My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1233: Beautiful blue face

I saw Su Jin with a weird expression and slowly lowered his head. Because of the state of Hu Tiantian lying on his side, after the young master lowered his head, the heat from his lips hit her cheeks.

What is Brother Su going to do?

Hu Tiantian's body shook, and her face was pink. She felt her crystal clear earlobe bitten by the warm tip of her tongue. Although it didn't hurt... but it was really intimate! In the impression, Su Jin had never treated her like this.

It's a wonderful feeling.

"You are not allowed to conflict with Li Nianwei in the future, understand?" Su Jin's tone suddenly became tough, and sweet Fox's heart tightened.

"I...I..." Hu Tiantian didn't know what to say, she was clearly wrong and not in her. The master's words gave her a taste of order that she had to follow. She had no choice but to say instinctively: "I know. ."

The owner is the owner. If you don’t obey you, you will be beaten. Although Su Jin has not beaten her in a real sense, once the owner, those horrible “toys” next to him must be put on him. It is currently in the boss’s office and belongs to Master Su The land is really bad every day, and the land is not working.

"Go out! I'm alone." Su Jin threw the whip in his hand and sat down on the chair, rubbing his eyebrows——

Where did Hu Tiantian dare to sleep, she was so flustered, she got off the table and quickly opened the door and walked out.

Seeing Hu Tiantian's back, Su Jin suddenly felt a ridiculous feeling that he actually started to have an interest in Hu Tiantian, she was a demon! But this face, this dress, this figure...

It's really hard to resist. Moreover, for Su Jinjue, although Hu Tiantian did not accept other people, including Li Nianwei, she would definitely obey her. If she did something to her, or if she had some unreasonable requests, she would definitely agree, but...


Su Jin is now full of the youthful figure of Hu Tiantian in his mind, staring at the closed door, he suddenly feels that if Tiantian prepares a set of high school uniforms in the future, then the girl might be more watery. !

Immediately, Su Jin stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes lightly, and fell asleep in the morning by leaning against the chair.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Jin appeared at the door of Lan Yan's office on time.

After walking in the corridor for a while, I observed carefully from the window, and found that Lan Yan was still working on the documents, and Su Jin was not good at looking outside. There were employees walking around, so I was suspicious. What is not so good.

"Hey, boss!" Li Nianwei appeared as she stepped on high heels.

"Ahem, Sister Yan seems to be very busy..." Su Jin looked at Li Nianwei and said lightly.

"Did you not make an appointment with her in advance?" Li Nianwei felt very strange. In the office that afternoon, Su Jin said to her like that, she thought she had made an appointment long ago.

"Should I still make an appointment in advance?" Su Jin looked at her, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Li Nianwei:...

"Please come in." Lan Yan said without looking up.

"Sister Yan, let the work be done tomorrow, and go have a meal." Su Jin said to Lan Yan of course.

Lan Yan raised her head to see Li Nianwei, then looked at Su Jin, her eyes flickered, and then she closed the information at the table and nodded: "Okay."

Su Jin held his pocket, turned around and twitched at Li Nianwei, with a proud expression on me, walked to the corridor outside the door and waited.

But Li Nianwei was defeated by Su Jin's arrogance. She thought to herself what's so ridiculous. The boss invited his subordinates to eat, so she had to give face. She was really worried now, which young boss could be kind? Sister Yan is so beautiful. She has spent a lot of time with each other and knows each other. If the boss has some bad thoughts, isn't it dangerous?

So she has to follow, and she has to follow!

In less than two minutes, when Lan Yan closed the door, she was completely new, and Su Jin couldn't help but pay attention.

Lan Yan actually wore a dress that Su Jin had never thought of. The bright red suit jacket had no buttons on the outside and was a bit close to the shoulders. The snow-white shirt inside was also very dazzling, and the lower body was a black tube skirt. The feeling of the eldest master, there is a smell of igniting the president.

On the faintly thin lips, the lip gloss is shiny, the willow eyebrows are curved, and the standard half-wave and curly hairstyle are perfect. Perhaps only here can Su Jin fully see her devil figure.

Really dazzling!

"Sister Yan is a bit different today." Su Jin calmly stated his feelings after looking over it.

"No--" Lan Yan was praised by Su Da's boss, and the smiling colleague used Xuebai's bare hands to push her long hair behind her ears, a little unnatural.

"It's so beautiful!" Li Nianwei glanced at Su Jin, her tone seemed to contain other meanings.

"Where to eat?" Su Jin caress about this lazily with Li Nianwei, and asks for their opinions.

"Whatever, you can do it anywhere." Lan Yan said that she doesn't care, she usually does nothing to order meals at work, and there is no need to have a grand meal in private.

"The steaks in the West Wing Restaurant are not bad, why not go there?" Li Nianwei said.

"Okay." Su Jin made a ‘walk’ gesture and took the lead and walked towards the gate.

In the parking place, Li Nianwei looked at Su Jin's car and couldn't help but stunned her tongue. The gorgeous purple of'Death Supercar' undoubtedly became the most dazzling existence on the scene, worthy of the reputation of being the world's first car, and being the pinnacle star. The car, Young Master Su also relied on it to make a lot of limelight, and basically he can get an amazing rate of returning wherever he goes.

When Su Jin came, the Reaper Supercar automatically opened the door, the unique way of opening the door, constantly overlapping, in the eyes of the two women, quickly opened the convertible.

Su Jin gestured, and the two women reacted and got into the car.

"Go to the Xixiang restaurant." Su Jin said, giving an order.

"No problem." The sweet and greasy system sound of Death Supercar makes people feel that this is not a car, but a real human-like, other kind of ultra-low intelligent car system. It is incomparable.

Just as Li Nianwei couldn't help but want to ask, the car had already started, and the Reaper Supercar system complained a little: "Master, you will be fine if you come out later!"

"Why?" Su Jin exchanged curiously.

"I'm playing a minesweeping game, with expert level of difficulty. Ninety-eight percent of the 40,000 mines have been swept away, and the rest will take two minutes..." Grim Reaper said.

Su Jin:...

Lan Yan:...

Li Nianwei:...

"Play again when you get to the place." Su Jin Khan, a smart supercar...playing minesweeper games?

There was no response to this Reaper Supercar, and he drove automatically. After ten minutes, the West Wing restaurant arrived.

The West Wing Restaurant is a high-class five-star hotel with 30 floors. Luxury cars are gathered outside the door and the business is very hot. But in Su Jin's view, these luxury cars are too low in price, and they are not worth mentioning. .

When the eye-catching Reaper Super Run stopped, from not far away, a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes cast a very special look...

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