My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1171: perspective!

Unicorn arm!

Su Jin is going to be'domineering and mighty handsome'!

It doesn't matter if Meng Girl doesn't mention this, but think about it if one of her arms can have explosive power, and she can play her own "Infant Fairy Stage" strength at will, which is definitely a great help to herself.

"Yes." Miss Meng agreed without thinking.

Seeing her stepping faster, more than three times faster than before, Su Jin knew that she was also very interested in her unicorn arm for a while and couldn't help but look forward to it even more.


As he went deeper, Su Jin found that Miss Dream had been walking along a straight line, and he didn't ask much, knowing that this must be the right way.

Because it's always going down, the various openings in the cave are very biased. Along this deep underground road, you can definitely find the home of the ghost Qilin Yuanshen.

After walking for about ten minutes, Miss Dream and Su Jin came to a relatively flat place deep underground.

The ground here is different from the black ground outside. The ground has become gray basalt. The rock is densely packed with numerous small holes, like a honeycomb. Su Jin finally saw plants, which are as thick as chopsticks. Vines, all over the rock wall, without leaves.

"The cave in front is where the ghost Qilin's nest is." Miss Meng said with a sigh of relief, turning her head to look at Su Jin.

"I guess so."

Su Jin nodded, quite agreeing.

More than ten meters in front of the two of them, there was a glorious entrance to the cave. Su Jin looked up and could vaguely see the scenery inside. It turned out to be a stalactite cave with various colors echoing each other, forming a colorful little cave. world.

Su Jin walked in with the dream girl.

"Tick, tick."

On the stalactites, drops of clear water fell down, and the environment was very humid, but Su Jin also felt that it was not in vain to see such a beautiful scene.

"Found it." With joy on her face, Miss Meng led Su Jin to a corner to the west.

Sure enough, the two people found a resting place for the ghost unicorn here. There was a flat ground of three to four meters on which was piled a small pile of rocks, about fifty or sixty.

"Fuck, these gadgets are too poor." Su Jin had a little disdain on his face.

"Poor? What are you talking about." Miss Meng's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, she squatted down and reached out to pick up one, and looked carefully.

Su Jin's original expression of disdain, and immediately became serious again, a thought jumped into his heart, and tentatively asked: "These, are these source stones?"

"That's right." Miss Meng didn't look at Su Jin, she continued to look at the quality of this pile of source stones.

It was the first time Su Jin saw this kind of thing. He didn't find it last time at the White Bone Inn. He couldn't help but squatted beside Miss Meng.

This is a azure'source stone', slightly larger than a duck egg, and there is a layer of mellow patina on the outside, and it still has a reflective feeling when you look closely. Anyway, Su Jin sees that this thing is no different from a normal stone. lethargy.

"Can Sister Meng see what's inside?" Su Jin asked.

"I can't see it, and no one can see it. I can only judge by experience." Meng said.

"How did the source stone appear?" Su Jin asked again.

"The source stone is very knowledgeable, but it can be roughly divided into two types. The first is the congenital source stone, and the second is the acquired source stone. The congenital source stone is extremely rare and bred from heaven and earth. It is the congenital top-grade source stone that is conceived and born, while the acquired source stone is some powerful "Qihaibaoling", which means that after some great abilities are completely cut off from vitality, the "Lingwu" in the Qihai will pass for a long time. Over time, a stone fetus has been re-formed."

Dream girl explained in great detail.

"How to open these source stones?" Su Jin understood.

"Use a weapon or a tool that specializes in cutting the source stone." Dream girl nodded and said.

"How is the quality of these source stones?"

"It's a pity that I didn't see much special, maybe it's below the intermediate level, I'll give you a fun and choose by yourself." Miss Meng sighed.

I thought that the Ghost Qilin Yuanshen would leave a lot of precious source stone treasures. Who knew that this small pile of bad quality would not be able to enter the'Netherworld Treasure House'. She thinks that the source stone still has a very specific set. Of course, these are all It's experience, and I talk to Su Jin in detail, and I can't finish it in a short time.

Have a fun?

Su Jin's spirit was shocked, so he had to choose carefully. He moved in his heart, since he couldn't see anything with his naked eyes, why don't the emperor's origin bless the'eyes of heaven' and see if he can see some mysteries.

Just do it.

"Open the eyes of the sky!" Su Jin's right hand originally covered his forehead, his eyes opened savagely, scarlet pupils, red radiances.

Su Jin observed these dozens of source stones through his vertical eyes, and it was incredible... it really made him see through the shells of these source stones!

Oh my God.

The sight in Su Jin's field of vision made him frown. Of the 53 source stones here, only 4 had something in them, and the others were empty, unable to obtain treasures from them.

And among these five, they should all belong to the'Houtian Origin Stone'. Among them are a black spear, a white bead, a string of "finger chains" of unknown material, and a black candle.

"Sister Meng, after you get these source stones, do you use them yourself?" Su Jin remembered these source stones firmly, and then looked at Miss Meng and asked.

"I don't need to. Throw it to the ghost officer in charge of the open source stone. If something goes out, it will be thrown into the treasure chest." Meng girl shook her head and said.

"So, can I pick three pieces?" Su Jin said with a smile.

Is it too much--

Sister Meng doesn't need it anyway! Su Jin intends to monopolize three of them!

Meng girl gave him a white look, nodded and said: "Take it, it is very likely that it is empty anyway."

Su Jin pulled a few times in the source stone pile, and accurately found three of the four pieces, namely the black spear, the finger chain, and the black candle! As for the white bead, although I really want it, don’t be too greedy and leave some face for Meng Meng...

In case Meng Meng brought back this pile of source stones, there is no treasure... Then how can you fix it?

"Sister Meng, can no one really see through the source stone?" Su Jin held the source stone the size of three eggs in his hand and asked again.

"Nonsense, I've never heard of anyone who can see through. If someone can see the treasure hidden inside, it's fine? Outside the domain, didn't it develop all at once?" Meng Meng began to use her personal sachet and put it away. This small pile of source stones.

Su Jin's face is wonderful--

Who said no! I can see through it!

Dream girl stood up with a willow waist like a snake, looked at Young Master Su, and said with a sigh of relief: "After the search is complete, go out and help you become a unicorn arm first, but I have to remind you, don't cry for a while."

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