My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 119: Digging a wall

Su Jin couldn't be hot in his heart, and according to his personality, he would naturally strike while he was hot.

Then he lowered his head, bit her earlobe, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Ah--" Xia Yuyan whispered, and she realized that if she didn't stop this guy, he would be even better, so the terrible cry appeared.

"My wife, I remember that you are not a dog!" Su Jin jumped out of the bed and cried, clutching his shoulders.

"Who let you bully me!" Xia Yuyan had a strong shame in her eyes.

"Bullying?" Su Jin was in a daze. It turned out that Xia Yuyan understood that.

"Yes, you dare to do that to me without my consent, you are looking for death." Xia Yuyan gave him a vicious look.

Su Jin shrugged and touched his nose, so that's it, what can I do, he took out a cigarette and popped a cigarette in his mouth, looked at Xia Yuyan and said, "Wife, I found you are sick."

"You are sick!" Xia Yuyan said in an angry voice.

"You are not sick, why didn't you feel just now, and you don't want to live a married life. It must be x cold, I think, let's take the time to see a psychiatrist. It is good to you and to me." Su Jin said with a face. Seriously.

Xia Yuyan's blushing face hadn't faded yet, and she stared at Su Jin for a long time before she chuckled.

Hey, this is the best time for my wife to smile. At least when Su Jin came into contact with her, it was the only time that made people look excited.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Xia Yuyan saw Su Jin's face turned into Brother Pig, and got out of bed.

"Wife, you are the most beautiful woman in my heart." Su Jinfa felt sour from the heart.

Xia Yuyan paused, and finally opened the door quickly and ran out.

Su Jin chuckled in his heart, but he didn't believe it, so his wife didn't like him yet. After experiencing the things just now, he found that although he was bitten by Xia Yuyan and injured a little, the results were still quite fruitful. Yes, what is said in Amsterdam's sentence, a small step today is a big step tomorrow, he doesn't know if it is right, it probably means that anyway.

Are you still sleeping? Su Jin looked at the sky, and let him rest for a while, otherwise he would be sleepy during the day. Thinking of this, he shamelessly occupied the place where his wife had just been warm and scented. Here you can smell the refreshing fragrance of her.


Su Jin said hello to Xia Yunxi. Today Zhiman will not go there. There is Lu Qingmei there, so there shouldn't be any major problems. In order to get in touch with his wife, he plans to spend more time with his wife recently. , After all, friction can generate heat. Is it possible that I lost the watermelon and picked sesame seeds and went to accompany the scheming little wife Susan?

He just walked to the corridor of the security room and saw Li Qing lingering in front of the door, seemingly waiting for him.

"Boss!" There was a little excitement on Li Qing's face.

"What's the matter?" Su Jin glanced at him.

"The house has been found, and Gu Shan and I have also submitted resignations to the minister." Li Qing said.

"Where is it?"

"It's in a factory in the city center. The boss there gave a good price, and I rented it." Li Qing's mouth was excited.

"Rent?" Su Jin touched his chin. Now Qincheng's house price is very expensive. It is estimated that his own more than three million yuan will not make much waves. It is impossible to lend him money to buy a house. He feels like this. It's also pretty good.

Li Qing nodded earnestly, "I am very confident now. In addition to eating and sleeping, I specialize in studying the books that the boss gave me. They are very powerful and help me a lot."

"That's good, how did you plan?" Su Jin asked.

"Uh." Li Qing looked at Su Jin and said, "In this business, the staff don't need much, just a finance, a business manager, and two cleaners. For other things, Gu Shan and I will do it. When you get the money, you can find the kind of professional spies that will be more effective."

"Well, business manager..."

Hearing Li Qing say this, Su Jin’s mind appeared in his mind, which made him hesitate. Xie Dazhi’s guy feels pretty good, and he can sit as the business manager of Civic Group before he is too old. What he said, he would not go, after all, Li Qing has just started to develop, and all aspects of conditions cannot be as good as Civic. However, he feels that he can try, if it can be done, the best, after all, it will be fine to pay more.

"Business manager, I have a personal choice. If it's done, don't talk about the business manager externally or to him, understand." Su Jin smiled.

"What's that called?" Li Qing was startled in a daze.

"Director of the business department." Su Jin's eyes were strange. Khan, but also the kind of polished commander.

"Uh." Li Qing nodded with a silent expression.

"Well, when do you need money?" Su Jin asked.

"The sooner the better, I'm looking for you, just to talk about this." Li Qing was rather embarrassed.

It seems very urgent.

Su Jin said, "Come with me, how much do I need?"

"This, the amount is very large. I calculated it in detail. The funds for half a year are at least one million. The security industry is very special. As long as the people recruited are willing to work hard, the profits will come quickly. Of course, it must be within a certain scale. I conservatively estimate that if you want to recover your costs, you have to lose at least one year, make a small profit in the second year, and make a lot of money in the third year, because there will be more customers at that time." Li Qing said.

