My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1148: Inside the cow full of face (sixth burst)

Yu smiled Yanran.

What does Momoka mean? She seems to want herself to torture her?

What kind of torture like small leather whip, chili water, tiger stool?

When Tao Ji said this sentence, Su Jin looked at Tao Ji with great interest, and he was able to make a certain way in the rivers and lakes to say this kind of thing, otherwise like Yao Qiaoyu's twenty-eight years old. The young girl, she must have been killed and couldn't tell.

A special atmosphere spread in Momohime's room.

"I refuse to destroy the flowers." Su Jin suddenly laughed and said something, then stood up from the sofa, looked up happily and drank a glass of red wine, bang~Master Su put the glass down and said simply: " go to bed early."

Tao Ji was in a daze, watching Su Jin walking out of the room. After a long time, she looked down at her clothes and said to herself: "It seems that next time you meet alone, you should be more open."

No one can understand Tao Ji's self-confidence. She thinks that no matter her appearance, figure, and even charming temperament, she has reached the perfect stage, but... it happened that Su Jin suffered a blow and setback. Just now she gave her performance only sixty points, thinking that she should no longer cover herself with clothes after coming in.

You should let Young Master Su see everything about yourself. In this case, Tao Ji does not believe that Su Jin is not tempted by her!

It can only be a pity this opportunity!

Su Jin walked out of Yao's house and walked towards the parking lot outside Luoxia Town. Is he really unmoved?

Indifferent is false!

Tao Ji’s residence is extremely deep, to the point that Su Jin herself feels terrible. Everything is fine for her. This is her biggest shortcoming. In addition, she has caused such a big trouble for herself not long after she met this time. , I cannot touch her temporarily.

Perhaps it should be said that you can't touch the troublemaker!

When Su Jin came to the parking place, he didn't see Zhou Tianhu and the others, and he didn't care, so he got in the car and drove towards home.

Originally, Su Jin wanted to start from Huishan Town, and thought that he would never see Xia Yuyan again these days. He even felt subconsciously wanting to get rid of his wife, but now--

The lantern was still dim, and soon after, Su Jin entered the prosperous downtown area of ​​Qincheng...

When he came back, it was almost three o'clock in the middle of the night, and Su Jin also let out a deep breath, got out of the car, then gently opened the door of the living room and walked in.

No one in the living room, no one at this point.

Su Jin pushed the bedroom door open. Perhaps Qincheng was extremely hot today, and the air conditioning inside was still blowing, and it was extremely cool.

Turn on the light, Xia Yuyan on the bed appeared in front of the young master!

"You can sleep so soundly even if your husband is not here." Su Jin curled his lips. He turned around and took a cold bath. After returning, he slept next to her and closed his eyes.

go to bed!


In the morning, the city that never sleeps, which had been silent for a short time, gradually became lively.

"Su Jin? Wake up!"

In the ear, Xia Yuyan's voice suddenly increased a lot, Young Master Su opened his wistful eyes, and said in a questioning tone: "Screaming, what do you want to do?"

In Su Jin's eyes, Xia Yuyan also obviously woke up, still leaning on his side, but she just raised her head and woke him up in her own ear.

Xia Yuyan was wearing a snow-white shirt at this time. After a night of sleep, the shirt was a bit messy, but it did not affect her dusty temperament. Especially when Yuyan's wife looked at her with a cold face, it was even more delicious. .

"When did you come back?" Xia Yuyan asked curiously with strange writing in her eyes.

"Three o'clock." Su Jin pillowed the back of his head with both hands, recalled for a moment, and said truthfully.

"Three o'clock??" Xia Yuyan suddenly had a faint momentum to go wild, and the corner of his mouth was turned up and said: "You get me up!"

"I love my concubine." Su Jin blinked several times and said earnestly: "I came back so late, and you woke me up. In the long run, my dragon body will collapse—"

"It's dying!" Xia Yuyan was very dissatisfied, and said: "What is the truth about you, why can't you come back late, why can't you get up early?"

"You have no logic, I haven't slept well! It's only a few hours, more than three hours..." Su Jin's face was filled with a few big words of ‘speechless’.

"I mean, you have the right to come back later, and I have the right to wake you up earlier, and see if you dare to do this in the future!" Xia Yuyan said more clearly.

Damn it.

Su Jin is crying now.

Who stepped on the horse to add wisdom to Xia Yuyan's skill points, can this vicious trick be used? Do you want people to live?

"My wife, I was wrong." Su Jin quickly surrendered to the president's wife.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yuyan moved her legs and asked Su Jin face to face with her waist crossed after getting off the bed.

"Should not come back so early." Su Jin said.

"What!" Xia Yuyan raised her eyebrows, and said furiously, "Su Jin, are you playing with me? Get up quickly! Don't sleep!"

Finished for a thousand years...

"Wife, I am the emperor, the ninth-five-minded, above hundreds of millions of people, it's inappropriate for you to do this...isn't it?" Su Jin pretended to look coldly and vowed to frustrate Xia Yuyan's spirit.

"You are above hundreds of millions of people, where am I?" Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin was starting to ridicule again, and couldn't help but keep her cool face, she didn't dare to laugh at all!

" are the queen, naturally it is on me." Su Jin said, admiring his words, and said: "Yes, that's it."

"You!" Xia Yuyan declared that the quarrel was defeated by Master Su. It would not do if she refused to accept it. She would say that she could still block her mouth, and it would not be a counterattack, nor would it be a counterattack!

"What's the objection to Concubine Ai?" Su Jin almost smiled in his heart, I have to say, it is also a kind of beauty to see Xia Yuyan's sullen expression! It's really relieved, it's very Nice--

"I won't talk to you anymore. I will be very busy with my work today. There are three meetings to be held and I can't take care of you." Xia Yuyan glared at Su Jin, caring: "If you want to go to bed, go to bed immediately. Don't be like this next time. That’s it! Besides, it’s not good for your body, and... Are you hungry, do you want to eat now?"

Su Jin's heart is already full of cows...

God, Tathagata Buddha, Goddess of Mercy, in normal life, when did his wife care about herself like this?

My heart is full of moving! There is still true love in the world! This is full of love!

"Not hungry!" Su Jin gave an accurate answer.

"Oh." Xia Yuyan said a word, then turned around. After walking out a few steps earlier, I felt something was wrong behind him.

It turned out that Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan's back, and got out of bed with his legs barefooted and hugged Xia Yuyan from behind!


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