My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1287: Don't resist, be good!

"you dare!"

In a hurry, Ling Feijin hugged her hands tightly to protect her body, clutching her neckline tightly with her fists. Although she couldn't dodge, she was determined not to let Su Jin undress.

Su Jin was secretly speechless. After holding him into the room just now, Princess Suluo removed her disguise and restored her original appearance. In the impression of the officials, Ling Feijin had a very clear, lonely and cold personality. It's Goddess Disease! This is not to blame her, what is her identity?

The former princess of "Shiraishi County", the nine emperors of "Izumo Thirteen Prefectures"! The emperor! Bing Qing Yujie, a goddess-level beauty who is less than 10,000 people under one person, and one of the top three beauties in Izumo!

What's wrong?

On Ling Feijin's immaculate cheeks, there were all scarlet peaches, just like the first time the big girl was touched by a man, all shy.

"Sister, you are unwell and have limited mobility. I must help you! Besides, I haven't seen it before...Come on, don't resist, give me a little behaved." Su Jin planned to be gentle and persuaded me with all his heart.

"What are you talking about, I can do it myself--" Ling Feijin is even more anxious. She can't pass the hurdle in her heart at all, at least not now. You must know that in the Jiuyou Jedi before, it was'silver poison' in her body. She couldn't control her mind at all, so she made Su Jin for nothing. Now that she is conscious, how can she...

"Really?" Su Jin asked.


"Well, we are all in that kind of relationship, you still treat me like this, it feels a little hurt..." Su Jin did not retract his hand, but moved a step sideways, reached out and took off her boots, and saw again Her crystal clear three-inch feet!

"What kind of relationship?" Princess Suluo's eyes widened, with a little threat inside. If she has extra strength now, she will definitely slap it over. This guy is so annoying, and now she wants to take advantage of it. Enter, take advantage of her!

"Don't you say it? You try to sit up. If I see that you can walk by yourself, naturally I don't need my help." Su Jin took a few steps back.

Princess Minuo had a stubborn personality. Although the power in her body seemed to be hollowed out at this moment, she still gritted her teeth and moved out of the bed. With her insistence, she could walk without any problems.

Su Jin is not a person who is not talking, turning his head and leaving. When closing the door, he did not forget to say: "Be careful when stepping on the stool."

The door was closed by him.

Princess Chorella was also obviously relieved at this moment-

Outside the door, Su Jin lit a cigarette, leaning against the wooden railing in front of the corridor, quietly began to blow the wind.

The lights are bright...

Outside the quiet Tianzi room, Su Jinfa stared at the shadow on the wooden hollow wall. She was injured and moved slowly. Fortunately, she was able to take care of herself.

Although she couldn't see the real situation inside, Su Jin still saw her lift up her slender and clean feet and touch them inside the wooden barrel. Later, the whole person was submerged in it and began to soak quietly.

"It's a pity." Xiao Umbrella's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Why did you say this?" Su Jin reacted and asked lightly.

"If there is a stable place to meditate here, one hour may be worth one month of Hua Xia's work, and there are flying spirits everywhere, isn't it a pity?" Xiao Umbrella asked.

"There is an opportunity. I have already written down the route to this place. Miss Meng and the others are leaving at this moment. I can also use Lingwu Qingzhou to go back. When the affairs of Huaxia are dealt with, I will submerge here for a while, and strive to break through to the aspiration period. "Su Jin communicated silently.

For some reason, the whole people here are practicing, but there are very few old monsters in the aspiration period. If you break through here, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble. This is just his feeling.

"That's right. If you don't come out and walk, you don't know how huge the outside world is, and compared to the vast area farther away, the entire Izumo Thirteen Prefectures are nothing but a small place. You don't have to be here." Xiao Umbrella praised Su Jin's ideas very much. In any case, keeping a strong heart is the most important thing.

He has great responsibilities in the future...

After Xiao Umbrella finished speaking, she stopped talking, as if she fell asleep again. Su Jin's heart was like still water, knowing that Princess Chi Luo would take at least an hour to wash. Fairy Zi Yun left. I don’t know when to return. I can’t leave. I might as well Xiu. Practice the exercises.

Su Jin sat on the ground, watching his ears and nose, his nose and heart, and slowly closed his eyes——

The exercises were operated.

In the sea of ​​Qi, the Skeleton King lit his eye sockets. This was the first time that Su Jin practiced with all his strength. Soon patches of purple auras gathered in the Qi Sea. They were absorbed by the Skeleton King Whale and absorbed in the body, constantly refining!

Su Jin didn't know how big his movement was this time!

Above the Fuyuan Inn, purple auras wandering, like snakes and ropes, gather quickly, and gradually condense into a purple storm!

At this moment, an old man with white beard and hair is gazing at the top of the mountain at the "Hanging Sword Sect" in Shiraishi County, Izumo 13 Prefecture...There is a big purple dragon in the sky above Ziyou County. Throwing and suppressing in the sky, it is obvious that there are evil spirits practicing!

"Who is it?" The old man put his sword on his back, and the scabbard trembled, making a trembling sound, making the old man's face serious.

On the top of the mountain where the'Qinghuomen' is located in the north of Zijiu County, all the nine ancient furnaces tremble, attracting a dozen people to arrive in an instant. These people are of different ages, and they are all surprised to look at the movement of the nine five feet high. My heart is palpitating! Then, the nine ancient furnaces burst into the sky with red clouds, and the red flames made the surrounding temperature rise, causing everyone to cry in surprise.

"Could it be the great demon of the Jiuyou Jedi?" Qinghuo disciples, all of their expressions were uncertain.

And the hometown of Empress Bingxuan... Yingle County.

As the master of the female emperor Bingxuan, hundreds of disciples of "Linglong Blessed Land" appeared at this moment, and they were beautiful and beautiful. Among them, Jiucheng was a beautiful female disciple! Hundreds of beautiful eyes stared at the purple illusory dragon in the distant sky, and their expressions faded.

"That is the Zilong Qi vein formed by spiritual energy!" A female elder said in surprise.

"Ah? It is said that decades ago, a peerless ascetic monk walked out of the sea of ​​suffering. When the walking monk appeared, the clouds were steamed with Xiawei, and the Buddha was in the world, and finally disappeared!"

"Our ancestor, the Bingxuan Empress back then, heard that if she did not exercise restraint, she would also have a sky like snow dancing. Snow does not freeze people. According to records, there was also a strange fragrance at that time. The fragrance was 100,000 miles away. You can smell it, it's against the sky."

"Who is this person?"

"The purple qi is coming from the east, and the dragon is the great lord. Could it be a sign that this world is about to change? Is it possible that the emperor will appear?"

"The Li family's rebellious actions attempted to change the prince from the civet cat to steal the Ling family dynasty. Is the retribution finally coming?"

"Izumo is surprised, let the Li family get a headache!"

The disciples of the elders of Linglong Blessed Land are constantly communicating--

However, the initiator Su Jin enjoys the joy of practice. The skeleton king in the sea of ​​Qi constantly absorbs pure aura and constantly begins to transform. It was originally a white bone, but now the surface of the bone has a texture of white jade, and his sea of ​​Qi is at this moment. Full of spiritual energy, Lingwu'Qing Zhou' kept swaying, rippling clear waves in the Qi Sea.

At this moment, Fairy Ziyun was shocked in her heart as if the river was overwhelmed, and her figure flashed out, staring at the meditating young man in front of the door dumbfounded!

It's him!

Fairy Ziyun trembled!

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