My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 116: Are you handsome or me handsome

Chen Meier's cheeks flushed, and she cursed what was going on in this guy's head? Why is there some dirty things in her head, but she couldn't argue with him.

Su Jin rolled his eyes, pulled her little hand up, and said with a dry cough, "Forget it, if you really do that, your brother will not be angry."

"What's the matter with my brother?" Chen Meier muttered.

"Why doesn't it matter to him?" Su Jin asked back: "You think, I pitted so many cars with him before, but now I turned around and pitted his sister again, then he won't find me desperately when he is free. ?"

"Haha... it makes sense, so you'd better put your hand to me honestly!" Chen Meier wanted to break free of his hand, but finally gave up because she couldn't get rid of it.

"Fuck, I was so open just now, and now I'm pretending to be pure!" Su Jin opened his eyes and slapped her hips wrapped in the blue skirt.


Chicken flavor, crunchy and crispy!

Chen Meier blushed and panicked. At this moment, there was a cry of exclamation.

"Beauty, I'll pay a hundred thousand, you follow me!" A tall, rich and handsome voice pulled Su Jin back into the atmosphere.

"I pay two hundred thousand!"

"Five hundred thousand!"

"one million!"

"Fuck! I'm out of five million, beautiful, you go with me, and I will marry you as a wife, just ask if you are afraid!"

Su Jin is dumbfounded, what kind of woman is so hyped? And he just watched it, although the game is more beautiful, but the beauty, to be honest, is not as good as Chen Meier, it is more than a grade, not to mention the difference in identity.

The two of them looked up, but saw a very beautiful beauty appeared in the field, and she was not wearing a bikini, but a snow-white long skirt, and the skirt was about to touch the beach, which was quite noble. At this time, when she heard the bids of other rich people, she shook her head with ease, bowed and said: "Big brothers and little girls, you didn't come out to do it. Please don't make me think."

"Wipe, then what are you doing on the court?" Someone made a dissatisfied voice.

"Beauty! Don't be so unfeeling, uncle, I have cancer! I want to find a woman to give the family property before I die!" There was another man who didn't give up.

"Yeah-I'm incompetent! Just to find a wife in name!" Another talking man sacrificed his weapon.

The beauty laughed, and then said, "Zhou Lan is my sister."

Suddenly, the audience was silent.

No one dares to be presumptuous anymore, who is Zhou Lan? She is the one who made a fortune without showing the mountains and dew. Not only does she have assets in Qincheng, although she is not ranked in Qincheng, it is said that she has more assets in foreign countries than Jutu family. It is a certain group in the world's top 100! Anyone who has a relationship with Zhou Lan will be very careful, especially this girl is still her sister, let alone molesting, even take a look, maybe sometime she will die in the smelly ditch!

"Unexpectedly, Sister Zhou actually has a younger sister." Chen Meier couldn't help but glanced at her more. This girl is so beautiful! She is so beautiful that she feels a little jealous.

"Yes, I don't know either." Su Jin reacted in a daze and said.

At this time, the girl laughed and said, "I'm coming out to represent my sister. I wish you all a happy evening and a good time."

"It turned out to be the eldest lady." Someone became cautious.

"Miss, Xiaosheng was a bit abrupt just now, I'm very sorry." This person completed the hypocritical process of transforming from a wolf to a human.

"Miss, leave a contact information."

Su Jin couldn't stand it anymore, and was about to leave, but heard Chen Meier say: "Do you think I am beautiful or she is beautiful?"

"Does this need to be said? We are so familiar with each other." Su Jin looked straight at her beautiful face and glanced in front of her by the way.


"She is beautiful..."

"Damn!" Fortunately, Chen Meier had nothing in her hand, otherwise she would have to kill him.

Su Jin was secretly embarrassed. It seemed that he couldn't tell the truth at any time. In fact, the gap was still very small. It was just that he liked the girl's character very much. The kind of personality that is both sunny and confident, and able to be alone makes people feel very It’s fresh, but these are all based on her beautiful face. If she is a girl with a pocky face, maybe he will not stand here for so long, and he will not listen to her tirades. This is what a man really His heartfelt voice is also the least hypocritical expression of opinions, at least he thinks so.

In Chen Mei'er's depression, I only heard Zhou Lan's sister say on the court: "I'm here to find someone."

"Miss, you must be looking for me. I belong to the Yao family in Xitun."

"Wipe, look at your soil turtle, King Yao, who has been focusing on breeding turtles for 30 years, is it your father!"

"Damn, don't be crooked, maybe you are looking for me!"

The horse fleas moved in the crowd, and many people hoped to find themselves, and they all looked at the girl eagerly.

Zhou Lan's sister scanned the crowd and said, "Who is Su Jin?"

Su Jin was shocked. Malgobi's, why call himself? He doesn't know this girl.

Not only was he dumbfounded, but even Chen Meier was also stunned, what was going on.

"Who is Su Jin? Who is Su Jin? Do you know anyone?" There was an angry voice in the crowd.

"Who knows?"

"do not know."

"never heard of that."

Chen Mei'er snorted softly, touched Su Jin and said, "You are not going out yet."

"Why?" Su Jin glanced at her and asked.

"I'm looking for you." Chen Meier felt that there was no way to take him.

"Wait, I'll go out when you find me? That would be too small for me, and I don't know her." Su Jin clicked his mouth and shook his head.

