My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1131: Stunning beauty!

"Is this really good?"

Hua Qing hesitated to look at the serious Young Master Su, and asked for confirmation.

It's not that she Huaqing is afraid of things, the point is that she has never heard of anyone doing this before, it's so rampant, it's terrible! In addition, Su Jin didn't seem to be joking with her, so it was prudent to ask clearly.

In fact, Hua Qing didn't want this from the bottom of her heart. This method is best solved by negotiation. Su Jin blocked the road all at once, leaving no room for maneuver.

"Long hair and short knowledge." Su Jin touched Huaqing and said calmly: "When I was in Qincheng, no one dared to be arrogant to me like this. I was about to ride up on my head immediately. I didn't fight back. When will you wait?"

"So, then I call now and send someone to do it?" Hua Qing asked.

"Yes, right now!"

Su Jin sneered.

Fearing an egg, the sky fell to a high ceiling, not to mention that this kind of thing could still be solved easily for him, Hua Qing didn't have to worry at all, he had to see what the other party had to challenge him!

"Okay! I'll call and make arrangements now." Hua Qing nodded, and didn't think too much about it. After all, she knew Su Jin's abilities, coupled with Su Jinxiu's good ability just now, she admired her even more.

"By the way, after doing this, they will definitely send someone to contact you. Then you will say Lao Tzu is waiting for them in Huishan Town." Su Jin did not forget to remind.

"Well! Although the'Red Zhuangzhai' has been disbanded by me over the years, there are still many unwilling brothers and sisters. I will make arrangements now, and I may not be afraid of him, Xie Shaodong!"

Hua Qing stood up suddenly, unwilling to delay any more time. After all, the death incident in the mine had not subsided and was in a state of suspension.

Seeing Huaqing leaving the room quickly, Su Jin picked up an empty glass again, poured a glass of wine, and drank.

At this time, a voice also appeared in his mind.

"This female doll looks good, she is a fierce woman." Xiao Umbrella said.

"Yes." Su Jin replied three words.

"I don't understand you humans..."

"What can't you understand?"

"Seven emotions and six desires, I have never understood it. In my eyes... this girl doll is just like you, all human." Xiao Umbrella then muttered, "That's it."

Su Jin smiled slightly, stood up with the wine glass, and walked to the corridor of the restaurant. On the warm morning, the mountain breeze was blowing, and it was very pleasant. As for what Xiao Umbrella said, he naturally understood that because Umbrella is not a human being, it is normal to not understand.

"Sister Meng asked me and said that she wanted to use her "body of the most yin" to help me improve my strength, but I refused." Su Jin said lightly while looking at the buildings in the town.

"No! If you have speed, you will not reach it. Although the body of the utmost Yin will improve your strength without any physical side effects, the cultivation base is connected to the foundation. Doing that will make you lose a lot of spiritual understanding. Not a good thing."

Xiao Umbrella continued: "I made my voice and came out for your cultivation."

"Do you have a better way?" Su Jin's eyes lit up.

"You have rushed back from Shengzhu City these days, can you feel the changes in your own strength?" Xiao Umbrella asked.

"It's very strange to make no progress." Su Jin expressed his doubts and said the truth.

"I can give you the answer now."

"Say it."

"According to the strength of the outside world, you are already in the late stage of the golden core! You did not condense the golden core because your technique is strange and you have found a different way, but you can practice together and go through different paths. You can already condense your own infant spirit!" Xiao Umbrella said.

"Go on." Su Jin was a little happy, and this is probably one of the best news recently.

"I think you are quite leisurely. Why don't you just find a quiet place in this mountain and start to condense your own infant spirit! Reach the state of the infant fairy stage!" Xiao Umbrella said excitedly.

"What is an infant spirit?" Su Jin was still puzzled by this strange vocabulary.

"It's just that an original infant spirit is condensed in your dantian qi sea. It will sit in the qi sea, communicate and absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and thoroughly step into the practice together, and your strength will increase a lot. Once you break through, your strength will be the same as you now The Jindan realm is simply not the same."

"Just tonight." Su Jin thought for a while and said.

"Yes, I'm very curious about your anger... what will be condensed by then—" Xiao Umbrella was looking forward to it.

"Will this be different from others?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"As far as I know, the great powers of ancient times reincarnated frequently, and the reincarnated body can be built according to their own wishes. If it is an ordinary mortal practitioner, most of them will be the first spiritual baby, which is the'vailing baby body'. After that, it will follow the ontology and make the same actions as the ontology. This part is relatively ordinary, and it is difficult to become an extraordinary power in hundreds of millions."

The Umbrella paused, and continued: "And there are some geniuses who are different. When they break through, it will appear that the'foreign spirit infant' is not the body of the infant, or a weapon, or a mountain, or a plant, or a monster. There are many souls, and these talents are the most terrifying."

"What will be mine..." Su Jin admitted, aroused great interest by Xiao Umbrella's words.

"At night, you will know that you have to deal with the matter first, so that you can calm down and break through." Xiao Umbrella said.

"it is good!"

Su Jin’s doubts in his heart have been resolved. How far he can go depends on what kind of baby spirit this one is. Listening to the meaning of the small umbrella, there should be a big gap between different baby spirits, and he must condense the best. Yingling, of course, when he breaks through at night, he will ask Xiao Umbrella where the gap is.

Little Umbrella did not speak any more, silent in his mind.

Su Jin returned to the house, put down the wine glass, and then hurried downstairs with a pocket.

"I have already done it according to Jin Ye's request..." Hua Qing held the phone and looked at Su Jin as he walked down step by step, and said with a grin: "I already thought about how ugly Xie Shaodong's face is--"

"Well, I have to go for two hours. If there is anything that I can't handle during the period, I can ask Gu Shan to notify me. In addition...give me the location on the river last time and prepare a boat. I will cross the river." Su Jin said.

"Are you going to the'Mountain Crossing Road'? What happened last time you went in?" Hua Qing was puzzled.

"Just to complete an agreement." Su Jin didn't say anything.

"Okay, little things." Hua Qing nodded.

Su Jin touched a cigarette in his mouth, looked at Hua Qing, "Hurry up and prepare it for me, I will set off now."

"Okay~" Hua Qing smiled, raised her hand and shook her phone, "I will call right away."

Seeing this, Su Jin turned and walked to the door of the restaurant——

Second Olympic...

Xiangfeng blew his face, Su Jin didn't pay attention, and still stunned a beautiful girl!

And the fair-skinned girl in front of Su Jin was also obviously frightened and stopped...

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