My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1111: Sleep together!

Walking on the mountain path--

My goodness, the little Caiqi thinks more and more dare not think about it. Although she is a young girl in the 28th and 8th, she doesn't break the law, but the shameful person blushes when thinking about it. She even lowers her head slightly now. I dare not even look at Su Jin.

"Old girl, where you live, it's quite far away." Su Jin had passed by three pavilions, and he was still heading west. Although the mountain is not big, it takes a lot of time.

"Shut up, baby doesn't want to talk to you." Little Caiqi said softly.

"The teacher actually doesn't want to stay, but the hospitality is difficult. You Tang family is so enthusiastic, how can I refuse it." Su Jin shook his head, but his hands were not idle.

While the two of them were walking, he gently touched with his hands... the little hand touching the small colored flag seemed to be unintentional, but Su Jin couldn't help it, and simply grabbed the matter!

"You, what are you doing, let go, or I'll shout." Little Caiqi did not dare to frown in a loud voice, and yelled weakly.

But it's not convincing at all!

"You shout, what did I do to you?" Su Jin asked, pretending not to understand.

"You take my hand--" Little Caiqi said blushing.

"Pulling your hand without pulling your clothes, as your most admired life mentor, has this action crossed the line?" Su Jin asked again.

Small flags:...


Who made him his life mentor! Don’t become a passive person in the end, return to life——

"What kind of knowledge do you know, so dare and confidently want to be someone else's teacher." Xiao Caiqi asked angrily.


Unexpectedly, this silence was silent, but it seemed to be caught by the little colorful flag, and then the little colorful flag sneered: "I can't tell you anymore."

"I'm actually counting... It seems that I can do too many poses, but not too few." Su Jin regretted hitting the small colorful banner.

"You, you." Xiao Caiqi's eyes rolled and she said immediately: "But how do I feel that you are being ill-intentioned? Girls' sixth sense is very accurate. They are still high school students. Why do you say you have the heart to get it? !"

"No way, if you don’t eat the first crop of grass, the second wave will be old, and I don’t agree with the sixth sense you said, but although I don’t agree, I think your so-called sixth sense predicts that the aunt will come. It's quite accurate." Su Jin smiled.

Little Caiqi was speechless again, several times secretly trying to get rid of Su Jin’s big hands, but to no avail, she could only look around carefully, feeling that no one would find out, so she dared to let him take it away, and said while walking. .

The atmosphere fell into an inexplicable embarrassment.

"My little aunt likes you very much." Little Caiqi said suddenly.

"But I also like you very much, this triangle relationship, this young master is stunned, what do you say?" Su Jin deeply understands the'old wolf coup', knowing that you have to confess as soon as possible, no matter what you do, you will never be'very stable'. wrong.

"I do not know--"

Xiao Caiqi's heart is very complicated. When Su Jin said that she likes herself very much, she felt like a wisp of nectar from the room in her heart. It was sweet. She was happy but also scared of this feeling.

"If you don't know, just let it happen, and the teacher won't force you." Su Jin sighed.

It turns out that the little girl is really not daring, so she can do something a little more open, and she can’t stay at night by default, and do whatever she wants. This feeling is really hurt for Su Jin~

"Then why are you staying."

Little Caiqi seemed to have adapted to the feeling of being led by Su Jin, and her voice was softer, almost returning to her normal feeling.

"If you can, I think you will bring me a night's fragrance..." Su Jin deliberately grabbed his talent and glanced at the small colorful banner.

"Baby hasn't graduated from high school. Babies don't understand what you mean~" Xiao Caiqi said blankly.

"You'll understand in a while, let's go to sleep first, why... the place where you live hasn't arrived yet?" Su Jin looked up and asked.

"Just in front, oops... You said that if you weren't there, I could sleep with the little aunt, and it wouldn't be so troublesome at all." Xiao Caiqi complained.

What can Su Jin say, as if he wanted to stay in the villa very much--

Sure enough, less than a minute after the little colorful flag spoke, the two separated their hands and came to a small courtyard surrounded by unknown hardwood stakes, and an exquisite wooden building appeared in Sujin. In my eyes, although the place is not large, I feel that the overall collocation is carefully designed.

Entering the wooden building, Xiao Caiqi opened the bedroom door nervously. When he saw Su Jin, he blocked him first. The **** mysteriously said: "Can I trust you?"

"You must trust." Su Jin nodded and said.

"Okay, you come in." Xiao Caiqi turned around and walked to the bed, took off her sandals, crawled onto the bed and sat, staring at Su Jin.

Big eyes and small eyes--

"Is there a room next door?" Su Jin had never seen such a terrifying look in the beautiful girl's little colorful flag, so he said actively.

He plans to stay here for one night.

It was late at night, and it was early morning before long. It seemed like a time-consuming rushing back now, and he had not rested.

"No." It's okay not to mention it, and it's very depressed to mention the small colorful flag.

"Old girl, you--" Su Jin stared at the little colorful flag, "Or, I'll go back."

"No, the Patriarch's words are the same. If you know that you are going back, you will think that I have been poorly entertained, I have lost courtesy, and deliberately annoyed you and drove you away."

The little bunting has a girlish face and pouting her mouth.

"Really not?"

How did Su Jin feel unbelievable.

"I have four rooms here, and the other three rooms are occupied by five girls. They are all servants. I can't drive you to their room and sleep with them!" Little Caiqi gritted his teeth.

"Why didn't you explain to Uncle Tang just now?" Su Jin was helpless, looking around this small wooden room, it seemed that besides the bed, only the floor could sleep...

"He manages everything and is very busy. How can I understand these things? I am afraid of him, so I dare not say it." Xiao Caiqi told the truth.

"Otherwise, I have a suggestion." Su Jin said to Xiao Caiqi very seriously.

"What?" Little Caiqi's eyes were very puzzled.

"You sleep on the floor." Su Jin touched his chin, realizing that it was feasible, and nodded.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Little Caiqi was immediately dumbfounded——

what! ! !

Now that the universe is invincible and the sweethearted girl sleeps on the floor? Is there any reason?

Little Caiqi only felt a little black in her eyes. When Su Jin grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her down, she suddenly lost her senses and exclaimed angrily:

"I don't want to sleep on the floor!"

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