My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1249: Come with me to the room

Su Jin stayed by the bed.

The snow-white shirt dazzled people's eyes. It was neatly worn on Xia Yuyan's upper body, while the jacket was wrapped around the waist by a black tube skirt. Even and perfect long legs appeared from the skirt, covered with a thin layer. Thin black gauze stockings.

The gauze stockings quickly stretched to the heels, combined with Yuyan's wife's face and temperament, suddenly the officials' eyes began to narrow.

Just as Su Jinfa was stunned, the beautiful Keren moved slowly, and Xia Yuyan changed from lying down to sitting on the side of the bed, with his hands on his hips, staring at Shao Su's face.

"Su Jin!" Xia Yuyan powdered her cheeks, tilted her mouth, and said righteously: "No matter what you do next time, you must first be concerned about the feelings of others, you know?"

"How do you feel?" Su Jin touched his nose, then patted his forehead vigorously.

Damn, what did you just pause for? Wouldn't it be enough to just jump on it? How can she give her a chance to react?

The number one wolf in Qincheng, fascinated by the beauty, made mistakes that shouldn't have occurred!

To be reasonable, it hurts.

"Throwing people on the bed so hard, it hurts!" Xia Yuyan reminded Master Su in a serious tone or pretending to be serious.

"You are a porcelain doll, please handle with care." Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"I don't care, this lady is going to deal with urgent affairs now, how dare you stop me? Get back!" Xia Yuyan interlaced her hands in front of her, her tone sonorous.

Su Jin calmed down and was silent for a while. During this silent time, he was trying to look at Yuyan’s wife’s face, and there was no fluctuation on it. I don’t know if it was his superb acting skills, or there was something urgent to deal with. It probably took ten minutes. In about a second, he replied, with a smile on his face: "Hey."

Xia Yuyan laughed without showing her teeth. She was obviously ridiculed by Young Master Su's actions. Then she got up again and walked out the door slowly with Su Jin's eyes open.

Although he missed an opportunity, Su Jin wanted to make a joke with her in his heart. In any case, after learning about the actions of Oni Shinobi, he would not raise that interest, saying that there will be a battle tonight. It happened, and he still doesn't know why the opponent came to assassinate Xia Yuyan.

Su Jin also thought about it. Those ghosts are from Japan, or "Nagoya". There are only two channels for the big people he knows with Japanese background. One is Dai Meiyun and the other is Princess Kako. But these two channels are currently with him Their relationship is still good, and it is not clear which one is wrong. Or, it is hard to say that there is another enemy hidden in the dark.

Thinking of this, Su Jin found the mobile phone in the room, and when it was dead, he couldn't help charging it for a while, then turned it on and dialed Zhou Tianhu.

"Young Master." Zhou Tianhu's voice came.

"Is there any trouble over there?" Su Jin asked.

"Chi Lian just said in a very tactful manner that she had carried the pot, but she asked me if she could return it to her after the young master had finished using Haruko——" Zhou Tianhu said over the phone.

"Impossible. The person I robbed, definitely didn't return to say, let her die."

Su Jin said calmly, and continued: "You don’t use it at night. Those people dare to do it. I won’t let any of them go! Of course, although you are not allowed to do it, it doesn’t mean that you have nothing to do, so hurry up. , I will use the intelligence network to find out the information of these people as soon as possible from the customs office. It is best to find out which force their family belongs to."

"This must be checked again, and the verification can be completed at night!" Zhou Tianhu gave the exact time.

"Yeah." Su Jin hung up the phone.

Throwing the phone on the bed cabinet, as a magical man who has gone through big winds and waves, Su Jin has never been afraid of anything, just come and come, provoke Laozi, let them come back and forth! There are five more women, right? At night, if you find someone stepping on a horse and moving their hands, kill them all, and throw them all on the bed.

Su Jin lighted a cigarette and walked out of the room with the cigarette in his pocket.

In the living room, there was a very subtle atmosphere. I saw Chiba Haruko sitting upright on the sofa. There was no abnormality on her face, while Xia Yunxi was holding an apple and taking a bite from time to time. There was a book on one of the long legs, and his eyes sometimes looked at the strange **** the opposite side, but did not speak.

Xia Yunxi noticed that there were more people around, chewing the flesh without looking, and looking down at the book, but then she felt an extra hand on her other shoulder.

With outsiders around, Big Brother Su dare to climb himself like this--

"What are you looking at?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just some books about career success." Xia Yunxi's face was flushed, and he glanced at the opposite Chiba Haruko, feeling Su Jin's hand on his shoulder.

Xia Yunxi was crying in his heart... What should I do now, it's very shameful...

Then Xia Yunxi raised his heart even higher, Su Jin let go of her hand on her shoulder, and naturally placed her hand on her lap—

The palm is warm! Xia Yunxi was ashamed as a frightened rabbit now.

"Do you still need to read this kind of book?" Su Jin smiled.

"Why don't you look at it, although it is an inherited company, after all, there is a difference between the ability and those professional economic ideals." Xia Yunxi said with a small mouth.

"In my eyes, you are as good as your sister." Su Jin comforted.

Xia Yunxi raised his head fiercely and stared at Su Jin's eyes, with unconcealable joy at the corner of his mouth, "Really? Do you think so?"

"Of course, where do the eldest ladies of other people's houses worry about this? They just can eat, drink, play, have fun, and find a little white face. Other skills are gone. Where is it like you would sit in the office and quietly be a beauty business? Home." Su Jin touched her head again.

"But—" Xia Yunxi was suddenly a little depressed, and she didn't say anything further. To be fair, she admired her sister. The gap between her and her abilities is still quite large. You don't need to think about it.

Su Jin then comforted him for a while, before Xia Yunxi became confident and threatened to be as great as his sister, and immediately went to the company to work!

After she got up, Su Jin also got up and opened her hands to encourage her: "Come on, even for the bright future, I have to hug it."

give me a hug?

Xia Yunxi blushed and twisted, and whispered, "There are outsiders—"

Su Jin doesn't care about Chiba Haruko. As a slave, she doesn't have any right to speak at all. He simply stepped forward and hugged Xia Yunxi firmly face to face...

Then, watching the scene of Xia Yunxi running away and driving to work, Su Jin suddenly smiled, and turned his head and glanced at Chiba Haruko lightly.

The two eldest ladies at home are already at work, no one is there!

"Haruko, come with me to the room." Su Jin dropped a word, turned around and returned to the bedroom.

And Chiba Haruko did not hesitate, got up and followed up...

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