My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1156: Stop eating chicken legs!

Rao is as smart as a blue face. When facing this situation, his brain is blank and his heart is flustered.

Su Jin's fingers touched the delicate skin, and the fingertips were lightly rubbed, a tingling sensation like electricity appeared in both of them at the same time.

"Boss..." Lan Yan glanced at Su Jin and shouted in embarrassment.

Su Jin reacted, took the chicken leg and said with a smile: "I feel that this chicken leg is not as fragrant as Sister Yan..."

"Is that kidding?" Lan Yan was visibly startled.

"Perhaps." Su Jin got up with the chicken drumstick, took a bite, and said, "Counting the time, Gu Xu should be awake. I'll go see if he is gone."

"Okay." Lan Yan replied and saw Su Jin walking out of the office, and she looked at the confident back with a complicated look on her face.

The sun is like fire.

Qincheng is the hottest at this time, and it is also the coastal area, and the wind seems to want to take away the last trace of moisture from the body.

Walking out of the green shade of the flower terrace, Su Jin looked at the chicken drumsticks in his hand, and told her sincerely...It wasn't too delicious, but didn't it waste sister Yan's intentions to lose it? Let's take it, I really can't eat it anymore.

At this moment, at the gate of Luan Yan's company.

"What kind of broken company? What are the doors closed during the day? Are you a serious company, and Han Enjing? Park Yoona? It's obviously a small place—"

There was a man and a woman who were looking at the security guard at the gate, and the woman's voice was not small.

Su Jin frowned when he heard it, and almost began to doubt life. He turned his head and glanced at Luan Yan's company. What a small place?

"Miss, I'm sorry. It was Manager Sun who told me to close the door, and there is nothing we can do to get paid—" The guard still apologized.

"Who is Manager Sun? I don't know." The girl said in an arrogant tone. At this moment, the girl frowned and said: "What's the smell?"

Following the smell of meat, the girl finally saw a strange scene. A man was walking towards the door with a chicken leg!

Oh my God, the man is happily eating.

"Nianwei, he's just a security guard. What's the use of telling him? However, sister Yan chose to develop in this place, which is a bit puzzled." The man also said.

"What kind of company, ah—" The girl walked past the security guard, entered the company gate, pointed at Su Jin, and said, "If you eat chicken legs, stop for me!"

Su Jin was speechless.

After standing still, he looked at each other pretending to be innocent.

The girl was white and supple, with long-legged shorts and a light green and red-spotted sweater on her upper body. As she wears sunglasses, she can't see all her looks, but she feels pretty good.

"Something?" Su Jin asked when the girl stopped in front of him.

"You work here?" Li Nianwei asked with eyes wide open.

This... how should I answer?

Su Jin simply nodded, "That's right."

"Don't go out of the cafeteria when you eat. You work here and don't even understand this? Eating chicken drumsticks outside! What is it like?" Li Nianwei scolded with her arms folded.

Su Jin is stunned!

The eldest master has a dumb face--

It seems that there are no regulations in the company, so eating is not allowed in other places in the company, right? Su Jin has seen spicy food, but he has never seen such a nosy little pepper.

"Actually, I came out to eat chicken thighs for a reason." Su Jin was ashamed. He looked at Li Nianwei with a guilty conscience and said.

"Stealing? My shit, you're dead!" Li Nianwei pointed to Su Jin with an expression that I could not tolerate you any longer.

Above Su Jin's head, there seems to be a cloud of dark clouds gathering...

It's not. The reason why the young master is dumbfounded is not because of other things, but because this is not his Young Master Su's company? Why now he has a feeling that this girl is the boss here?

Before Su Jin spoke, he saw Li Nianwei take out the phone and put it in her ear, obviously calling someone.

Of course, when the security guard in front of the door saw that it was Su Jin, he was now in cold sweat, and then Young Master Su raised his hand to the security guard and made a hissing gesture.

"Sister Yan? I, Nianwei. I'm here!" Li Nianwei continued to complain: "What kind of broken place is this, I almost didn't come in, yes, and I caught a chicken leg! Come and see , Deduct his salary! Detain him!"

Su Jin:...

Can this girl stay now? As if she couldn't understand the world, there was no one.

Boss Su is really thinking about whether to cut this girl out of the roots first, so as not to endanger one party in the future!

"You are dead!" Li Nianwei looked at Su Jin triumphantly, "Do you know who Sister Yan is?"

"I know." Su Jin nodded.

"She will come right away. If you confess your mistake to her, I will keep you working here." Li Nianwei said seriously.

"Old girl, who are you?" Su Jin frowned and asked lightly.

"Did you call the old girl? Believe it or not, I'll beat you..." Li Nianwei showed an exaggerated angry expression on her face, her fist was pinched and raised.

But at this moment, Lan Yan's figure has also appeared in a hurry. After seeing this scene, she was shocked.

"Li Nianwei! Stop it!"

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