My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1158: Hidden secrets

how to answer?

Fuck, Li Nianwei feels so dirty——

The strange boss, the boss who eats chicken legs! Asked a great question!

Li Nianwei looked embarrassed, she was still professional in management, but how could Su Jin ask such off-track "professional" questions?

Then there is only one explanation, this guy is not professional at all! That's why I couldn't ask professional questions, so I could only take a different approach and go slant, trying to taint her.

The answer is neither, nor is it not, Li Nianwei chose to answer.

"Right hand." Li Nianwei blushed and said two words.

"How can you answer it right, I rely on, such a difficult question." Su Jin didn't expect that Li Nianwei had a set.


Li Nianwei was a little unbelievable, she was just being foolish, so she got the answer right? She didn't know where she was right.

"The next question, how old are you." Su Jin coughed lightly, and asked Li Nianwei seriously.

"36b..." Li Nianwei replied without even thinking about it.

Su Jin was ashamed and said, "The question is about age."

"23 years old." Li Nianwei first said decisively, and then added: "One month and ten days away."

"last question."

Su Jin looked serious and said: "If there is only one boat on the sea with three people on it, the boss, you, and your boyfriend, except you, the boss and your boyfriend fell into the water by accident. You would choose to save Who?"

"You're so dirty, boss..." Although Li Nianwei was embarrassed, she still stared at Su Jin, and then said: "How can it be such a coincidence, I am the only **** the boat, and you two men——"

"Answer me, it is very important. If the answer is satisfactory, the interview will be passed." Su Jin said seriously.

"I won't save anyone, just drive the boat back alone!" Li Nianwei was angry and gave the answer.

"Congratulations, you have passed the interview. You can join your male colleague to find out about the public relations department with Sister Yan, and start working formally tomorrow." Su Jin nodded.


Li Nianwei, who had lost hope, had a dull expression...

This is also OK?

Su Jin took a deep breath, stood up, and said, "I'm all very busy, go find Sister Yan."

"Oh." Li Nianwei didn't dare to ask why the answer was correct. Anyway, since she knew that Su Jin was the boss, she felt that this person's behavior was different from others, very strange, especially the first question asked, really Sewage!

Then Su Jin walked out of his office. Li Nianwei had to accept it anyway. He hadn't seen a few people who could be valued by Lan Yan. He was only an individual, and smart was true. Of course, stepping back ten thousand steps and saying, no matter how much you have to give Sister Yan a face, besides the few questions she just interviewed, he was quite satisfied with the answers.

She, Li Nianwei, her boyfriend, on the boat, must die a fellow Daoist but not a poor Dao, can brother be trapped by the water, it is a joke! Besides, she doesn't know if she has a boyfriend. Seeing that she has reached the level of beauty, give her an eighty point, which is pretty good.

In the hallway, Li Nianwei and the male colleague who came with them stared blankly, watching the strange boss disappear at the door.


At noon, the sun was hanging high above his head, and Su Jin drove home from the company.

When he just came out of the gate of'Luan Yan', he didn't see Gu Xu. He retreated after thinking about difficulties, or it could be said that he was awake from being drunk. Anyway, Su Jin did not see anyone else. .

Walking into the living room, Su Jin didn't even see him!

It's noon. Did the wife return to the room after dinner? It should be, she must be too tired to take a nap, but what about Xia Yunxi?

When Su Jin came back, he wanted to talk to Xia Yunxi about the photo door incident. Between going back to the bedroom and entering Xia Yunxi’s bedroom, he weighed left and right. Still holding the phone, he walked to the door of Yunxi’s old girl. He unscrewed her room door naturally and opened it.

"Huh?" Xia Yunxi, who was caught off guard, was startled. He looked at Su Jin with an extremely flustered expression, and said unnaturally, "Su, Brother Su."

"What's the matter? On such a hot day, with such a low air conditioner, are you still sitting in the bed?" Su Jin looked strange and asked in surprise as he looked at Xia Yunxi under the thin blanket.

"I, can I like it?" Xia Yunxi sat up, hiding his hands behind him, thinking that he was secretive.

Su Jin did not blink his eyes, and closed the door after entering the room. The doubts in his heart became heavier. He asked quietly, "What's hiding behind you?"

"Nothing to hide!" Xia Yunxi blushed immediately, defensively.

"Not hiding?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and walked to her side.

Suddenly, the immense pressure almost suffocated Xia Yunxi, and said inwardly: It's over!

At this time, Su Jin showed the temperament of a great detective. When he came to Xia Yunxi as a child, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, and his other hand was a pillow with something hidden...

Open it!

"Fuck! Yunxi, you...!" Su Jin cried out strangely when he saw the secret hidden under the pillow!

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