My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1164: If I don't die!

"What..." Miss Meng and Su Jin stood side by side on the bow, looking at him puzzledly and asked.

Su Jin grinned, leaning on the railing beside the boat, and shouted at the Sansheng Yin Buddha who was sleeping with his eyes closed below: "Little fat guy! Wake up!"

Feeling Su Jin's purpose, Miss Meng was very speechless.

The originally sleeping Sansheng Yin Buddha suddenly shook his spirits, and he vowed that there would be no sound that would make his memory so fresh. Sure enough, after opening his eyes, he directly saw Master Su on the bow.

"Great, Great." Sansheng Yin Buddha, with a black face, stood up and bowed to Su Jin, and asked nervously, "What is the command of the Great?"

Not long ago, he learned from Miss Meng that Su Jin was the person of "The Reincarnation of the Great". There is no way to be disrespectful. Even the Ksitigarbha king is obviously covered by the existence. What is his three lives?

"I'm thirsty, pick some fruits and bring them up." Su Jin smiled and said to Sansheng Yin Buddha.

Sansheng Yin Buddha:...

Dream girl:...

They have never seen such a person! You know, a ghost, Buddha, Bodhi, tens of thousands of merits, the two were snatched by Su Jin last time, and they are still thinking about it. Is it really ordinary fruit?

"Don't embarrass him, these fruits are just like fate to him."

Meng girl persuaded her, but then she hesitated again: "However, if you are dealing with a ghost unicorn, you can ask him for a piece of ghost Buddha tree vine, which is still very useful."

"Dream girl, you..."

The complexion of the Sansheng Yin Buddha suddenly changed. After all, it was the vines of the ghost Buddha flower. Even a small leaf on it needed a huge amount of merit to nourish it, which was extraordinary.

"I didn't hear what Meng Meng said? Hurry up, or I will cut the root of your ghost buddha flower. Are you afraid?" Su Jin sounded useful, but even sank his face.

Sansheng Yin Buddha's face alternated with blue and red. God knew what bad luck he had, and met this evil star again! Don’t say if you meet, you can’t give it! If Young Master Su is anxiously red and he comes up to **** him, what can he do?

I had to reluctantly give up my love!

Su and Jin did not wait for too long. The Sansheng Yin Buddha had a big belly, and painfully tore a foot or so vine on the Sansheng Stone, threw it towards the big boat, gritted his teeth and said with resentment: Up!"

Dream girl stretched out her hand and took the ghost buddha tree vine in her hand. The expression on her face wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. It was strange...

"Little Fatty performed well, and the Emperor's strength will be restored in the future, and your benefits will be indispensable." Su Jin gave a compliment and made a promise.

"Thank you, the emperor." The Sansheng Yin Buddha is holding his breath now. This intangible benefit must be accepted with a smile. After all, it is better than nothing.

start sailing!

Watching the flower boat go away, Sansheng Yin Buddha's sturdy fingers bounced on his belly, sometimes scratching his ears, and his facial expressions were extremely annoying...

"Sister Meng, what's the use of this ghost Buddha tree vine?" Su Jin asked inexplicably, looking at a piece of tree vine in Miss Meng's hand.

"Ghost Qilin is a very powerful evil spirit. Only in mid-July each year will it come out and be active for a few days. At that time, its voice can spread thousands of miles from the ghost world castle. Normally, there will be no evil on its territory. The ghost, or the ghost, wants to capture it, because it may not be found at all."

Miss Meng continued: "I have investigated the location of the ghost unicorn. I originally had your assistance, but I only have a five-point guarantee. However, with the help of this ghost, Buddha, tree and vine, the probability of capturing it has reached 90%.

"Well, the name Ghost Realm Castle is so strange, is it also the border of the underworld?" Su Jin asked with a smile when she saw that the girl Meng was full of confidence.

"Forget it, five thousand miles away from Ghost Realm Castle, it's Chilan Country." Meng girl frowned slightly, as if not far to mention this kingdom.

"Outside the territory?" Su Jin was stunned.

"It wasn't before, let's do it now." Meng girl nodded.

"I will go to the capital tomorrow for the purpose of a princess Chilano from outside the territory. I don't know if the princess Chilani belongs to the Chilan country." Su Jin thought of tomorrow's itinerary and added the dream girl Speaking of extraterritoriality, I mentioned it incidentally.

"It's unlikely that the Chilan Kingdom is in the north of the Ghost World Fort, and the China World is in the southeast. There is a very long distance between the north and the south, the Jiuyou Jedi, even if you use the Teleportation Source Array. There will be many dangers on the way to reach Huaxia Great World. I guess it may be a person from the'Izumo Thirteen States'. After all, they were the closest to Huaxia Great World back then. Using some ancient ruins, they can still go to China."

Miss Meng hesitated, looked at Su Jin, her tone of voice was uncertain.

"Sister Meng, if I don’t die, I will surely let you see a complete Chinese territory when I am successful in my cultivation in the future! These territories that were stolen, betrayed, and robbed, I will bring back an inch of it. !" Su Jin suddenly said seriously to Miss Dream.

How could Su Jin couldn't tell that Sister Meng still harbored a grudge, so when she mentioned the "Chilan Country", her expression was very unnatural. Although he is not the great emperor yet, he is now pregnant with a treasure, and his cultivation has reached the "Infant Fairy Stage", which is considered a reborn. At present, the "Daweizhizhiwang" cannot become the emperor, and the Ksitigarbha cannot break through, so he is in the realm of the emperor. Come break!

Miss Meng stayed for a while, then chuckled, and said: "It's still early, what is your cultivation level now, but you are indeed everyone's hope now. If I don't bother to treat you better, treat you as a Bao, if you have completed your cultivation in the future, it's strange if you don't complain."

"I didn't see what's good for me." Su Jin glanced at her and said something deliberately.


Dream girl looked at Su Jin, then Shi Shiran smiled and turned around, and walked to a table and chair in the middle of the bow deck and smiled: "Come here, I will rub your shoulders for you, and you will say nothing in the future. It's okay, that is to say, I will do whatever I want."

Su Jin was hot.

Do whatever you want? If you bully her, won't you say anything to resist?

It must be practiced!

As a gentleman and gentleman, Su Jin walked up to Meng Meng, put her hands on her shoulders, gently pushed her on the chair and sat down, and then Master Su came to one side and squatted down, looking at her and saying "Just kidding, Meng Meng worked day and night, exhausted, how could I let you do these physical tasks? I should be the one who rubbed your legs."

Rub your legs?

Miss Meng suddenly realized Su Jin’s purpose, but it was too late, Su Jin’s hand was already on her lap—

Tsk Tsk, sister Meng's legs are so beautiful, white and slender, Su Jin held up her calf, and when Meng was nervous, her big hand gently...

Gently follow the delicate skin, leaning towards the top of the knee.

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