My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1241: Which dare to refuse?

Oh oh oh

Su Jin turns back and fights back!

Xia Yuyan blinked her eyes quickly, panicking and wondering what to do, almost in a blink of an eye, that powerful figure appeared in front of her.

Leaning over, his big mouth kissed on the thin lips, the distance between the eyes and the eyes was only a few centimeters, Su Jin was stronger, and Xia Yuyan could only stare in panic.


Separated for a long time.

Su Jin picked up the information in his hand, Sa Yazi ran away, and left a sentence before closing the door: "I forgot to take this information. I will return it to you."

It turned out to be back to get the information-

I also kissed myself...

The corner of Xia Yu’s cigarette was slightly tilted, her voice whispered, very quietly I don’t know what she’s muttering, anyway, she’s already used to the routine of Dad Su’s husband, and she didn’t feel bad when she was shocked. She couldn’t run anyway. You can't win a fight, you can only let him bully.

It's the land...

Xia Yuyan is looking forward to it. I don’t know if Su Jin can get it. She has forgotten that the purpose of the land has not been told to Young Master Su, but it doesn’t matter if you say it or not. You can fix the land first and then tell your strategic intentions. Thinking of this, she withdrew her gaze, with a smile on her mouth, and continued to work with her head down.

Soon, Su Jin appeared in front of his house, first threw the information about that piece of land into the car, then happily sat in the main driving position, turned the front of the car, and drove out.


Soon after, the Qin city government.

Su Jin walked in with the materials and was invited to a waiting room to wait.

"Mr. Su, the mayor will be here soon, please wait for a while." A female secretary held a cup of tea in both hands, leaned over the coffee table in front of Su Jin, and said with a natural smile.

"Last time it didn't seem to be you..." In Su Jin's memory, the last time was another pretty female secretary. Although this time was not as pretty as last time, she was better to look at, and her behavior made people feel very comfortable.

"I'm not sure about this. I have just been transferred in less than two weeks." The female secretary said with a smile.

Su Jin nodded, tilted Erlang's legs, picked up a newspaper on the table and looked at it. During the process, he saw the female secretary begging to resign, so he ignored it.

Halfway through the newspaper, I heard Dong Xiuzhu's smiling voice: "Yo, brother Su, what brings you here."

"Chunfeng." Su Jin raised his head, looked at Dong Xiuzhu, and said two words very confidently.

Although it is not the season of spring, this ‘spring’ naturally has a different meaning. I believe Dong Xiuzhu will not understand. She is the person arranged by the old guy, and she can also be regarded as her own.

"What's in my head all day, it's all colors." Dong Xiuzhu's expression was weird, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be smiling, sitting beside Su Jin.

Su Jin took a look at her. Dong Xiuzhu was wearing a dark blue suit jacket, a white shirt, and leggings with long legs and trousers. He wore a hairstyle that only worked for women, and his face was clearly displayed. Describe her?

Well, a ripe peach!

"Sister Dong, the blush on one of your cheeks seems to be a little heavy." Su Jin suddenly whispered while staring at her.

Dong Xiuzhu's face was moved, her scallion fingers touched her cheeks, and weirdly asked, "Is there?"

Su Jin sat a little closer, pinched her slightly pointed chin, looked around, and said, "It may be the light, but it's pretty good. I got it wrong."

"Cut!" Dong Xiuzhu couldn't help but laugh, and patted Su Jin's restless hand. There was really no way to deal with the officials, so he had no choice but to ask for nothing. thing?"

If it's okay, Dong Xiuzhu feels that Su Jin is absolutely impossible to come to the public house. This is inevitable, although she also wants to see how this brother Su is doing.

"Sister Dong, I have taken a fancy to a piece of land, so you have to get it for me." Su Jin moved the land information next to Dong Xiuzhu and said to her with a smile.

Dong Xiuzhu didn’t pick it up, Meimu just glanced at it, and she knew what Young Master Su was thinking. She smiled bitterly, “You’re really going to make trouble for me. It’s okay to say anything else, this land that the Xia Group wants. , I really can't handle it, alas..."

"Why?" Su Jin asked indifferently with a deliberate expression of incomprehension.

"You consortiums are all funders, and our government is not easy to offend. This land is very well located and large enough. Some consortia have come in contact for many times, and they all want this land very much. It is pending, and the auction process has not been started." Dong Xiuzhu rubbed her eyebrows, very headache.

"You are not good to offend, I will offend." Su Jin squinted and laughed. "Which one refuses to accept, let him come to me."

"It's not as simple as what you said..." Dong Xiuzhu looked at Su Jin helplessly. She found that Su Jin didn't know the situation, but also knew the seriousness of it. You can know it from now on personally.

"Okay, I can't get something Su Jin, I see who dares to photograph this piece of land!" Su Jin poked his nostrils, "It won't work in the end, I'll call the old guy."

"Hey! You!" Dong Xiuzhu feigned anger. "The news has been out two days ago, brother... can you understand us? Anyway, you are not bad for money, fair bidding, the higher bidder wins, loses No one has a temper. What a good thing."

"It seems that I was looking for the wrong person to find Sister Dong, my brother said goodbye!" Su Jin stood up calmly. He didn't even have the idea to talk any more. He really didn't believe it. With his own ability, he couldn't get this piece. Ground!

"Wait." Dong Xiuzhu was already laughing angrily, and then said: "I will think of a way, I will reply to you tomorrow at the slowest time."

"My sister is amazing, I know that I can find you. If you come in contact with those groups, you can just let me down." Su Jin sat down again and heaved a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Dong Xiuzhu is the mayor, and this is just a matter of approval. It is not as difficult as she thought.

"No way, you are determined to carry the old guy out. If you don't find me to find him, you can definitely get things done. I can earn personal affection for you. Why not help?" Dong Xiuzhu turned over. With a blank eye, the words are serious and earnest.

"The person who knows me best is Sister Dong. Are you free at noon and have a meal together?" Su Jin put his hand on her lap and began to talk about personal matters.

"No time." Dong Xiuzhu shook his head.

"What about the evening?"

"At night..." Dong Xiuzhu stared at Su Jin's face, and asked tentatively: "Are you thinking about me again?"

"If you say, I'm thinking about it now?" Su Jin slowly looked at the neckline of the snow-white shirt...

Damn, it's already dry!

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