My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1251: Sister, go with brother!

"It's Lord Kitano." Chiba Haruko said softly.

"Who is Lord Beiye? Do you know?" Su Jin asked.

"We have two sets of plans for this mission. One set of plans was taken by Lord Kitano, carrying two Tonin disguised as entrepreneurs to discuss business with Miss Xia's family. As far as I know, they also carried one. The specific effect of the special "blue potion" is not clear to me." Chiba Haruko said.


Su Jin immediately dialed Xia Yuyan's cell phone, which he was negligent!


"Why are you calling me?" Xia Yuyan's voice came out, which made Su Jin breathe a sigh of relief.

"Three Japanese businessmen have gone to the group, have you not met them yet?" Su Jin asked with anxious eyes.

"No, it's hanging in the living room, is there any problem?" Xia Yuyan felt something was wrong, and asked specifically.

"Don't see them, I'll go to the company right away." Su Jin hung up the phone, without even talking to Haruko Chiba, and ran towards the Xia's Building at the fastest speed!

Grandma, there is no way to go to heaven, no way to go to hell! See how Lao Tzu killed you all!


Xia Group.

As usual, the staff came and went to work one after another. Although it was not yet 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Su Jin had a thriving feeling. He didn’t say hello to others, and he took the elevator directly to Xia The floor where Yuyan's office is located.

Even though the instructions have already been completed, he still feels that he can take a look at his wife before he is completely relieved. In addition, he needs an assistant. If he wants to act, he will act with them! I'm a born actor!

Open the door of Xia Yuyan's office directly.

There were two people in the office, Yuyan's wife and Chen Zhiruo, both of whom were there. Su Jin's heart was immediately calm. He smiled and asked, "The three Japanese, what do you want us to cooperate with?"

"New energy, they are still quite advanced in this aspect, but we do not intend to cooperate in depth. There is a lot of research in this area in China. The technology is just the gap in the conversion rate. Although it can't keep up with them, it is not much different. What's wrong "Xia Yuyan saw Su Jinfeng rushing to see her, and when she heard that she was asking about this, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She thought something extraordinary had happened.

"Nothing, I need an assistant." Su Jin pointed directly at Chen Zhiruo and said lightly.

Chen Zhiruo:...

Let yourself be his assistant? Why, she hasn't figured out what Su Jin has done, except that he is the husband of the president, and he didn't hold a position in the company.

Xia Yuyan looked strange and asked, "Are you going to meet those three Japanese businessmen?"

"Wrong, to be precise, they should be three Japanese killers." Su Jin stared at Xia Yuyan and said straightforwardly.


Not only Xia Yuyan panicked, but even Chen Zhiruo showed incredible eyes from her eyes!

"How is it possible!" Xia Yuyan was nervous in front of her breathing ups and downs, and continued: "The qualifications and information of their company are very real, why do you say that?"

"Are you questioning my ability?" Su Jin did not answer Xia Yuyan, but frowned and asked.

"No." Xia Yuyan squatted her mouth and believed in her heart for seven or eight points. She had never doubted Su Jin's ability. He said yes, it should be, but she didn't quite understand why there were three. The killer came to do business with himself?

"If not, just listen to my arrangement." Su Jin said lightly.

Xia Yuyan hesitated, turned to look at Chen Zhiruo, and said, "Zhiruo, are you willing to be his assistant?"

"I—" Chen Zhiruo smiled bitterly.

There is no way, just call her name and ask her to be an assistant to meet the three killers, and the president asked the same, she must be in a dilemma, or there is no way out to refuse.

But fortunately, she knew Su Jin's ability and would definitely guarantee her safety, and then she nodded and said, "I can."

"Yeah." Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin and said, "Be careful, pay attention to Zhiruo's safety, and don't let her make any mistakes. By the way, should I ask someone from the security department to assist you?"

"Nonsense, am I someone who needs help from a thug?" Su Jin hooked Chen Zhiruo, "Sister, go with brother!"

Chen Zhiruo had a folder between her arms, and saw the president’s husband walk out the door. She followed out in a panic, while Xia Yuyan had her eyebrows frowned. She couldn’t figure it out. She just hoped that Su Jin would give herself some at home at night. explained.

"Su Jin!"

On the corridor passage, Chen Zhiruo shouted.

"Don't ask, just make sure you are in your usual state. Isn't it difficult?" Su Jin stopped, without turning his head back.

I saw Chen Zhiruo walking up to him, looking at Su Jin face to face, and replied: "I'm not talking about this, I'm just thinking, why am I so unlucky to meet you?"

"Sister, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. After you met me, you were promoted directly. The luck I brought you is not good? You should thank me!"

Su Jin said, licked his lips, and looked at Chen Zhiruo face to face with a secret thought. Damn, the old girl Zhiruo is so pretty.

Chen Zhiruo didn't feel frustrated directly, her eyebrows were erected——

There is a faint tendency to go crazy, what is the president's husband!

After following him, I simply didn't feel better!

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