"One million? I'll give you 3.5 million. You develop well. If you need to speed up, you should speed up and make profits as soon as possible. If it is not enough, tell me again." Su Jin looked at Li Qing and said, pondering.

3.5 million!

Li Qing was really frightened. The money can definitely support him to make a profit. Originally, he felt that if Su Jin had not borrowed enough money, he planned to get Gu Shan’s wife out. He didn’t expect to borrow so much. .

"Boss, don't say anything." Li Qing nodded earnestly. It is his luck to have such a boss. In this world, no one can watch fishing line, and he is more willing to help a person who has almost nothing. There are very few penny guys. He knows that it is a pale thing to say thank you at this time, so he can't help but keep in mind all the things Su Jin helped him, and he will repay the boss's trust no matter what.

Su Jin then waved his hand and said, "You go to prepare first, and then send me the account number with your mobile phone. I will transfer it to you later when I have time."

"Okay." Li Qing nodded, "Boss, you are busy, I will leave with Gu Shan first."


After speaking, Su Jin watched Li Qing leave, then opened the office door and walked in.

As soon as she entered the door, Zhang Anna looked at him and asked, "What's the matter with Li Qing looking for you? Looks very anxious."

"Because of the money." Su Jin shook his head, "Sister Na, I'll go out in a while."

"Oh, are you free this afternoon." Zhang Anna's eyes flickered.

"Uh, free."

"Do you remember what I told you?" Zhang Anna asked with a sigh.

"Here?" Su Jin's eyes lit up. If Zhang Anna's parents came, he would naturally behave very well, and it is impossible for Sister Na to marry someone else. He tried his best and would not let such things happen. Children happen, regardless of whether the other party is her parents.

"That's right, and also brought that guy over. He arrived at three o'clock in the afternoon. What should we do?" Zhang Anna asked worriedly.

"Haha." Su Jin wanted to laugh at her expression.

"You even laughed out! Be serious!" Zhang Anna said with a groan.

Su Jin tried hard to endure, nodded and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me, it's nothing."

"Then you go home with me after get off work." Zhang Anna felt a little begging.

"I can't guarantee this, but I will definitely go to your house today." Su Jin said.

"Alright, you have to talk and count."


After Su Jin talked to Zhang Anna, she turned around and left the security department. Unexpectedly, the trouble was really coming, and her parents were really too. How could such a forced marriage work? Zhang Anna told him earlier It was agreed by her parents without authorization. It was a classmate of her former middle school, and she had a little money at home, otherwise she would not serve as a soldier in order to escape.

Su Jin has no time to see his wife this time. He still has three things to do today. The first is to transfer money to Li Qing, and the second is to dig out Dazhi, but Xie Dazhi can make an appointment to talk. He did it if he wanted, and he didn't want him to let Li Qing find someone. Although the business is different, this thing involves a wide range of Belden. After all, the business manager of the Civic Group can sit on it, and there are only two brushes. .

Before getting on the bus, Su Jin dialed Xie Dazhi's cell phone.

"Hello? Boss, you actually called me!" Xie Dazhi was quite excited. How could he have thought that the son-in-law of the dignified Xia Group and the husband of Xia Yuyan would call him first, even though the two called him brothers and sisters. But the acquaintance is not long, plus, he still feels that there is still a big gap in identity, so he doesn't dare to bother him.

"Are you free after get off work? I invite you to dinner." Su Jin said.

"Hey, I'm free," Xie Dazhi said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay." Xie Dazhi responded.

Su Jin hung up the phone, although I felt that this matter seemed a bit sorry for Lin Siyan, poaching such a person would be a very small matter for their Civic Group.

Then, before Xie Dazhi left work, Su Jin transferred the account to Li Qing and drove to the Civic Group.

"There are still ten minutes." Su Jin looked at the time. He had to think about how to impress such a capable person. The business department is the most important department of a group. Unlike the financial department, the financial department is only involved in For internal and external expenditures of the group, the business department has to run in various ways. As the manager of the business department, Xie Dazhi must have climbed up step by step. Naturally, he should be very good. He feels that he is paid purely and should not be impressed.

Then, Su Jin called Li Qing to talk to the other party about his thoughts, and solicited his opinion.

"Everything is the boss." Li Qing continued to emphasize.

After chatting with Li Qing for a while, he glanced around and saw Xie Dazhi walking down. After talking to Li Qing, he hung up the phone.

"Boss." Xie Dazhi smiled and greeted him.

"Did you tell your boss that I want to see you?" Su Jin asked.

"Uh, I didn't say, let's talk about something if there is anything."

"it is good."

Su Jin didn't say anything, and opened the car door. This is so special that he is begging others. You are welcome. Besides, they are all brothers.

Su Jin got into the car and saw a black figure trotting out.

"Hey—Su Jin!"

I rely on!

Both Xie Dazhi and Su Jin were dumbfounded. This Nima and Lin Siyan were also off work. They were caught upright while co-operating with them? What should I do now?

"Mr Lin is here--" Xie Dazhi was also quite speechless.

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