My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 112: Wang Fuxiang

"Sir, what do you want?" the girl asked.

Su Jin thought for a while, looked up and asked: "You are here, do you support swiping cards."

He ignored it, feeling a little bit choking, it's not big here.

"No support..." The girl shook her head as expected.

Su Jin felt that he had made a mistake, and then pointed to something in the store, "I want all of these here. Wait for me first, and I will get the money."

"Huh?" The girl looked at the figure of Su Jin leaving the words and walking out, a little surprised, but she felt that Su Jin seemed to really want to buy, thinking of this, she also started to operate, if he really does not come, She also spent some time.

Fortunately, the ATM machine was not far away, it was just a road away. When Su Jin waited to fetch the money, the girl's eyes lit up.

"Beauty, did you make a mistake?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

"Uh, don't you want these?" The girl still didn't understand.

Su Jin shook his head and pointed to a large shelf, "I mean, I want everything on it."


The girl was dumbfounded.

Soon Su Jin moved down more than 20 large and small, and the girl was a little embarrassed. She seldom saw anyone with such a handwriting. Usually, her children came to choose, but only one. , Where to empty the entire shelf like him.

"Can it be delivered?" Su Jin took out the money to settle the girl.

"Yes." The girl could see that Su Jin was a very generous man, and she didn't talk about the price, but she was also very acquainted with two hundred yuan less. These toys cost nearly two thousand in total.

"That's good. It's better to hurry up." Su Jin wrote down the address at the girl's request, and then left with a one-meter-high'Ari'.

At this moment, Yang Huiru was bringing food to the table. She looked at Mengmeng and said, "Mengmeng, how about him?"

"Dad is out." Li Mengmeng happily played with Barbie.

"Oh." Yang Huiru took off his apron.

Li Mengmeng then smiled and put the Barbie doll aside, "Dad said coming soon, we have to wait for him."

"Okay." As soon as Yang Huiru's voice fell, there was a knock on the door.

"It's Dad!" Li Mengmeng trot up and opened the door...

The flaming Ari is more than one meter tall, and is more than a circle larger than Li Mengmeng's body. At this time, she opened her eyes wide, showing a cute expression, and said dumbly: "Wow..."

Putting Ari in Li Mengmeng's arms, although the little guy didn't hold it hard, it blocked her whole body, which looked quite funny.

Yang Huiru, who was on the side, smiled and said nothing.

"Thank you Dad." Li Mengmeng turned around and said to Yang Huiru: "Mom, help me put my bed on my bed."

Yang Huiru took it, and Li Mengmeng followed.

Su Jin can enjoy a rare warmth here, especially Li Mengmeng is quite cute. She is relatively young and smart, and she will definitely be admitted to a good university in the future.

As Yang Huiru walked out, she looked at Su Jin and said, "Let's eat."

Su Jin nodded, sat at the table, thought for a while and said, "If there is any difficulty or someone embarrass you, you must tell me."

"No." Yang Huiru felt that life had never been as stable as it is now, and all of these have to thank Su Jin. Without him, she would definitely be very miserable now. She kept that grateful heart in her heart and did not say come out.

"If you go to work, it's good." Su Jin felt that if Yang Huiru didn't go to work, it would be quite boring to stay at home. Although it was a bit more troublesome, it would be nice to not delay Mengmeng's study. He thought for a while and said: " I will send Mengmeng to school, and you will have a good rest at home."

"How good is this, you must be very busy, let me go." Yang Huiru helped Su Jin pick up vegetables.

"Not too busy." Su Jin heard Li Mengmeng frolicking in the room, feeling a rare peace in his heart.

Now that Su Jin said so, Yang Huiru did not insist anymore, nodded, and started to eat in small bites.

In the afternoon, Li Mengmeng smiled at Yang Huiru and said, "Goodbye, mom."

"Goodbye, cute." Yang Huiru made a gesture of goodbye.

"Dad, let's go, by the way, can you help me beat someone later?" Li Mengmeng carried his schoolbag and went out.

Su Jin is dumb, what the **** is this little Nizi going to do to let herself help beat people?

"Who?" Su Jin also joked.

"A chubby man named Fatty Liu. I said my father is very powerful. He doesn't believe him. He said that his father can beat you to the ground. Go and beat the little one before looking for him." Li Mengmeng said seriously. .

Su Jin almost didn't laugh out loud and let himself fight with a kid. He had done it since he was a child, and he hadn't done it in more than ten years. It's really bad for her to think of it.

After getting in the car, Li Mengmeng was still talking constantly, Su Jin teased her from time to time, and the two soon came to the elementary school she was studying.

"Dad, you have to visit us often in the future." Li Mengmeng said in front of Su Jin.

"Definitely." Su Jin assured her.

"Retracting hook." Li Mengmeng seemed a little distrustful of Su Jin, and stretched out her little finger.

Su Jin's face turned green. I don't know how many years I haven't done such a naive thing, but in order to deal with this Nizi, I had to stretch out my hand.

Seeing Li Mengmeng after seeing him goodbye, he thought for a while, it would be nice to have such a daughter.

Su Jin pulled the car door and was about to sit in, when Yu Guangzhong saw a girl walking up quickly.

