My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1277: Purple County

Walking on the fresh green grass.

After chatting with the King of Ghosts of Sanshang, Su Jin learned that this'Ziju County' alone has a radius of more than 2,000 miles. There is a sea of ​​bitterness in the east and the'Jiuyou Jedi' to the north. The terrain is hilly, but there are also Mountains and water, beautiful scenery.

From the current location, it is not far from the big city of Ziqu County. It is only thirty or forty miles away. Judging by the strength of a few people, it can be reached in more than ten minutes.

"What? Is there anyone in Jiuyou Jedi who dare to enter?" Su Jin couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the Ghost King.

"The Jiuyou Jedi contains treasures of heaven, material and earth. Some disciples of the sect or imperial nobles can hunt for pleasure in the periphery. The place where Ziqu County is famous is that it is adjacent to the Jiuyou Jedi. The black market here is also the largest in Izumo. , There is no one, some rare spiritual essence and source stone can almost be seen." Sanshang Ghost King explained.

Although Yayu Yinshuai is a daughter, his knowledge is extraordinary, he also said: "I heard that the Demon King, Beast King and Izumo in the'Nine Nether Jedi' have reached some kind of agreement, although it cannot guarantee the safety of those adventurers who go deep into the hinterland. , But it’s fine on the periphery."

"It turned out to be so." Su Jin stopped asking, holding the pair of white tender little hands with great interest.

He found that the old girl in early summer, who was also the first time here, was obviously very interested. She looked left and right with big eyes, looking at the exotic scenery of verdant trees, and walking on the green grass and the ground with various flowers. She was in a special mood. That's good.

In this way, it took more than ten minutes to see a tall and shocking castle in the distance after half an hour, and I wanted to come to'Ziyou County'.

As the pace approached, there were more and more people. Su Jin saw that among them there were people with green and blue hair, but the proportion was relatively small. Most of them were black hair and dark eyes, and most of them had yellow skin. People are no different.

Soon, under the gate of Ziqu County!

Su Jinjian raised his eyebrows and looked up at the three big characters of'Zijujun' above the city gate, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth. These were clearly my Chinese characters, but they were later betrayed and separated from China. Izumo's betrayed China!

Enter the city.

But I saw that the voices of people were noisy. The time here turned out to be twilight. The streets of Ziyou County were very fast, about several meters wide, with shoulder-carrying vendors walking constantly on both sides, and there were endless voices of people drinking candied haws. There are also many stallholders on both sides.

Su Jin's eyesight is extraordinary. Most of these so-called ‘ordinary people’ have a bit of cultivation skills, but the ordinary qi training period accounts for the majority, which must be due to the aura of this place!

Even the whole people practice!

Perhaps, the strong ‘mortals’ here are very ordinary compared to the mortals in China today.

"Young Emperor, it takes a lot more nights than ours before it gets dark. Have you eaten dinner? Would you like to find a place to have a meal?" Sanshang Ghost King suggested.

"Are you hungry?" Su Jin looked at Sister Chu Xia. He didn't eat dinner anyway, but he felt okay.

"I'm not very hungry." Chuxia said, blushing.

"That's still hungry, okay..." Su Jin climbed on the fragrant shoulders of early summer, and before he walked a hundred meters away, he entered an inn with others.

The inn was named'Fuyuan', and there were several signs of'wine' hanging outside the door. When Su Jin and the people walked in, they found that the inn was very retro in style. With the word "Red Wine", the seats around are almost full, and the business is booming.

Under the leadership of Xiaoer, Su Jin and the others sat in a position behind Judong. The ghost king swallowed and ordered more than ten kilograms of old wine, five dishes of meat and two pots of soup. Kind, a little snack.

"Have you heard? Yesterday we had a major event in Ziji County." On the other table, someone grabbed a peanut and threw it in his mouth, and said mysteriously.

"What's the big deal?"

"The important offender of the imperial court is hidden in our Zijiu County——"


"The former princess of Baishi County...Ling Feijin."

"Oh! Now the Li family is becoming more and more lawless. A few years ago, a second stupid son was raised to the throne. On the face of it, it is still the Ling family dynasty, but in fact it is the national teacher in power. From the current situation, it is completely against Ling. The rhythm of killing everyone." Someone sighed.

"Sh -" Some people rushed to stop, "Do not dare fate of these?!"

"It was originally that before the death of Emperor Ling, he especially liked the Nine Emperors and gave the Nine Emperors Princess Ling a special gift of'Baishi County'. Later, when Emperor Ling died, his sons had accidents one by one, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it. , It was the Li family who stole the Ling family dynasty." The people in the inn, obviously all knew about this, and they all talked hotly.

"Even though Ling Feijin is young and beautiful as a flower, it is said that during her tenure as the princess,'Baishi County' developed better than our'Zijiu County' and was very popular with the people. However, a few years ago, Li Guoshi was dismissed for unreasonable charges. With her as the princess, the people in Baishi County are very angry now. I heard that the people were still secretly protecting the lord from leaving!"

"Now Ling Feijin is caught?" someone asked.

"No, I heard that people from the'Hillman's 19th Floor' were forced into the Jiuyou Jedi."

"Don't rush into the depths! Otherwise, it will surely die away--"

Su Jinjin listened with relish. No wonder it is said that the inn restaurant is the easiest place to get information. Now it seems that it is true, but there is almost no such experience for officials, and it feels very good now.

"What is the situation, it's just a girl, do you want to kill everything like this?" The diners continued to question.

"It is said that Fairy Ziyun, Ling Feijin's master, stole some of the treasures of the national treasury. The national teacher was furious and has been chasing after him for several years. I didn't expect that the master now has found the trace." Someone said.

Su Jin was shocked, his expression dumbfounded——

Ling Feijin is Princess Suluo? !

When they left from Huaxia together, they actually arrived at Ziji County? Do you want to be so stupid? It is not impossible to estimate the time!

Su Jin was comfortable listening, but now his face was ugly.

"Young Emperor, what's the matter?" The Sanshang Ghost King was very capable of observing words and expressions, and he noticed something wrong with Su Jin.

"Nothing, when will you go to the black market?" Su Jin asked.

"Have dinner!" said Sanshang Ghost King.

"What's so good about the black market? This emperor doesn't plan to follow you anymore. It's a rare occasion. You have to take a good walk around the city and then turn around at this inn." Su Jin squeezed the wine cup and drank.

"How do you do it! Let's go with one piece!" The Sanshang Ghost King was startled and stopped again and again.

"Why not? The emperor's freedom still needs you to restrict? Don't worry, just turn around. You will be round with you here soon, maybe you are not here early!" Su Jin said lightly.

Although Sanshang Ghost King didn't want to, he still bit his head and asked not to fight bravely with others, for fear of danger, otherwise Meng Girl could not explain it.

After eating, Su Jin used shopping as an excuse to leave first, and the King of Ghosts also gave him a lot of spar coins, which were common money here.

In addition, early summer was also found by him for a reason, and placed it next to the ghost king.

After a cup of tea.

Su Jin came out of a tailor shop and changed into a pale blue robe, with a grimace mask on his palm...

Su Jin put the grimace mask on his face, and laughed, "Princess Suluo, after you see me... will you be surprised—"

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