My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1129: Sister Hua's door is not fortified!

While waiting for Young Master Su to move further--

Tong Miaoke grabbed Su Jin's hand, his eyes were full of fear, and a faint mosquito voice appeared: "Brother Su, I am afraid..."

"Women all need to go through this step, don't be afraid..." Su Jin looked at Tong Miaoke with a very soft tone, as if he saw a rabbit in the field, but didn't want to alarm it.

"Will you take care of me in the future?" Tong Miao said weakly, with a bit of acting like a baby. It seems that she has also figured out how to choose during this time.

"Definitely." Su Jin gave a firm answer.

"Won't lie to me."

"will not."

"After Yuyan sister..."

"What are you doing to mention her?" Su Jin's expression changed, and his voice became louder. At this time, the special atmosphere in the small room also disappeared.

Tong Miaoke realized that he had said something wrong, but regretted it was too late, and said quickly: "I'm sorry, I...I..."

Su Jin's face was not very good-looking. He looked straight at Tong Miaoke's flustered expression, gently put his face away, smiled and slowly blinked his eyes, took a deep breath and got up and said: "It's Big Brother Su that's wrong, I didn't think about it. Your feelings and concerns, let’s do it... It’s already late. Go back and rest first, and talk about the future."

In his opinion, Miao Ke's sister is still a bit more conservative. After all, there are environmental factors in her life, unlike girls in big cities.

Tong Miaoke was full of frustration. He was about to cry when he lowered his head. He didn't dare to look at Su Jin's eyes. The atmosphere was very embarrassing... She did not go, nor did she go.

After two minutes of silence, Tong Miaoke moved his legs out of the bed, stood up, wiped tears with his back to Su Jin, and returned home disappointed—

The beautiful girl is sad!

Su Jin patted his face plate with five fingers, quickly took out a cigarette and lit it, lying on the mat on the bed, lifting Erlang's legs.

There is nothing to say, Qincheng's first wolf missed it, can't it? Tong Miaoke hasn't figured it out yet. After she completely dispels her worries, let's talk about it, she loses her temper...

After smoking half a cigarette, Su Jin took out his mobile phone, dialed Gu Shan's phone, and informed him that when Hua Qing came back, he didn't need to find himself again, and talked about things tomorrow morning!

Finally, he hung up the phone and held it in place, and threw the cigarette **** out the door.

sleep now!


In the early morning in the mountain village, the air is fresh, the sun is not particularly strong, and the green leaves are gently swaying with the wind.

Su Jin held his pocket and looked calmly at Gu Shan who was smoking at the door, not knowing when he came back last night.

"Gu Shan, has Sister Hua come back?" Su Jin asked.

Gu Shan hurriedly got up, ignoring the two black circles under his eyes, there were still red blood on his eyes, facing Su Jin, and then said: "I'm back! I didn't come back until two o'clock in the morning."

"The coffin at the entrance of the restaurant, have you taken it away?" Su Jin asked.

"Sister Hua asked me to find a dozen people and carried them to the Bai family's ancestral hall a mile away. There was no one there! She said that she sent someone to find a car to take home to her family in the morning." Gu Shan said truthfully.

"How about Hoarfrost and the others?"

"When Sister Hua came back early in the morning, the two girls said they came back to look for you, haven't you seen it?" Gu Shan asked strangely.

Su Jin suddenly, it seems that Baishuang and Madam Qingshan have entered the "Huangquan Notes". They should be afraid of broad daylight, and it is normal to come back.

"You shouldn't sleep yet. Go in and rest. I'll take care of the rest." Su Jin said while looking at Gu Shan.

"I'll be with the boss, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep!" Gu Shan knew that he was also responsible for this, and it was necessary to follow Su Jin.

"You sleep! What are you holding on? I will go to Sister Hua myself." Su Jin said in a commanding tone.

Although Gu Shan's face was embarrassed, he didn't say anything when he saw the boss's order, only to obey.

Seeing that he was no longer talking, Su Jin glanced at Tong Miaoke's house, and he hesitated to see her. This girl didn't know whether she was sad or not, but it was nothing serious. Then he smiled bitterly and shook his head, and strode towards the entrance of the town...

And this detail was also noticed by Gu Shan, and he was secretly curious about what happened last night. The boss didn't seem very happy.


Soon, the restaurant "Hua Qian Yue Xia".

The mess of last night has been cleaned up, as if nothing happened last night, but today the town is exceptionally quiet, perhaps because it was too early in the morning, Su Jin calmly walked in.

"Jin Ye--" When a waitress saw Su Jin, she immediately put down the rag in her hand, ran over, and stood in front of Su Jin.

"Why are there so few people?" Su Jin asked.

"Sister Hua is on holiday. I am on duty today. I think it is Sister Hua who is worried about those people yesterday." The waitress seemed to be familiar with Su Jin and was more enthusiastic.

But Su Jin had no impression of her.

"Where is Sister Hua's bedroom?" Su Jin frowned.

"The one on the far left of the third floor." The waitress pointed to the ceiling and replied in a respectful tone.

Su Jin nodded, did not speak to her any more, walked up the stairs step by step, and then came to the third floor.

The one on the far left.

Su Jin stopped in front of the closed door, hesitating in his heart. After all, Sister Hua came very late, now it's less than seven o'clock, she only slept for four hours at most, will it be a little disturbing?

In the end, Su Jin tried to reach out and gently twisted the doorknob——

It turned out!

Damn it! Sister Hua's door is not fortified...

Su Jin walked in gently.

Huaqing’s room is just like her name, with a fragrance of flowers. This room is not small. A large bed measuring two meters by three meters is still slightly empty in it. There are tables, chairs, sofas, Bookshelf made of precious wood. It has been filled with brand new books.

And in her room, the most indispensable thing is to count the wine. Looking at the empty red wine bottles on the coffee table in front of the sofa, she probably drank wine before going to bed early in the morning. Su Jin also saw the bottle of sleeping pills. He reached out and shook it--


Su Jin sighed in his heart, then looked at the graceful body on the big bed...

Hua Qing was wearing a loose long skirt, and her clothes were a bit messy because of her sleeping position. With long white legs stretched out beside her, she was sleeping obliquely.

I don’t know why, when Su Jin saw Hua Qing’s dress from this angle, there was almost an urge to pounce on it, maybe because of the scale in front of her...too terrifying——

Su Jin walked gently towards the big bed, and finally walked to her side and sat down——

Reach out, put your hand on her long leg, and follow her beautiful leg to the end of the toe...

Yingying grip!

Su Jin unconsciously grasped the jade foot with the big palm.

However, the next moment, something Su Jin didn't expect to happen!

Hua Qing unexpectedly...

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