My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1264: Beauty is only worthy of the strong

Under Xia Yunxi's gaze, Su Jin walked through the living room casually, opened the bedroom door, and entered it.

The pattering sound in my ears continued. Su Jin knew that Yuyan’s wife had to take two to three baths every day, and the time each time was at least half an hour. Think about it... the time wasted on bathing all day It hurts people. Of course, it may be because she is too tired every day. I believe that taking a bath can reduce stress.

Su Jin didn't believe it anyway.

After coming in, apart from the sound of a shower in his ear, Su Jin looked at the laptop with the document open, secretly shook his head, silently chose to sit on the sofa, cocked Erlang's legs, lit a cigarette and smoked.

As time passed, the door of the bathroom was opened.

"Huh?" Xia Yuyan's figure appeared for a second, then retracted again, screaming.

"Ah shit, you can see it all, come out." Su Jin said lightly.

"When did you come back?" Xia Yuyan chirped out of the door and walked out slowly.

"Ten minutes ago."

Su Jin's eyes shone sharply, and his mind was shocked. While staring at her in a daze, he responded.

After taking a shower, Xia Yuyan changed into a thick red gauze nightdress. The skirt was placed above the slender legs and knees, and the upper body was tightly wrapped, but it was in this way that she could feel her almost perfect development effect. Under the temperament gauze skirt, long legs, not much thicker than the arms, came out, and a pair of blue sandals were worn on the feet.

Not only that, Xia Yuyan is still a woman who cares about details and beauty. After taking a good shower and putting on her nightdress, she dried her smooth and shiny long hair. Although it is not like a waterfall of ink, she still has loose hair. With a hairpin clipped to the back, all the white jade necks were revealed due to the hairstyle, combined with the tall and perfect figure, and the icy and clean beauty of the face, you can instantly feel a kind of incisive and vivid goddess temperament.

Very clean, very pure!

Su Jin clutched his heart, clenched his fists, and looked at Xia Yuyan's beautiful eyes with a burning expression.

"What's wrong with you?" Xia Yuyan asked weirdly.

"It's so beautiful that you can't breathe." Su Jin's outfit looked alike.

"Cut--" Xia Yuyan stared at Su Jin, blinking her eyelashes, her lips with thin lip gloss, and the corners of her mouth raised...

"Praise that you are not happy?" Suckington felt weak and his behavior returned to normal. He raised his hand and patted the position of the sofa next to him, motioning her to sit over.

"It's not that I'm unhappy, but it's too exaggerated, it's a bit numb." Xia Yuyan looked helpless, walked over to Su Jin and sat down, and the voice fell.

"My wife, be serious, there is a handsome guy's head flashing on the Penguin under your computer screen..." Su Jin tilted his head, pointed at the computer, and said, looking at Xia Yuyan.

"Is there?" Xia Yuyan looked at it, frowning and said: "It should be him again."

"Who?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"A department director named Tong Yang."

"Oh, for work--" Su Jin's eyes flickered.

Xia Yuyan puffed up her cheeks, then took a deep breath, turned Su Jin's arm, led him to stand, and said, "Are you jealous? Let's see it..."

Su Jin didn’t respond. He followed Xia Yuyan and walked to the computer. Just before entering the house with his eyesight, he actually saw this situation. He has been restless for a long time and even smoked. Two cigarettes, how can you win the country without figuring out?

Xia Yuyan skillfully clicked on the flashing news on the Penguin, and reluctantly signaled to Master Su, and said, "Look for yourself..."

Su Jin leaned over to operate the mouse, and read all the news up and down. Except for a project document that was originally sent through his friends, he always greeted his wife almost every day, and he was also very talented and gorgeous. The words praise how beautiful Xia Yuyan is.

It's a pity that Xia Yuyan didn't reply to a message--

"Why didn't he be blacklisted? It's so special, don't you know that you have a husband?" Su Jin felt sour, **** it!

For nothing else, just because this kid is handsome!

"This person does a good job, and his performance indicators are many times higher than those of colleagues at the same level. I think about it, and I will just leave him alone. Ignore it." There is another meaning in Xia Yuyan's words. Such talents must be retained. To make money for the company.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to this brother to have a heart-to-heart talk." Su Jin believes in Xia Yuyan very much, but such harassment must never happen again.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yuyan frowned.

"I will tell him by force that beauty is only worthy of the strong." Su Jin glanced at Xia Yuyan and said lightly.


Xia Yuyan has also been troubled recently, thinking that Su Jin will definitely make trouble tomorrow. It is estimated that she will have a wave of recruitment. She has no control over her husband's temperament, so she will let him go. Anyway, she has proved herself. clean.

Su Jin turned to put his arms around Xia Yuyan's shoulders, sat on the side of the bed, and said, "I think your files are still open. You are so tired during the day, so stop working at night, it hurts."

"Then do you know, at this point in time, how many people in the company are still working overtime?" Xia Yuyan rolled her eyes, indicating that Su Jin, the hand-handling shopkeeper, didn't understand anything.

"Or, let me share some of the burdens for you? You get me a vice president or something, my personal ability is still very strong." Su Jinmao recommended himself.

"You? Vice President?" Xia Yuyan was frightened, and then smiled: "I don't want the company to fail in a few days."

"I'm just kidding you, don't take it seriously." Su Jin is an egg vice president. All his own industries are handed over to others to take care of, so being a vice president will definitely not work.

Speaking of this, Su Jin's hand was placed on Xia Yuyan's legs. The legs were symmetrically covered by the way they could be grasped. It felt very good. Fortunately, Yuyan's wife was used to this kind of little action, and it was long gone. The original jerky, everything is up to him.

"Hey, what happened to you for those three Japanese killers today?" Xia Yuyan asked Su Jin. She only heard Chen Zhiruo say that the treatment was completed, and did not ask in detail when she was busy. Now that she thinks about it, she just asks. .

"They ended up terribly, don't ask, it's okay."

Su Jin looked into her eyes, and a fire suddenly burned in her body, and then murmured to herself: "There should be enough time--"

"What is enough?" Xia Yuyan realized something was wrong.

Then, Su Jin got up and sat down, put his hands on the bed on both sides of Xia Yuyan's long legs, and stared at Xia Yuyan who was sitting in front of him...

At this moment, Xia Yuyan blushed like an apple.

She already knew what Su Jin said about the lack of time...

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