My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1261: Enter the fitness room at night

This outfit turned out to be--

In Su Jin's field of vision, Lin Yueru was wearing a pink silk nightdress, which was placed above her knees, very casual.

The contact of the pink fabric and the snow-white skin makes people feel a little special, especially the dress of the old lady Yueru, which really interprets what it means: below the abdomen are all legs!

I saw, with beautiful long legs standing close to each other on the wooden floor, and wearing a pair of cool light blue sandals on his feet, Su Jin was stunned for a while.

"Boss~" Lin Yueru chuckled her mouth when she reacted, and said something astonished as if she was okay.

In fact, Lin Yueru herself didn't think why Su Jin would come in at this time, he rarely came. In addition, my daily life habits require three baths a day. Once in the morning, once in the evening, and once in the middle of the night... Just when Xiaomei was picked up, she took a shower and started cooking, so there was the embarrassing scene of being hit by Su Jin now.

"I came across Xiaomei looking for me, so I just came in and have a look, what are you doing?" Su Jin gestured to the dishes in the pot and asked.

"Broiled fish, sun eggs, colored ring salad." Lin Yueru stepped back and introduced with a hot face.

Su Jin glanced at the three dishes that Lin Yueru had prepared, and when he saw one of the "sun eggs", he couldn't help but look weird. He just wanted to say a word...

My sister really knows how to play!

The so-called "sun egg" is actually cut one-third of yellow pepper, put it in a pan and fry it slowly, beat an egg in it, and slowly cook it over a low fire, so that the egg will appear after it is cooked It looks very good, but Su Jin is skeptical about the taste.

"Good appearance." Su Jin nodded thoughtfully.

Is it just ok?

Lin Yueru curled her lips, but did not express too much dissatisfaction. Su Jin would never know how hard she had worked. In order to learn how to cook, she didn't know how many places she went to apprentice teachers, and how much she rotten. Although this recipe is still not comparable to the top chefs, she thinks that there are not many women who can do her own.

"The boss is highly powerful, and he has no worries about food and clothing. Naturally, I don't like ordinary home-cooked food." Lin Yueru said with a joking meaning.

But these words sounded a bit harsh to Su Jin, and he said that you are not humbly accepting a few words, even with a mocking tone!

This is forcing the Lord to do it!

"Ok." Su Jin thought for a while, nodded and continued: "You let go."

Lin Yueru didn't know why, so she instinctively stepped aside. After all, she was the boss, she still had to listen to what she said.

But then, Su Jin's actions surprised Lin Yueru and couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do?"

"Cook a home-cooked dish." Su Jin washed his hands under the faucet, and looked at the **** crucian carp in the basin next to him. It weighed a full catty up and down, and it seemed to be a wild product.

This fish should be left over after Lin Yueru bought it to make braised fish, and Su Jin used it to show off——

Lin Yueru didn’t have time to stop, she saw Su Jin smoothly fish out the fish, put it directly on the chopping board, patted it on the fish head with a kitchen knife, slapped it faintly, shaved off the scales directly, and then smoothly sliced ​​it away. Fish maw, remove the gills. Wash afterwards.

The whole movement was clean and smooth, Lin Yueru couldn't believe it. As the boss, Su Jin had such a smooth technique, obviously not a layman can do!

In the subsequent steps, fry on both sides of the pot on a low fire, add water, chop a large slice of **** to remove the smell, and then add black pepper and other seasonings, and finally cover the pot.

"The boss also cooks." Lin Yueru whispered.

"Fuck, and the leg of lamb?" Su Jin sighed, looking at Lin Yueru and asked: "Your nutrition is high...When your body is hot at night, how can you solve it by yourself?"

How to solve it?

Obviously there is something in the words!

"You want to take care of it!" Lin Yueru looked at Su Jin's eyes wide, and gritted her teeth angrily. The boss even said such shameful things? Are you afraid of damaging Xiaomei next to her? She is still a child!

"Hey! Leg of lamb is my strong point... Well, I eat here at night." Su Jin started to manipulate the leg of lamb again...

In the end, Lin Yueru was asked to wait in the dining restaurant. She insisted on doing it herself. These were originally tasks for the servants, but Su Jin said that she did not taste good...

She was so angry that when Lin Yueru was so angry, she took Xiaomei and sat down at the table with a cold face. She felt that Su Jin's cooking might not be as delicious as hers.

After half an hour.

Several dishes were served by Su Jin one after another, when he brought out the last dish "Secret Roast Leg of Lamb"! Before Su Jinren arrived, Lin Yueru and Xiaomei had already smelled a rich and wonderful fragrance!

"Here." Su Jin carried a large barbecue plate and hung a bamboo basket on his wrist. There were two bottles of fine red wine lying in it, which he had just taken time to fetch in the wine room.

Lin Yueru was shocked. Looking at a large leg of lamb on the barbecue plate, it was so fragrant, and I didn't know what sauce was poured on it. Anyway, when he smelled the scent, people couldn't help but swallow.

Su Jin looked calmly, opened the bottle of red wine, and after pouring a glass of each, he let out a deep breath and motioned, "Try it."

In the subsequent scenes, the two women can be described as gluttonous. At first, Lin Yueru only cut off a little lamb leg. After tasting it, he couldn't control it...

Xiaomei also ate a lot, especially the authentic wild crucian carp soup, which made her satiated, and the lamb leg was tender and juicy, slightly spicy and delicious, and the heat was just right—

The sky outside the door has turned black unconsciously.

Seeing the mess on the table, there is not much meat on the barbecue plate. Lin Yueru's face flushed after she wiped her mouth. She stood up and said to Su Jin: "Boss, I will clean up later..."

"What are you going to do?" Su Jin asked.

"Eat too much, I go to the second floor to work out." Lin Yueru has been controlling her diet at night, but she really couldn't help it just now because it was so delicious that she couldn't stop it.

You know, she has always been extremely harsh on her figure, for the problem of eating too much, it is simply an unforgivable mistake.

Before Su Jin agreed, Lin Yueru's figure disappeared quickly. Su Jin drank the wine in the glass, wiped his mouth with the dining cloth, looked at Xiaomei and said, "Are you obedient?"

"Observe." Xiaomei said contentedly, holding her arms around her belly.

"It's dark, don't go out." Su Jin nodded and stood up, with a hint of evil in the corner of his mouth, and then his face returned to normal, turning around and walking lightly and went up to the second floor.

There is a fitness room on the second floor!

On the sofa in the small living room on the second floor, Su Jin saw the pink short pajamas on the sofa at first glance.

After that, Su Jin looked at the door of the fitness room.

The heart started beating wildly inexplicably.

Su Jin couldn't control it at all, and walked slowly to the door of the fitness room...

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