My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1168: Death Cliff

This horse riding is typically without tigers in the mountains, and the bull's head is the king!

Su Jin is already in a state of madness now, and is almost out of control, there is a possibility of a killer at any time.

In fact, Su Jin has been holding his breath recently. Many people in the underworld refused to accept him. The Ksitigarbha king suspected his identity beforehand, and even murdered him. Although he didn't say it clearly, he knew very well in his heart, but now there is another bull head openly talking to him. Challenge, don't draw a line today, he will definitely kill this guy at all costs.

"Niu Zun..." Miss Meng stopped talking, but her voice was very clear, with a persuasive tone in her tone.

Venerable Bull Head suddenly burst into laughter, "The Origin of the Great Emperor! You have the Origin in your body. No wonder the Ksitigarbha will believe in your emperor status. I am convinced, I believe you are the young emperor!"

It is worth mentioning that it was not that he was defeated by Su Jin, but that he was replaced by another power, and he could not refute this fact. The origin of the emperor is like a person’s soul and identity card. If it is not the reincarnation of the emperor, it will not May appear on Su Jin!

After Venerable Bull Head finished speaking, the huge body that reached several tens of meters suddenly fell on one knee.

Meng girl breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her hand to take the ghost, Buddha, tree and vine, but only a part of the palm was left, and the rest had been destroyed by Venerable Bull Head.

Su Jin suddenly showed a very disappointed expression.

It turns out that these people are all for personal purposes, because the ‘Great Emperor’ succumbed to him in this way, not because of his Su Jin’s true strength.

As Meng Girl said, there is a big gap between herself and the bull head. If the other party shows 10% or 20% strength, he will never have the chance to ride on the bull head head. The other party is just testing him. Only, didn't dare to really kill him.

If you can't see this, Su Jin is still in trouble!

However, Su Jin's expression soon became resolute. In the future, he will use all resources to develop his own strength. He will never send people under the fence again to let people deliberately let them test!

He wants to become the emperor! Huaxia Great World has been the second emperor since ancient times! Never... never wanted this before!

Venerable Bull Head, Ksitigarbha King, and Meng Girl firmly believed that the origin of the great emperor was in themselves, but Su Jin knew all the reasons through the "Siyuan Water Well", why would the origin follow him and use it for him.


Su Jin let out a suffocating breath, put away the dagger, his eyes regained clarity, and with a stroke on his feet, Qingzhou flashed down.

Miss Meng was relieved, but the next moment she felt her body lightened and she was caught in her arms by Su Jin. Her soft figure was lying on her back, with a big hand on her back.

"Sister Meng, is the injury serious?" Su Jin lowered his head, swept across her upper body wrapped in the big red dress, and then moved his eyes to her face, and stared at her.

"No problem." Meng girl smiled slightly.

Su Jin then put her steady, calmed her face, nodded and put away the Qingzhou, strode towards the unmoving Skeleton King.

It was the first time that Su Jin had not seen the white enamel bone color through internal vision. He even wanted to reach out and touch it, and then gave up. After approaching, his mind was immersed in it, and the Skeleton King also rapidly shrank.

Su Jin took a big step and walked to the position where the Skeleton King was standing, coincident with it, and its position just appeared in the sea of ​​air three inches below the belly button, and it was taken away.

"Get up." Su Jin raised his head to look at the bull head that can surf above his head and waved his hand.

"Emperor, do you need help?" Venerable Bull Head responded with thunderous voice.

"No, I think you disappear quickly, you are the greatest help to me." Su Jin stood with his hand held, his face calm.

"Yes." Only then did the Venerable Bull Head got up, turned and walked towards his mansion, the earth trembled again.

Mom's pressure is so great.

Su Jin watched Venerable Bull Head go away, and saw Miss Meng Chao walking on her own side. She couldn't help but greeted her, and immediately asked: "Meng Sister, isn't this Bull Head a ghost? Why is it so powerful?"

In China, the bull head and horse face, black and white, impermanence, that is a famous ghost chase in the underworld, since it is a ghost chase, Su Jin thought, it should be about the same status as the old gods and sticks, why now this bull head is still mixed with the identity of the ghost world castle lord , It really surprised him.

Miss Meng shook her head in surprise, and said, "Venerable Bull Head can be ranked among the top six in hell. How could it be a ghost? But it was indeed a ghost in the early days with the'Mamian City Lord'. Later, the two were together. It is very powerful to be the first divine residence of the "Great Perfection of Merit and Virtue"."

"Where is City Lord Mamian?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Currently guarding the capital city." Miss Meng nodded.


Su Jin had heard this name before, and it was also a very famous ghost town in the underworld.

"How much merit is needed for a great accomplishment?" Su Jin was a little confused.

"One hundred million merits are different from the merits of rewards. You need to work yourself and work hard to accumulate it. It is almost impossible for ordinary ghosts to do it." Miss Meng explained very comprehensively.

"It's a bit cruel..." Su Jin touched his chin, and immediately he didn't think about it anymore. Asking about this is just a matter of interest. Now it's still serious, and he said quickly: "Let's go to Life Breaking Cliff!"

"it is good."


In less than ten minutes, under the guidance of Miss Meng, Su Jin went to'Life Breaking Cliff' with her smoothly.

Su Jin scanned the surroundings with an expression of intense interest. The land here was also black, except that it was surrounded by mountains and was deadly silent, without even a trace of wind fluctuations.

The so-called Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, Su Jin became more dumbfounded as he looked at it. The spirit of this'ghost unicorn' was actually like a'pile driver'. Many holes were drilled on the ground, in the middle of the cliffs, and on the top of the peaks, even stretching far away. The place is the same big and small as a hornet's nest!

Dream girl stood beside Su Jin gracefully.

Su Jin reacted and asked, "How to capture?"

"It's very simple. The reason why the soul of the ghost unicorn has existed from ancient times to the present, everything is done by maintenance, but this kind of maintenance is very difficult. The power contained in this ghost, Buddha, tree and vine is very big, and it is great for its soul. Helpful."

Meng Girl smiled sweetly, raised a lotus arm, and waved seven array flags of different colors. The array flags had no wind, and Su Jin saw that on each array flag, there were strange beasts that could not be named. Move, as if alive.

Immediately after the alien beast on the formation flag calmed down, Mengmai placed the palm-grown ghost Buddha tree vine in the middle of the formation flag.

"Do you want to trap it?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes or not, you'll know later, don't ask first." Meng Girl smiled: "Let's step back first. It knows it is a trap and will get hooked. It can't resist this temptation at all."

Su Jin began to back away quickly with Miss Dream, and the last two of them hid behind a hill.

After a while, Miss Meng looked at the direction of the formation flag from time to time, while Su Jin resisted the acceleration of her heartbeat and stared at her behind——

In the end, I still couldn't hold it back! Su Jin seemed to be unable to control that thought, and instinctively approached her quietly, and then stretched out a big hand to hold the willow waist tightly!

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