Chen Meier looked at Su Jin in a daze, and she realized that she couldn't understand her a little bit. What was this guy thinking, what a great opportunity, she didn't even go out to see her.

Su Jin lit a cigarette and looked at Chen Meier in his trouser pocket and asked, "You think I should make a noise?"


"But, I'm afraid these people will kill me with their eyes." Su Jin shrugged.

"Then you don't go, I don't bother to care about you."

"You can't control me, you want to control me from time to time?"

"I..." Chen Mei'er stamped her foot angrily, turned around and left. Anyway, the other party was a beautiful woman who was looking for Su Jin. It had nothing to do with her.

"Hey, wait, I'm going up." Su Jin stopped Chen Mei'er, and he suddenly discovered that this girl's angry look is still pretty.

In Chen Meier's weird eyes, Su Jin stuck in her trouser pocket and dangling her cigarette butt. Instead of answering Zhou Lan’s question, she walked around a group of rich and powerful people very eye-catchingly. .

"Beauty, are you looking for me?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and asked while looking at Chen Meier.

"Are you Su Jin?"


"Then you come with me."

"No, brother, I have something to do, so I'll leave later." Su Jin's words made many men almost spit blood, and all of them were wailing in their hearts. If you don't have such a pretend of x, is this still a human! It's so cruel and inhumane. The two of them met alone so late, it must be just for doing it!

The girl looked at him speechlessly, and then said: "I just want to ask you something, are you afraid of me?"

"When I'm alone with a beautiful woman at night, I'm afraid." Su Jin threw the smoke on the ground and sighed.

"Ah? Why?" Zhou Lan's sister blinked and asked for unknown reasons.

"Because I'm too handsome." Su Jin showed a smiling face. He thought he was calm, isn't he just a beautiful woman, and he doesn't lack.

Sure enough, Su Jin's words caused a boo.

"Damn, who is this, you have me handsome?"

"It's a great courage to grow up like this and say that you are handsome."


Su Jin watched all the rich, rich and handsome men jumping with blood on their faces, wondering that this is a fact. Sure enough, it is easy to shock people when they say that the facts are not acceptable these days.

"Su Jin, do you dare to say you are handsome in front of my brother? Dare to compare!"

At this time, a dissatisfied voice that was almost roaring, clearly overwhelmed all the comments.

Su Jin was stunned, watching a young man rushing up, to be honest, this young man... really handsome! Just like having plastic surgery, like those sunny youths in the Smecta country, he found that compared with the other side, there is really such a small difference in appearance, so Su Jin comforted himself in his heart. He is masculine and beautiful. At first glance, if it is not tall, rich and handsome, it is his mother's little white face.

"Wang Shao, it turned out to be Wang Shao, Wang Shao shot, Wang Shao is the most handsome!" Someone made an excited voice, and they felt that this was much better than the previous game.

"Yes, Shao Wang compares him well, this guy doesn't know where he came from, so he dares to call himself handsome!"

"Shao Wang, I support you!" There were female fans who screamed.

Su Jin looked helplessly at this indignant young man and asked faintly: "You said you are handsome?"

"Yes, it's more handsome than you!" Wang Shao snorted, saying badly.

Su Jin smiled immediately and said to everyone, "You said, who is handsome with me?"

Some people felt that Su Jin was stupid. Almost none of the people at the scene knew him. This guy even dared to let them compare, which was simply humiliating himself.

As a result, everyone yelled unanimously, and they were still surprisingly uniform: "Young Master Wang!"

Su Jin touched his nose. No one seemed to support him. His eyes were a little bit weird. When he looked at Wang Shao, Wang Shao was already very proud at this time, and he obviously had face in front of the goddess.

"How is it?" Shao Wang asked Su Jin proudly.

"Not very good, because you won't be handsome soon." Su Jin said.

His words also made others stunned. While many people were stunned, Su Jin's figure shook quickly. Because Shao Wang called Ban Su Jin, he rushed out, so the distance between the two was very close...

Ever since, the second murder of the night occurred here.


Su Jin slapped Wang Shao with a slap.

"Are you handsome or me?" Su Jin asked.

"Do you dare to hit me!" Wang Shao yelled angrily after covering his face.

Snapped! Su Jin slapped his face on the other side again, and said faintly, "I want to ask you something."

"You're looking for death!" Wang Shao's face has become pig liver color.


The constant and crisp voice completely beat Wang Shao into a pig head, and even his embarrassed center of gravity was unstable, and Su Jin fell to the ground with the last slap.

"Say." Su Jin stood beside Shao Wang.

" are handsome." Shao Wang pushed back on the sand in fear, he didn't dare!

Then, Su Jin turned around, faced the crowd, and said lightly: "Who else thinks better than me? Come out."

Everyone was silent, Su Jin was naturally the most handsome at this time! Shao Wang has been beaten into a pig's head, incomparable to him!

Chen Meier was holding her small mouth in the back and she almost laughed out of her anger. This guy is too funny, is there anything better than him? She felt that no man had ever made her so happy.

Even Zhou Xiaolu's sister, Zhou Xiaolu, was silly on the spot. She didn't know what kind of superb existence Su Jin she had found!

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Su Jin acted as they acquiesced. Then he touched his hair and walked to Zhou Xiaolu and said, "Beauty, take me quickly, and if you have something to say, I have to do some work soon."

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