My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1246: Chiba Haruko

The beautiful ghost girl in black clothes and black pants has very little exposed skin.

This dress is obviously for better survival in the dark night, and this face is not too old when you look closely, and he is about 20 years old, in the eyes of ordinary people, I am afraid it will only be regarded as a college student.

"I won't betray the organization. Even if I kill, I don't even want to ask for the slightest information." The little girl Guiren insisted on professional ethics, turned her head coldly, and glanced at the approaching Young Master Su.

However, her heart trembled slightly at this moment.

What a cheap look!

"It's serious, death is not terrible to you, and it's quite serious to me. How can I be willing to destroy the flowers?" Su Jin raised his hand and rubbed it on her cheek, then his fingertips lightly Passed her ears and shoulders.

The touch of the skin from the hand is very good, it is the kind of superb touch, it is a pity... not a normal person.

"What do you want to do—" Little Beauty Guiren asked with a numb scalp. Now she feels that Su Jin is a complete lunatic. From just calling other people out, she can tell that this person must be trying to torture her.

Sometimes death is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that you cannot survive, and you cannot die!

"Actually, if I want to know everything about you, it's very simple." Su Jin smiled disdainfully and said: "You think you would rather die without opening your mouth. No one can take you anymore, but I don't know that there is a Chinese saying ...Involuntary."

The little beauty Guinin wanted to say something, but was shocked by the next scene, her heart trembled fiercely, as if she had mentioned her throat.

Su Jin's right fingers were joined like swords, and gently moved horizontally from the center of his eyebrows, "Open your eyes!"

Immediately, Young Master Su pressed **** to the center of the eyebrows of the little beauty of Oni Nin, and at the moment of contact, the beauty of Oni Nin from Japan closed his eyes and was invaded by Su Jin's enormous spiritual power.

Inspired by Ying'er's original "Peach Blossom" skill, although Su Jin didn't use it much, but after repeated trials, he can directly invade the depths of the memory of the little **** the ninja.

It can be said that as long as Su Jin displays this skill, all the secrets of this woman are not secrets to him, and he can even know exactly how many baths and toilets this woman has taken since her memory. All of the experiences can be searched in my mind.

And after Su Jin broke through to the Fairy Stage, he used it more and more easily and handily.

Some pictures appeared in Su Jin's mind, and he also knew that her name was "Qianba Haruko", and the final picture was frozen in one place.

It was some low ancient wooden buildings, surrounded by white cherry blossoms constantly falling, and on a small road, there was the most painful memory of this woman.

In the picture of memory, Haruko Chiba, who was still in junior high school in'Nagoya', separated from her female classmate in the evening, and night had fallen on the way home. She was so innocent at that time. Although she was only in junior high, she had already left. Yiyi's long legs are beautiful and beautiful, but on that night, his destiny was changed...

She was suddenly attacked by a female vampire on the side of the road. After being bitten, her life was hanging by a thread, and she almost died. It was her gloomiest days. Later, she was afraid of going out because her family thought she had a mental illness. The mysterious man finds it, and is required to obey him and use it just like other people, so as to obtain fresh blood.

This is the process of joining Guinin, a painful memory that will never be erased for her.

Su Jin uses this skill as if he is in the scene, even he can interfere, save her, but after all, this is a killing technique, saving her in this kind of coma dreamland can not change her status quo. , Could not help but shook her head secretly, then closed her eyes and began to understand her mission this time.

A few days ago, the mission was posted. Chiba Haruko and five other companions got the character information for this mission. It was a very beautiful girl, so beautiful that she was jealous, and this girl is In a foreign country, Qincheng is very good, not far from Japan.

Su Jin glanced at the photos on the profile through her memory, and suddenly became furious!

Xia Yuyan!

It turned out to be his wife Xia Yuyan! The above also indicates that he is the president of the Xia Group. Because he and his wife have just returned from the capital, Chiba Haruko and five other companions have been secretly waiting these days. They agreed to do it tonight a day later, but the day before yesterday, they were killed. Caught by the man of sprites.

What kind of grudge! There must be something strange in this.

Su Jin was furious, and his whole body trembled slightly in anger, clenching his teeth, and then... he calmed down his mood and opened his eyes.

Don’t you know everything?

With an indifferent face, Su Jin raised his hand, grabbed the "Huangquan Notes" with one hand, and directly waved it to float above Chiba Haruko's head.

The faint mist is constantly being manipulated by Su Jin and instilled in Haruko Chiba, baptizing her!

The purpose of this is that Su Jin wants to accept her and make her a slave girl! Furthermore, he had to play a very big chess game, using her **** to...find out the reason for Xia Yuyan.

Even if he hits "Nagoya" in Japan, Su Jin will not let go of even one person! Especially this time the messenger, the master of those Oni Shinobu!

In the chaotic state, Chiba Haruko felt that she was surrounded by a burst of warm and kind energy, and the vampire power in her body gradually changed qualitatively. At this moment, she got rid of the long-term troubles, no longer longing for blood, only longing for that A warm feeling.

"Qianba Haruko, wake up!" Su Jin screamed, crushing the two shackles on Qianba Haruko's body.

The beautiful ghost girl opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were a little confused at first, but after seeing Su Jin, she slowly crawled on the ground:

"the host!"

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