kind of spirit! Unless, he is really emboldened and has a unique skill at the bottom of the box! But it doesn't look like it at all--

Park Yoona’s thoughts are different from Lan Yan. She looks at it from the perspective of a professional and cannot be compared at all. After all, Han Enjing's voice range is very wide, and she can control almost all types of songs. The high pitch and low pitch are well-known. Few heavyweight singers can match them, so from this perspective, Su Jin, as a little-known company boss, is indeed incomparable.

Only the ignorant Han Enjing was left in the scene. She really wondered why Su Jin had the courage to sing better with herself. If she knew that Su Jin was such a frivolous person, she would never come to see him even if she had a good relationship with Park Yoona. he.

Originally, because Su Jin’s beach pants at the opening seemed impolite on this occasion, this also caused Han Enjing’s first impression of him to be not very good, and the impression of the opening was half lost, and this person dared to speak up with himself. Fight who is the king of singers!

"Yona, you translate." Su Jin started to get excited when seeing that the two girls had acquiesced to the gambling. This was interesting.

"Oh." There was a flush of red on Park Yoona's face, which might be a little embarrassing. After all, she knew that Su Jin spoke the same.

"Ms. Han Enjing, your new album is about nature, so let's compare, who knows nature better, who sings more flavor, if the judges are the judges, let Yoona and Mr. Lan of my company be the judges. What do you think? "

Su Jin asked.

As soon as Park Yoona interpreted, Han Enjing heard it, her face was obviously hesitant, but she nodded gently the next moment.

Listening to this, it was a natural sound, Han Enjing would definitely not be afraid of Su Jin.

Seeing Park Yoona's promise, Su Jin stood up, facing the sea, and opened his mouth under the gaze of the three women!


Famous song: Dolphin sound!

Su Jin is simply speaking out, Han Enjing and Park Yoona, who are extremely sensitive to voices, were shocked, and even Miss Eunjeong even covered her heart with her hands.

The difficulty of this dolphin sound is absolutely 5 stars. Without strong lung capacity and ultra-high and ultra-low range, it can't be controlled at all. The sharp to extreme tone reaches the peak, and it feels like a breakthrough in the sky. The super bass that can penetrate the earth again, the gap is so big that it is simply unimaginable!

Although Su Jin sang a dolphin sound, not only did the three women feel piercing, but they felt a real feeling of being close to nature. His voice seemed to be fused with air, nature, and sea water, letting you listen Those who have lost their faces can't help but feel red and excited, feeling too self-sufficient.

For five full minutes, the three women closed their eyes and seemed to have been submerged in the frenzy of music. No one cared about gambling or who wins and who loses. Maybe they are lucky enough to hear this kind of voice. Happiness.

The voice fell.

The three girls also opened their eyes, and their eyes shone in the same way, as if they hadn't been relieved from that situation. It's too deep into the soul, it's incredible.

"Miss Han Enjing, please." Su Jin turned around, holding one hand behind him, and making an invitation with the other.

Miss Han Enjing was embarrassed now, her face flushed, never expected that Su Jin turned out to be a super master in music.

"I, lost." Han Enjing said helplessly.

The difficulty of this kind of voice, even though her vocal range is not narrow, it is not something she can sing if she wants to sing. She is not afraid to compare goods, but to compare others. She is convinced that she loses.


These two words don't just mean that Su Jin defeated Han Enjing.

Lan Yan already burst into tears in her heart, her face flushed, and she didn't expect the boss to hide such a hand. Han Enjing already had the number, that is to say, the old lady was going to lose her body at night!

This this……

Park Yoona looked at Su Jin dumbly. She and the boss didn’t know her anymore, but Boss Su hadn’t revealed his talent in music at all. This time he shot it, and it stunned people. She almost had the same thoughts as Lan Yan, and the boss's words seemed to appear in her ears.

1+1 is equal to 2.

"Oba~ I have a stomachache and I'm very uncomfortable~ I'll go home first." Park Yoona looked at Su Jin and said, but that kind of crappy tone made people listen very funny.

Hear the words.

Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Don't you want to experience the feeling of experiencing the first time?" Su Jin asked a few people indifferently.

What did it feel for the first time?

And the next scene almost made the three women worship Su Jin to the extreme!

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