My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1117: What a big deal!

Palace Master Zichen looked at Su Jin's back at this moment, his eyes showed appreciation.

"It's not suitable to talk about this here. After three days when you go to the capital, you and my master and apprentice will talk separately." Palace Master Zichen said.

"Okay." Because Su Jin was facing his back, the special brilliance in his eyes was not seen by others.

"Tui'er remembers to arrive on time, and I will go ahead with the real person Qiankun."

"for sure."

Immediately, Su Jin did not send the three masters, but stood still and slowly closed his eyes.

Regarding the hiding and hiding of Master Zichen, he also said that it was not good whether it was dissatisfaction, but it was true that he was unhappy. Maybe he was still not at home, he knew that the energy of China Great World was scarce and he had learned The realm of the master is not easy, and his current strength, although it is amazing and stunning, but from the umbrella spirit of the Nine Dragon Umbrella, it seems that it is outside the domain, which is not very impressive.

Three days later, he will inevitably rush to the capital. If possible, get to know Fairy Ziyun, and if he can't, he has to ask about the situation outside the territory.

He didn't know exactly what the meeting would be. Lin Yuanyuan always felt that there was something to say about it. It was the first time that he met, so he didn't know how to ask.

Su Jin returned to the empty living room and sat for less than five minutes. Only one person came back...

Xia Yuyan.

The three distinguished guests were brought by Xia Honghai, and naturally they had to be sent to the designated place, so sending them away, Xia Yuyan was a little worried about Su Jin's state, and hurried back to her residence immediately.

Su Jin leaned on the sofa and squinted at Xia Yuyan.

Wearing a pretty yellow dress on her, she is elegant among the ladies. She is extremely beautiful at first, but she still has such a good figure. It is also good for the physical and mental health of officials and raises eyes——

"You are not allowed to go to the capital." Xia Yuyan said, standing in front of Su Jin, looking at the sitting young master.

"Oh? Why?" Su Jin looked at her puzzledly and asked.

"If there is no reason, you are not allowed to go, unless you give a reason that can convince me."

"It's just a meeting. Is it so serious?" Su Jin let out a deep breath, "By the way, give money to some plastic surgery industries."

"Send money?"

"Yes, don't you dislike Laozi for being handsome? I heard that some plastic surgery institutions in the capital are top in the industry, I plan to put a knife on the face." Su Jin said.

"Oh, you are serious about making jokes with you, don't you?" Xia Yuyan was already speechless, seeing Su Jin's statement.

"Seriously, I decided to be more handsome."

"They're so handsome, let other men survive, okay, husband." Xia Yuyan sat beside him, smiling: "Listen to me, don't go."

"It must be going. You don't have to persuade you anymore. I know what you are worried about. I'm just going to the capital." Su Jin shook his head and put his hand on her lap.

It's so fine, slap on it has achieved a very wonderful feeling.

"Your injury—" Xia Yuyan hesitated slightly. She knew that this was ordered by the master of Su Jin. She just tried it. If it didn't work, she wouldn't be entangled. It's just that this guy has always been a'restless' in her heart. , Plus there are injuries...

"It's okay early."

Su Jin estimated that his injuries would be healed within two days of death, and it would not be a problem to recover his strength.

"I know I can't persuade you, you can do it yourself."

Xia Yuyan's face was full of helplessness, and she was not a person who didn't know the importance of it. Knowing what Su Jin decided was difficult for others to shake, neither could she.

"Don't worry, this is not my sky. To the vast world, Qin City is as small as a grain of rice. If I fall here, I will really lose. You still don't believe in my husband's ability?"

Su Jinman said indifferently, as if he had a great appetite. His hand picked up the thin skirt, and his palm smoothly touched the skin of the beautiful leg above Yuyan's knees. The taste was indescribable, as if touching As comfortable as touching the water.

Xia Yuyan realized that there was nothing he could not do without Master Su. Seeing the scene, she couldn't control it. She quickly slapped Su Jin's hand off, hiding her embarrassed expression that was not easily detectable, and said softly, "I'm going to work. No, don't run around, take care of your injuries."

"I'm definitely not going to run around. You didn't go in the morning. Why don't you stay home with me. There is no one in the house anyway." Su Jin was warm in his heart, staring at Xia Yuyan.

"To accompany you? Put down the business and accompany you? What do you think in your head." Xia Yuyan asked in a weird tone, very skillfully and simply: "Hey, why do you want me to accompany you?"

"Sleep." Su Jin said seriously.

"go to bed?"

"Yes, my wife, I haven't slept almost all night. I will feel very sad when you leave. Only by holding you can I sleep peacefully on the bed." Su Jin nodded and said some truth without thinking.

It seems that the officials did not rest well!

"Cut. I'm looking for death--" Xia Yuyan raised her hand to Su Jin after she got up, waved her powder fist, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised. She couldn't hear what Su Jin meant to be unpredictable, and what's more, she couldn't believe what Su Jin said now, this guy was disobedient.

"People all over the world don't understand me, you go to work, I want to be quiet by myself." Su Jin waved his hand with a lot of emotion.

"Should I go?" Xia Yuyan greeted with hesitation.

"Go ahead."

Su Jin knows that his wife is very career-oriented, and his wife has nothing to do with him, so why not be like her, there is nothing he can do with her——

Then, after hearing the sound of harp steps, the door of the living room also closed a little later. Su Jin just lay on the sofa and slowly closed his eyes. He was really sleepy...


I don't know how long it took.


Su Jin vaguely heard a rush of slippers stepping on the ground, and then a familiar smell snorted along with his breath.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law! What a big deal--"

Xia Yunxi was sitting on the side of the sofa, in front of Su Jin's sleeping belly, and while talking, she shook violently at Young Master Su.

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