My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1271: Who is Tong Yang!

Tong Yang, Director Tong?

Xia Yuyan frowned slightly and asked: "What do you want to do, fighting again?"

"Wife, let me tell you so... this grandson can't stay." Su Jin said meaningfully.

"Why don't you keep it? You want to change it. You can't always use violence to solve the problem. This person is eloquent and has a good job at work. According to your temperament, you must go to beat others again." Xia Yu Yan knows Su Jin's nature well. He is good everywhere. He just fights if he doesn't agree with each other. If he can grind out this part, he can't do anything.

"Hey, I just went to have a talk with him, where is it so serious as you said." Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan with strange eyes.

"Don't fight?" Xia Yuyan curled his mouth.

"Well, don't fight." Su Jin nodded.

"you promise."


"He is in the R&D department on the third floor."

"Goodbye wife."

Su Jin smiled, and after bidding farewell to Xia Yuyan, he turned and walked out of the room. At this time, his expression changed from a gloomy expression to surprise.

As soon as the door was opened, a beautiful figure flashed quickly, and he turned away while holding the folder.

Seeing this, Su Jin yelled, "Chen Zhiruo, stop for me."

Chen Zhiruo put her hand on the doorknob of the office where she was, and wanted to go in, but she was stunned by Su Jin's call. He simply turned around and looked at Su Jin, with a displeased expression on her face. : "Why are you calling me?"

"Yo-yo-yo, have you taken gunpowder? I didn't offend you..." Su Jin walked up to her and asked with a surprised expression.

"You just offended me." Chen Zhiruo sighed in her cheeks, twisted the door open and wanted to go in, but Su Jin raised her hand and pressed it on her little white hand.

"Don't, sister, make it clear. Otherwise, the young master is wronged--" Su Jin smiled lightly as he rubbed his thumb on the soft and smooth back of his hand.

"Where were you after get off work yesterday?" Chen Zhiluo blurted out.

after get off work……

Su Jin's face showed an unexpected expression, and said weirdly: "Don't you take it seriously? How long have you waited for me after get off work?"

"It's dark!" Chen Zhiruo took Su Jin's hand away and opened the door to enter.

This is really embarrassing. Su Jin didn't take this matter seriously. He usually likes to take advantage of beautiful women. Who can think that Chen Zhiruo is really waiting outside the company, it is no wonder that he is so angry.

Immediately, Young Master Su touched his chin, feeling that this old girl was full of resentment, thinking about it, she waited until it was dark, and he was to blame for not clarifying this matter, but now it can only be done, and we will make up for it in the future! If you know women, anger is not necessarily a bad thing! As some people haven't had the chance to be such a mad woman, Su Jin suddenly figured it out, and his face was full of smiles again.

Soon after, the elevator stopped on the third floor.

The elevator doors opened slowly, and the third floor was still different from other floors. It was obviously more busy, not talking about people coming and going, and the working atmosphere was also very tense.

Su Jin has already become a celebrity in the company, and a few busy staff did not see him at this time.

"President Su, Mr. Su is good."

"Manager Su!"


There are still people who know Su Jin, bowing slightly to greet Su Jin.

"Wait." Su Jin stopped the young man who had finished greeting, looked at him and asked, "Is Tong Yang here today?"

"Director Tong is over there, I just met once." The young man said politely.


Su Jin waved his hand and the youth hurriedly left.

And Su Jin's eyes were fixed in the direction the young man said, and he walked over with Doudou'er. Although he hadn't seen that kid, Master Su had already locked this small place!

I have to say that the Xia Group has a big business, and even the appearance of the employees is extraordinary. There are at least 50% of the employees who can be called beautiful women. This may also have something to do with the development of the group. Su Jin scanned the audience. ,Very satisfied.

Immediately, Su Jin's eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Who is Tong Yang!"

The staff all looked up and found that it was Su Jin, their expressions were all different...

"President Su!" A young man ran over with a smile, "Are you looking for me?"

Su Jin looked at this Tong Yang and found that the girl was really handsome, not only tall and handsome... She was also very energetic, she was a kind of little fresh meat, and from the surface, she was also able to speak well.

"Yes, I will inform you now that you have been fired." Su Jin said coldly.

Tong Yang's complexion suddenly changed. Su Jin suddenly said that he was fired from his husband, who was the president of the company. He, his face was a little bit awkward.

"General Su, is the decision made by the president?" Tong Yang calmed down and asked.

"It was my decision, no?" Su Jin pushed him several steps away.

"It's not impossible, it's not a notice from the president. From a logical point of view... you have no right to fire me." Tong Yang was calm, but his heart was still a little guilty.

For some reason, Su Jin's dislike for him is not just his people, but...hypocrisy!

"Just say one more thing." Su Jin suddenly felt more and more ridiculous when he saw that the other party wanted to compete with him.

"You... don't have the right to open..." Before Tong Yang's words were finished, he whispered badly, and an afterimage appeared in his vision...

After all, Su Jin couldn't hold it back.

He is going to beat this guy to death!

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