My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1268: incredible

For Hasegawa Kaede, who destroys humanity and regards people as toys, it doesn't matter how a strong enemy dies, it can always find the weakest place of the opponent.

Judging from the speed that Su Jin has just shown, although Hase Chuanfeng expected it, he didn't expect it to be so easy. In other words, he already regarded Su Jin as his biggest opponent since his breakthrough! And now there are two women who open the door and appear, if you don't take this opportunity to win more easily, then it will not be called Hasegawa Kaede!

Almost at the same time, both of them rushed towards the Xia sisters.

As a top young powerhouse, Su Jin has never seen an opponent who can compete with him by his own strength. Fortunately, at a critical moment, a glimmer of blue light flows under his feet, suddenly faster than Hase Chuanfeng. Come on some soon.

"Go!" Su Jin raised his right arm, and after covering the two women with the black and red "Kirin Shield", he shouted at Hasegawa Kaede.

It was a pair of dark gray monsters with scaly skin all over. Su Jin could see Hasegawa Kaede’s true kappa from such a close distance. It is about 1.2 meters tall, has a hunched back and a head like a donkey and horse. The arms are slender, with eight-toed black claws at the ends.

At this moment, the long claws at the end of the arms collided with the shield of Su Jin Qilin with a sharp and huge force.

Suddenly the harsh sound like piercing glass appeared, and a series of gray flashes lit up in the collision!

Su Jin’s eyes were firm, and he continued to burst out powerful forces from the unicorn’s arms, and he was constantly increasing the thickness of the unicorn’s shield. In addition, a frustrated weird voice sounded from the side of Young Master Su, and then the soul of the black dragon came from the unicorn’s The shield was wrapped around, and the figure was about the thickness of a chi.

After the Black Dragon Soul appeared, he didn't save any face to Hasegawa Kaede, and directly shot it from top to bottom with one claw!


Hasegawa Kaede retreated decisively, almost looking at the real black dragon with unbelievable eyes, and at the same time said in shock: "China's dragon?"

Since ancient times, as an ancient civilization, China has many sacred beasts. In ancient times, there have been four sacred beasts: dragon, phoenix, basalt, and white tiger. There is also the central beast, the unicorn.

Among them, the highest belief among Chinese people is the dragon. Other countries, such as India’s protector of the country, the elephant god, cannot be compared with them.

The claw of the soul of the black dragon was not effective because it did not catch Hasegawa Kaede. Two flames ignited in the scarlet pupils, and they rushed forward as if they were swimming. The rows of scales that can be retracted and arranged are glowing with black light, and the speed is also Not slow, when approaching Hasegawa Kaede, his claws came out again and again, the offensive was extremely strong!


Hasegawa Kaede was finally swept away by a dragon's tail, and was sent to the ground not far away.

After hitting the ground several times, Hasegawa Kaede's sharp claws left two deep marks on the ground. After finally stopping, he opened his mouth and spit out black blood. It looked at Su Jin with extremely annoyed eyes, and the dragon in front of him was still wandering, and wanted to come and hit him!

Seeing this, Hasegawa Kaede screamed, and the cautious skin secreted a stream of black liquid. As it shook his body violently, the black liquid shook out, and every drop floated in the air, instantly transforming into a person.

Those souls who were once killed by it and were in endless misery and painful struggle seemed to be relieved. One by one, they pounced on the black liquid, and then the shining souls merged with the black liquid, and then reproduced like a substance with the help of inexplicable power. The world, even though this place is now shrouded in shady, is like a huge Shura killing field!

Su Jin stretched his arms and guarded the two women, watching the scenes before him vigilantly, while comfortingly said: "With me, it can't hurt you."

"Brother-in-law, what's the situation outside?" Xia Yunxi said with a trembling voice.

"Well, there was an accident, you close your eyes and it will be fine in a while." Su Jin did not look back.

Only Xia Yuyan didn't speak, looking at the faintly twinkling figures not far away, she was silent.

But then I saw that the soul playthings that had been killed by Hasegawa Kaede and captured before, after fusing with the black liquid, stood up one by one.

There was even a girl wearing a bathing suit and swimming trunks, holding a wave treadmill, and patted the soul of the black dragon in front of her without fear!

The soul of the black dragon swung out a claw, and the woman suddenly slapped into a cloud of black smoke, floating in the air. And the other'warriors' who were holding tools or fighting dragons with their bare hands were annihilated under the claws of the black dragon soul, but there were thousands of these alien species, and after a steady stream of occurrences, they successfully dragged the black dragon's attack. Kill the rhythm.

Now Su Jin is in a dilemma. If he allows the two women to re-enter the room, he is not at ease with the means of Hase Chuanfeng.

But if you take the initiative to attack and want to kill Hasegawa Kaede in a short time, it may not be easy to rely on the opponent's speed that is different from ordinary people.

Hasegawa Feng leaned over her claws and put them on the ground, and looked up at Su Jin and said, "What about the Chinese Dragon! It's all false, but I like your ability very much. After killing you, I will take your soul, you It will be used by me, and I will know all your secrets!"

Speaking of this, Hasegawa Kaede's half-moon-shaped mouth showed a wicked smile, and a touch of silver appeared on the oval pupil.

Su Jingang wanted to fight back, and subconsciously felt an inexplicable danger!

But it was too late.

The sudden severe pain on the back of his left waist made his complexion look hideous.

"Sister!" Xia Yunxi stepped back, looking at Xia Yuyan in disbelief.

And in Xia Yuyan's hand, the fruit knife was still being held tightly by her, and the entire blade was submerged into Su Jin's back...

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