My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1175: Be a wife for fun

I saw the dream girl slowly blinking her beautiful eyes.

The thin little mouth was close to Su Jin’s cheeks, and the fragrant smell was so sultry, Su Jin’s heartbeat accelerated, and he felt the warm and sweet breath penetrate into his nose, and the proud figure of Meng Sister was also taken into his eyes. And the reason why he didn't move is...

Miss Meng opened her small mouth lightly, swept her face with the tip of her fragrant tongue, and suddenly an unspeakable heat wave swept across her powerful body.

When it was over, Su Jin's brain banged, and it was blank, obviously he was almost unable to bear it.

"Oh, you said, I have to come to accompany others more in the future--" Miss Meng finished speaking, and her little mouth was cut, and Qing Li Yujie's face appeared in front of Su Jin again.

"Never break your promise."

Su Jin's heart was cooling down quickly, and she smiled slightly after seeing the icy perfect figure of Meng Girl lying down.

"Go, remember to close the door." Miss Meng tidied her clothes to below her knees, her long legs were completely covered, and her hands were slowly placed on her flat abdomen, obviously preparing to start resting.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, walked out the door with his hand held in hand, and stared at the girl Meng on the bed inside the house, and said, "Sister Meng has a good rest, I will bother you."

After putting aside his words, Su Jin closed the door and stepped off the flower boat.

Outside, a flower boat tens of meters high is rippling along the Nai River. In the distance, there are crowds in front of the Nai River Bridge. There are women crying and crying, and there are also guys who are heroic and dry a bowl of'forgetfulness tea'. It is completely broken, and there is no memory of the past, and he will reincarnate in the world and become the world again.

Stepping on the Huangquan Road, the "other shore flowers" on both sides of the road are windless and automatic. They are quite poignant, as if they always indicate that this road is a road of no return.

Su Jin walked back, now it was almost dawn, and it was almost dawn when he got home. When he came back, he walked here step by step with the early summer. It will take some time to go back nearly thirty miles.

Soon it was out of the door.

Yan Wang Temple disappeared behind him. Su Jin took out a source stone from his pocket as he walked. This is the “finger chain” source stone among the three source stones. If Miss Dream just disagrees with him taking three , He would also choose this one, because there is someone in his heart.

Looking at the "source stone" in his hand that is slightly larger than the egg, Su Jin's "Liying" appeared in his hand, gently injecting some strength into the dagger, and slicing it on the source stone with a little effort.


A crack appeared on the stone shell on the surface of the source stone. Su Jin saw a ray of light flashing on the crack, and his eyes were bright and colorful, even if he couldn't wait to open the source stone.

A turquoise liquid flowed out, and Su Jin smelled a strange fragrance, and his spirit was shocked. The liquid that protects the'finger chain' is full of aura and can also assist in cultivation. He immediately lost his heart among the skeleton kings, and the skeleton king opened his mouth slightly. The green liquid turned into a green mist and was inhaled by him.

There was a slight advance in the realm, and Su Jin opened his eyes and took out the ‘finger chain’ from the source stone.

This is a silver finger chain with fine patterns in it, which is quite delicate, and there are a few special-shaped pink gemstones in the finger chain.

Su Jin held the finger chain in his hand and smashed the lower finger chain with strength, but his hand was numb and he almost threw the finger chain out. And when he saw a circular protective shield appearing around him, he naturally understood, and said to himself: "A defensive magic weapon."

Exactly what he wanted.

The most suitable gift to his wife, so that my husband no longer has to worry about his wife Yuyan being hurt by accident!

As for the other two source stones, Su Jin didn't choose to open it, and waited to find time to study it later, but the magic weapon of the ‘finger chain’ in his hand was indeed surprisingly powerful, and he was very satisfied.

Dream girl said at the time that the source stone is divided into congenital and acquired. The source stone of the acquired is mainly after the death of a powerful master. After being buried in various places for a long time, the sea of ​​Qi will be instinctively closed again with death, I don’t know. This chain of fingers, which woman is the source of great energy?

It's not important anymore.


Twenty minutes later, with Su Jin's feet, the door of the house appeared in front of him.

White fish has appeared in the horizon, and today is another hot day. Su Jin walked into the living room with his pocket in his pocket.

Quietly, there was no movement. Obviously, his wife and sister-in-law were still sleeping in their respective rooms. Su Jin strode into the bedroom and saw Xia Yuyan's graceful body, quietly sleeping.

Su Jin approached gently, picking the pink gemstone'finger chain' with fine silver lace on her fingertips, while holding Xia Yuyan's right hand with her other hand, the ring on the bracelet was worn on her middle finger. The wrist part has also been buckled.

The so-called hands are like catkins and skin like fat, Su Jin gently lifted her white palms with the palms of her hands. I don't know what kind of material the finger chain looks very dazzling on the back of her middle finger, and the thin bracelet is connected to the finger chain. Show the lotus root arm jade, too much color out of thin air!

It's perfect!

Su Jinfa stared blankly, a little bit fond of it.

A few minutes later, Xia Yuyan felt strange, opened her eyes sharply, turned her head to see that it was Su Jin, then relaxed, yawned and asked, "Why are you back now?"

"There are so many things, I don't want to—" Su Jin said, staring at her face.

"Aren't you going to the capital today, don't you go to bed obediently, go to bed..." Xia Yuyan rolled her eyes, patted her side, and said, "It takes a while to sleep for a while."

"I won't sleep anymore. I have to call a special plane to pick us up. Let's sleep on the plane." Su Jin shook his head.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Seeing that you haven't slept all night, where did you fool around?" Xia Yuyan sat up gently, and asked slightly dissatisfied.

"After you became my wife, you are getting more and more verbose, can you just ask!" Su Jin asked faintly, frowning, standing akimbo.

"You mean I'm long-winded?" Xia Yuyan raised a corner of her mouth.

It's so mad, it's unreasonable, it's clear that he cares about him, but he even got sprayed!

"Yes, you are not only very long-winded, but also very good-natured." Su Jin nodded.

"I want to fight!" On Xia Yuyan's beautiful face, there was an expression on her face that she would teach her if she didn't agree.

"Hit it." Su Jin had a sharp look in his eyes, and the "Liying" in his hand appeared.

Xia Yuyan was stunned, and the husband and wife were fighting, so there was no need to use a knife, right? Does this guy dislike her anymore?

However, Su Jin's actions underneath made Xia Yuyan feel that she had missed this bastard, and did not give her a chance to resist...

Su Jin directly stabbed Xia Yuyan with a knife!

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