My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1257: You are stupid

IQ is flawed.

Ordinary people may think that it is impossible to exist. Although Su Jin doesn’t know if he counts as "Eighteen Palms of Jianglong", we have to be reasonable. Anyway, the real "Eighteen Palms of Jianglong" has never He has appeared before, and no matter how he makes it, it is considered "orthodox"!

He Jiayu is not the kind of ordinary girl who believes after she said it. When she saw that Su Jin really didn't plan to use'Tai Chi', she couldn't help but feel happy. He raised the'internal force' in the whole body and planned not to give Young Master Su a trace. opportunity!

Woo woo-

An inexplicable deep and fast-paced voice appeared on Su Jin, and then a burst of special energy covered Young Master Su's body.

Under the unbelievable gaze of Li Qing and the others, Su Jin, who was full of confidence, showed a touch of unspeakable temperament. Everyone suddenly saw several small black dragons with double horns on him.

There were black dragons wandering around on the wrists, legs, and even waist, and the roar of dragons continued to reverberate around, the wind rumbling, and the wind rose! At the same time, sand and rocks began to fly, making the people around couldn't help covering their eyes.

He Jiayu wanted to do it.

But after seeing this kind of scene in front of him, he stopped halfway and stared blankly for a while, and lost his temper.

How do you fight now?

He Jiayu's scalp was a little numb, but she couldn't stand Su Jin's eyes the most. She gritted her teeth and slammed her heart. She screamed and ran with all her strength, facing the'Great Demon King Su Jin' five or six meters away. Second attack!

"Sister, you can't go to the Dao——" Su Jin originally meant to scare her. Seeing her rushing over, he raised his right arm and leaned forward, his fist hit the ground heavily.


A loud noise appeared. In the dusty and smoke-shrouded venue, the onlookers couldn't see what was happening at all. After only hearing the sound, no figures existed.

With great curiosity, everyone seemed to feel that after a long time, they saw the scene after the breeze had blown away the dust and smoke, and all of them suddenly couldn't close their mouths.

I saw He Jiayu wearing a black coaching costume. Su Jin's back was supported by Su Jin's big hands. She looked up to the sky, and her eyes showed an unbelievable look.

Su Jin and her looked at each other, and then looked down, looking down from her Qiong nose, chin, and jade neck——

Alas, too much wear.

But in spite of this, He Jiayu's physique from small to large body still allowed Su Jin to stay in the upper body for a lot of time, where it naturally grew, and the two arcs were also very good.

"How... did it?" He Jiayu looked at Su Jin from the angle of looking up and couldn't help asking.

"Self-taught." Su Jin stared into her eyes and said calmly.

"Why can't I teach myself?" He Jiayu's face showed a touch of shame, Su Jin obviously meant to tease her.

"You're stupid—"


He Jiayu exerted force on his feet, and the whole person stood upright from the state where his back was in close contact with Su Jin's big hands, and then stepped back two steps.

Facing a powerful opponent of Su Jin's level, He Jiayu can't accept it. The opponent is not only a trainer, but the strength is far above her. If you continue to fight, you will only be humiliated by him again and again. If you are smarter, you can only admit counsel. It's over.


At this time, the crowd was applauded, especially one of the bosses, Li Qing, who clapped his hands as he walked, came to Su Jin and gave a thumbs up, and cried out, "Oh, awesome, my brother!"

"Generally average, third in the world." Su Jin shrugged and said that she was also helpless. On the other hand, He Jiayu didn't have the arrogant attitude she had before. It seems that facing the strong, she is very witty and admires Su Da. Young master, as for being rectified, there is no backhand strength. She is not as embarrassed as a woman.

Li Qing immediately turned to look at everyone, and said loudly, "Have you heard it? In the future, Coach He will slowly start to increase your training volume. Needless to say, you come to me for money! Well, there are plenty of opportunities, and there are all kinds of unimaginable high-paying opportunities! No matter who you are for, but you know, you can fight for a piece of sky if you dare to fight, remember?"

"Remember!" Everyone was excited, obviously not motivated by the scene just now.

"Let's go." Su Jin turned sideways and called Li Qing, who was full of leadership.

"Mr. Su, wait." He Jiayu couldn't help but said.

"What?" Su Jin tilted his head slightly without looking back.

"My boxing style is the'Seven Killing Boxing' inherited from a unique family, but I don't know if my aptitude is not good. I have always felt that something went wrong and I can't make an inch." He Jiayu said embarrassedly.

"Nani?" Su Jin frowned slightly.

"If Mr. Su is free any day, please give me some advice." He Jiayu said.

"Yes, I will come again next time." Su Jin nodded.

"Thank you." After He Jiayu thanked him, he saw Su Jin stepping forward and walking towards the office. For this man, she felt very miraculous, and she felt a sense of joy inexplicably, probably because he agreed to his request.

As he walked, Li Qing's admiration for Su Jin almost reached the point where he couldn't describe the five-body cast. Now he is going to follow the boss's way. Through the problems pointed out by the boss today, he already has many ideas in his heart!

Opening the office door, Li Qing walked in first and shouted, "Look! Who is here!"

Su Jin smiled and scanned the audience, but when he saw a girl behind Xie Dazhi's girlfriend Chang Li, his eyes suddenly brightened...

This girl is so beautiful!

"Brother Su!"

Unexpectedly, after looking at Su Jin, the girl stood up excitedly and called out.

She knows herself?

Su Jin's face was startled, his big mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape, as if something was wrong—

" are..." Su Jin took a deep breath and suddenly felt bright!

Damn it! It's incredible!

Su Jin has recognized who this girl is!

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