My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1150: Long Dao

The door was pushed open by Su Jin, and Xia Yuyan was in a state of half-sideways, and the eldest master saw it truly.

Xia Yuyan turned her head and stared at Su Jin, blushing, and the speed of twisting the buttons on her hands was accelerating——

Su Jinfa stayed, looking straight at his wife.

Obviously, Xia Yuyan just put on the snow-white shirt, but the button hasn’t come yet. Although she is currently on her side, the eye-catching black fabric is still in front of the white shirt. A beautiful arc was drawn in the air...

‘If the mountain is not high, there is a fairy and spirit’! It's beautiful and feels great.

It's a pity that Xia Yuyan is ingenious and quick to move. She didn't give Dad Su's husband too much time to appreciate it, but she was dead without regret when she saw such a scene this morning.

Xia Yuyan put on a black jacket, and the women's professional suit instantly turned her back into that cold-faced female president!

Seeing this, Su Jin lifted the bangs on his forehead, and said calmly, "It's so beautiful, can I wear this coat before I leave?"

"Do you like watching?" Xia Yuyan's eyes were strange.

"Not bad." Su Jin nodded.

"I wouldn't show it to you." Xia Yuyan recovered her cold expression, put on black high heels, walked out of the bedroom door, and passed by Su Jin.

Why not show it?

Because it will be very conspicuous-

Su Jin is very helpless~ his wife doesn’t give face, he has to let her be a little bit. After all, after a long time, he will naturally reflect and reflect, and he will have the feeling of tolerance. Of course, if Xia Yuyan changes to another woman, Su Jin will only be angry Put into practice--

Just like his character... 怼怼怼~Long 怼怼!

Anyway, it's a knock.

Go sit down! Eat breakfast……


Halfway through breakfast, the appetite Xia Yuyan hurriedly went to work. Su Jin didn't even have the opportunity to say a few more words. Maybe she really has a few meetings to be held today—

Su Jin held a fork in his hand and raised a slice of steak. He looked at Xia Yunxi, who was looking at him, and felt that the girls from the celebrity family looked like they were sitting when eating. She was straight...

Su Jin immediately said: "I don't understand, you said it's good for your sister to hire someone to share the burden, but you still want to be a hard worker. How tired, I'm very dissatisfied with the time spent caring about my husband."

"Haha." Xia Yunxi couldn't help laughing out loud, then he held a large glass of warm milk in both hands, drank eloquently and said, "Because my sister is very beautiful..."

"What does it have to do with beauty?" Su Jin puzzled.

"Of course it does matter. A beautiful woman who doesn't have a serious job or her own career will be a disaster." Xia Yunxi looked at Su Jin with abusive eyes.

Su Jin immediately raised his sword eyebrows, and his sense of self-esteem exploded. He retorted confidently and confidently: "This king's country is more than enough to raise her."

"It can only be said that you still don't understand her, a woman has a strong sense of professionalism." Xia Yunxi said after drinking the milk, blinking beautiful eyes and said: "Like me, it can't compare to my sister."

Su Jin and Xia Yunxi looked at each other--

Can not help but stay.

After drinking milk without wiping his mouth, there is a trace of milk left on Xia Yunxi's mouth...

"Each has its own advantages, you are more obedient than your sister!" Su Jin reacted and continued to smile: "Aren't you not going to work today? It happened that I was fine in the morning. What I want to do with brother."

"Wow, refreshing!" Xia Yunxi wiped his mouth with a napkin and smiled: "I'm going to the mall! I'm going to ride the Ferris wheel. I haven't been in five years!"

"I am a Ferris wheel, sit on me!" Su Jin smiled.

"You, hate it." Xia Yunxi deliberately pulled her face down, puffed her cheeks, and then said, "Hurry up, I'll wait for you."

Su Jin is already 70% full, and there is nothing to say, so he wipes his mouth and stands up, "Let's go, it is now, take you out to have a good time, isn't it just going to the mall and riding the Ferris wheel? Simple!"

"Big Brother Su, do I want to change my clothes?" Xia Yunxi also stood up, left the dining table, and turned slightly in front of Su Jin.

"Not so good, let's change one." Su Jin deliberately said.

In fact, Xia Yunxi doesn't need to change clothes at all. Now she is wearing a cyan white-collar dress, she has a little fresh girlish feeling, but this is not what the young master wants to see today.

"Give me a suggestion?" Xia Yunxi said.

"You should dress boldly, so let me give you a versatile combination, you must wear it in summer——" Su Jin began to guide her.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Yunxi didn't doubt anything at all, and said with blinking eyes.

So Su Jin and Xia Yunxi talked...

After listening to Su Jin’s remarks, Xia Yunxi didn’t feel anything wrong. She also knew that kind of dressing. There was it in her closet, but she barely wore it because of work. On the contrary, she looked good on the Internet. .

Su Jin had a tricky expression on his face, watching Xia Yunxi excitedly ran back to the room, with some expectations in his heart, what kind of ecstasy effect would this girl wear with that kind of match?

He is looking forward to...

In less than five minutes, Xia Yunxi opened the door and changed his clothes. He smiled and looked at Su Jin and said, "Change it!"

Su Jin stared blankly, watching Xia Yunxi come.

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