"It's you?" The girl's eyes lit up and she felt a little surprised. She often met Yang Huiru to pick up Li Mengmeng, but since this little girl went to school, Su Jin has only appeared this time.

Su Jin was also taken aback, and said with a smile: "Hello, Principal Fang."

It was Fang Jing who appeared. At this time, she was wearing a well-formed black teacher's costume, which could actually make her look more old-fashioned. After all, she is not very old. If she wears jeans or a skirt, I am afraid that others will not be convinced.

"You are quite rich." Fang Jing looked at Su Jin's car, and she was secretly shocked.

"Fortunately, so." Su Jin nodded.

"Or, go in for a cup of tea?" Fang Jing said while looking at Su Jin.

"That's not bothering you." Su Jin's eyes turned slightly. He saw that Fang Jing had become a principal at such a young age. It must not be easy, so I felt that it would be nice to get to know him, anyway.

"Don't bother, please." Fang Jing smiled, and then carried a black leather bag. Although it made Su Jin feel a little earthy, she might have done so because she wanted to hide her youth.

Unlike others, Fang Jing, as the principal, has her own separate office, which is much more convenient for handling some things.

After Su Jin followed her into the house in a three-story building, he couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect you to become the principal at such a young age."

"My father, it's the principal, understand?" Fang Jing put aside the purse, then found the cup, poured a cup of tea for Su Jin, and then sat in her seat, wearing a large black Frame glasses.

Su Jin suddenly felt that Fang Jing's dressing like this fits her temperament. She looks like a career-type strong woman. She feels like she is blind as the principal. Maybe she feels that the principal can still climb up. After all, she The starting point after graduation is so high, and the future will certainly be extraordinary.

Su Jin dragged his chin, stared at Fang Jing's face, and went away unconsciously.

"Why look at me like this?" Fang Jing asked with curious eyes, her face unchanged.

"Look at beautiful women." Su Jin joked, "You have a good face."

"My face? It's not bad?" Fang Jing was a little speechless. Although she was a little confident about her appearance, she was not so outstanding, at least in some men's serious, melon face, high rhinoplasty, big eyes and cheeks. She is pure and flawless, she is a standard big beauty. She probably doesn't account for these. She is quite satisfactory. If high is not low, she is mediocre. She still understands this.

"It must be very good. You have a face." Su Jin has a smile in his eyes. He once learned some from the old guy in the amateur, and he feels that the old guy still has two brushes, and sometimes the calculation is more accurate. Although he has only learned a little bit in this respect.

"What kind of face?" Fang Jing was obviously interested. She didn't expect Su Jin to be able to show people the picture. This surprised her a bit, but she also thought about it, not letting Su Jin be deceiving. Molested her.

Sure enough, Su Jin stood up earnestly, stretched out her hand, raised her hand on her chin, looked left and right, just like familiar people, then looked at Fang Jing's hairy signs, nodded and said: " I’m right, you have Vanguard."

"You..." Fang Jing's eyes widened, and she felt bad in her heart. This guy is so rich, it must not be such a good thing, don't you start teasing herself!

Su Jin really saw that Fang Jing’s face was indeed what the old guy said. Her small mouth was also a little thin, and she looked very beautiful. The most important thing was that he had just discovered that there was a sesame seed on Fang Jing’s right face close to her ear. It would be strange if it weren't for the vanguard appearance.

"Am I wrong?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"It must be wrong!" Fang Jing said very positively, then stared at him and said, "You just said I was pretty?"


"But, why haven't I had a boy chasing me in the past few years?" Fang Jing snorted, "You said I have a Wangfuxiang!"

"Yeah, I said you have a Wangfuxiang, but I didn't say you have a yu woman. No man likes you, it must be because of your own reasons, or that fate has not come." Su Jin took a sip of tea. At least I can be sure, whoever marries you in the future will be blessed. Maybe you can win five million by buying lottery tickets."

Fang Jing was immediately happy, feeling that Su Jin's words were quite interesting. She smiled and said, "I'm afraid five million is nothing in your eyes."

"..." Su Jin was speechless. The money he had just borrowed, at least he thought it was a huge amount of money. Of course, he had squandered it not long ago. After all, he didn't even look at 50 million, so he gave it to Zhou Tianhu. Make development funds.

Su Jin touched his nose, shook his head, and said with a smile: "These years, the landlord's family is also short of food? No one is too rich. If you have money, would you give me some?"

Fang Jing curled her lips and glanced at Su Jin, "Unexpectedly, you who drove that kind of car would be so stingy."

"Wrong." Su Jin stared at her and said, "I am only stingy with two kinds of people."


"My own person, second... my woman." Su Jin said after a dry cough.

"Cut, what you said is the same as what you didn't say." Fang Jing looked at him and said angrily.

Su Jin closed his clothes and tried to pretend to be a good person. He looked at her with a smile and said, "Beauty, since you are not chased by a man, I feel that you must lack the cells for dating. This, exercise will become Yes, but the principle of using sisters is similar to fishing Kaizi, but the success rate of women is much higher. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"No need!" Fang Jing was taken aback.

"You have to learn."

Fang Jing looked at Su Jin earnestly for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, you can talk about it."

There was a faint smile on Su Jin's mouth. It seemed that the little white rabbit was going to be fooled by the big bad wolf!

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