My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1181: Try it!

What appeared before him was a woman who was about thirty-six or seventeen years old.

Although Su Jin knew that this was not her real age, she stared at her for a while.

She has long hair, well-proportioned features on her face, and her skin is white and delicate as jade. She was wearing a pale blue simple long-sleeved gown, the size of the gown was moderate, and the belt around her waist was tightened to show the upper and lower body.

Noble and plump, mature and undiminished temperament!

When Su Jin looked at the woman, the other party was also looking at him!

"Let me introduce it." After Mu Fei came in, she smiled and said.

"No introduction." Su Jin shook his head, looked at the plump woman and said: "Boy Su Jin, senior...should be the ‘Princess of Guiyang’, I’m right?"

"Su Jin? Palace Master Zichen's proud disciple." Tian Cailin was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect that the person standing in front of her was Su Jin.

Although she has lived in the mountains for a long time, Tian Cailin, the "Princess of Guiyang", has not been affected by the news of the outside world, otherwise she would not send her disciple Yinger to Shengzhu City not long ago.

"The proud disciple is not really good, but he didn't worry the old guy too much." Su Jin let go of Xia Yuyan and walked to the chair next to Tian Cailin to sit down alone.

Between the seats of the two of them, there is only a small tea table. At such a close distance, Su Jin’s breath penetrated a special fragrance. It was a bit rich, different from the body fragrance of any woman, and it was very refreshing. Attention, and Tian Cailin's cool temperament made Young Master Su feel quite comfortable.

Mature, cold, and together are goddesses!

"The Battle of Sacred City is simply a model for many young talents in China. When I saw your master yesterday, although there was not much praise in his words, he seemed to be quite proud. Nowadays, geniuses are scarce and practice. It’s not easy. Don’t be addicted to female sex. It’s delayed. I look good on you." Tian Cailin lowered her head, staring at a blue gem ring on her finger, her slender fingers rubbing lightly on it. , Talk to Su Jin.

"Definitely." Su Jin nodded gently.

The two are communicating.

And outside, the few people have obviously not slowed down.

"Yuan Bao, why can Su Jin be so powerful?" The Cuiyi girl still couldn't believe it, smelling Fatty Zhang, her face was a little bit lingering.

"Of course it's amazing!" Zhang Yuanbao touched his chubby belly and said, "I have ten of Zhang, and I can't beat Su Jin. How amazing are you!"

"I, I don't believe it. You haven't fought, this is the first time you have met." The girl in Cuiyi shook her head.

"On the trip to the city of Sage, I did not go because my master had a mission. I did not go there. Instead, I saw Su Jin's majestic power with my own eyes. His strength is beyond you and I can imagine. Yaolan, the disciple of the beggar **** Liu Qi, Hou Bigu is a little bit behind." Zhang Yuanbao said with emotion.

"That's not a big gap." The girl in Cuiyi watched the girl in pink walk into the living room, she and Zhang Yuanbao were still on the wooden bridge, responding to Zhang Yuanbao. The reason for saying this is because Zhang Yuanbao said a word, ‘slightly less than’.

"I'm not there and I don't know if the difference is big or not, but I heard that Yao Lan and Su Jin had fought and were beaten and fled." Zhang Yuanbao scratched his head, "Anyway, it's normal for Eleven Brother to fail him. "

"Oh, what about Brother Eleven?" The Cuiyi girl was sad, holding Zhang Yuanbao's arm with her hand, and shaking it up and said: "Yuanbao, will he drown in the water? Would you go down and find him? it is good?"

"Don't! With my figure, you really bear the heart to let me go down? Tell you...I'm not sure to come up..." Zhang Yuanbao's face pale in fright, and quickly shook his head like a rattle.


By the wooden bridge, a mouthful of blood spurted.

Sword Eleven looked sullen and drenched! He held the wooden bridge that was about to be close to the water with his hands, and he was afraid to look at Zhang Yuanbao and the others...

What a shame!

"Brother Eleven!" Zhang Yuanbao exclaimed and stretched out his hand.


After only half an hour of conversation, Su Jin had a preliminary understanding of Guiyang Princess. Of course, he felt that he was himself. If she were to be someone else she didn’t like, Cailin would not be able to talk to herself so much. .

This is a boss-level woman! It is at the same level as Fairy Ziyun, Palace Lord Zichen, Old Star Poison, and Reality Qiankun! It’s pretty good to be able to communicate well.

After talking for half an hour, Su Jin was told by Concubine Mu that the room for herself and his wife was upstairs. Concubine Mu also told them that the food would be delivered later. After all, the two had traveled far and wide to the capital and missed their lunch. time.

Bring your wife upstairs.

After Mu Fei opened the door, Su Jin's spirit was shocked.

"The room is quite big." Su Jin said as soon as he walked in.

Indeed, this room alone is nearly seventy to eighty square meters, spacious, bright, and well-lit. The decoration in the room is also top-notch!

"Guests, this bed is specially prepared for you. This bed is also specially made. It will take a lot of time before the meal is delivered. You can go up and try it." Mu Fei smiled and said, "Don't bother you!"

Xia Yuyan blushed and lowered her head unnaturally. What Sister Mu said... so direct!

Concubine Mu walked to the door and turned around to close the door, but Yu Guangzhong saw Su Jin holding up Xia Yuyan in a domineering manner!

Suddenly! Xia Yuyan grabbed Su Jin's shoulder... did not speak.

Su Jin looked at the pretty face buried deep in his chest and hummed, "Try it!"

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