My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 129: Kind of weird

Su Jin's thoughts didn't make Sister Lan notice. Soon Sister Lan threw the cell phone belonging to Su Jin on the table to him, "Your woman made several calls."

"Have you picked up?" Su Jin was taken aback.



"You are stupid!" Sister Lan gave him a white look, and then twisted and sat beside him, "It's so late, and I'm a woman again. Your wife hears my voice, how can I have you back home?"

There was fine sweat on Su Li's head, and Sister Lan was justified.

"By the way, you have a lot of confidantes. That Susan also hit two of them." Sister Lan said with a smile.


Su Jin was helpless, so he had to dial back. According to his understanding of his wife, if she is asleep now and cannot answer the call, then she really does not like him. If she answers, then she is more worried about herself. He still understands this, so he looks forward to it.

"Hey, wife..."

"Su Jin! Where did you die!" Xia Yuyan said angrily.

"This...I'll go back and explain it tomorrow." Su Jin had no choice but to say so.

"Where are you? If you don't come back, never come back again!" Xia Yuyan heard Su Jin's voice as if nothing was wrong, feeling that he must be with which woman, anyway, she already knew what he was like. People, but Su Jin who didn't answer her phone like this and didn't come back, disappointed her!

Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm hurt. I'll talk about it tomorrow when I go back. Besides, don't worry, I will send someone to protect you, so you can sleep peacefully."

"Uh...what's the matter?" Xia Yuyan's tone was weak and couldn't help but wonder.

Su Jin didn't say anything, that is, he met the killer and was injured. But he almost wasn't scared to death by his wife's sturdiness, and now he wanted to see him in the middle of the night, which made him a little dumbfounded, can she see it? Can't! So, I found some reasons to dispel her thoughts.

Good deed, if she is really allowed to come, then she will not be angry to see so many beautiful women here.

After hanging up Xia Yuyan's call, Su Jin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he called Susan again, which was a sign of safety.

After doing all this, he discovered that Sister Lan was staring at his face, still the kind of unblinking. If the kind of first-time brother who has not experienced anything, she might really be seen by her. Sorry.

"Sister Lan, where are the others?" Su Jin asked.

"If you do tasks, go out, go to sleep, and you are not awake, they have all visited you, don't worry." Sister Lan said.

"That's good." Su Jin had a numb scalp, "I really sleep here at night?"

"That's right."

"How about you?"

"I'm sleeping too? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Sister Lan said stubbornly.

Su Jinmeng stared at her face, it didn't look like a joke, he smirked, "You are not afraid, I am naturally happy, Sister Lan, come and go to sleep!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and wanted to pull Sister Lan over, but now he raised his arm and his body was a little bit painful, and his speed was not fast, so Sister Lan avoided him.

"Cut, you believe what Sister says?" Sister Lan blinked, "You don't care about your woman's safety anymore?"

"Uh..." Su Jin was a little depressed, "You want to go out too?"

"That's for sure, but I switched to Qianyi. It was her yesterday and me today." Sister Lan said.

"Well, you can go." Su Jin nodded. With their protection, he would definitely feel at ease. In this world, there are not a lot of masters like Yan Luo who can appear casually. So Sister Lan alone is enough.

Thinking of what happened before, Su Jin was grateful. If it wasn’t for the other party’s support, they would have been exposed in advance, otherwise Sister Lan and An Qianyi would not rush over to support them. There were other people in the car. He was in a coma at the time, and his life would be in danger.

Sister Lan walked up to him and touched his face, "Sister here, be nice with your hands and feet, don't touch things that shouldn't be touched, otherwise I have to see something tomorrow, don't blame me when you are injured... "

After speaking, she glanced at Su Jin's body somewhere... there was a cold light in her eyes.

Su Jin's heart tightened. It turned out that Sister Lan was still not at ease with herself. Isn't she quite open? Why are you worried about this now? But he is not afraid, co-authored, he is the young master, do you dare to chop the young master?

Sister Lan's face was still a constant smile, and under Su Jin's gaze, she walked out.

Hey, super beauty is really unattractive. Su Jin will definitely not risk his little brother’s life to touch him. After all, it’s important to pass on the ancestry of the big things? Definitely not!

Su Jin calmed down and started to cross his knees to check the conditions inside his body.

Five minutes later, he opened his eyes and came to the conclusion: very bad!

The line of Jinli can't work at all now, and he still can't pull a trace with all his strength. After all, it is not a natural breakthrough. Now there are some ways to control it. Fortunately, he feels that he only needs to rest for a few days. If you adapt, you should be able to solve this problem satisfactorily.

Thinking of this, Su Jin took a deep breath. He had just fallen asleep for a while, and now there is no sleepiness, so it is better to go out and take a look.

At this time, Gu Shuzhai was no different from other places. They were all very quiet. Su Jin opened the door and moved his steps. Now he feels that his walking and other things are not affected except for the problem of strength. Of course, Maybe you still have to wrong your own women.

It seems that without herself, Tao Xiaolang and Wang Mei Niu were all dispatched. This time the incident was particularly serious, but Su Jin also thought about it. This is a good opportunity!

He felt that his IQ was very high. Didn't all those forces want him to think of his side? Now that he is fine, he will use his injury to directly push everything away, and no one will help! Believe that the reputation of killing'Yan Luo' will be loud for a while, and they dare not say anything.

Thinking of this, Su Jin felt a lot of rare relief in his heart, and couldn't help walking to a window on the left, looking at the scenery outside.

Qin City is truly an incomparable city that never sleeps. Even now, it still has bright lights and neon lights, and the traffic on the overpass is like a dragon. Su Jin's mood is calmed down in this quiet scenery.

About five minutes later, someone suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Su Jin's expression changed, but this was Gu Shuzhai. He then instinctively relaxed. He turned around and looked at An Qianyi and said dumbfoundedly: "Qianyi, you don't walk with wind!"

An Qianyi looked at him blankly. If she didn't know her character, some people might think that she was something unclean in the dark scene!

"These, drink it." An Qianyi said coldly while looking at him.

Su Jin's night vision ability can only be said to be okay, but when he saw the muddy liquid in the glass that An Qianyi was holding, he couldn't help shook his head and decisively refused: "Don't drink."

An Qianyi just stared at him like that, looking at him with cold hair.

The two seemed to have a higher concentration than anyone else. Soon Su Jin was defeated. After waiting for him to be better, he asked you to look good, and asked, "What is this?"

"Medicine." An Qian said with words like gold.

Su Jin took it, but soon he smelled an unbearable pungent smell, and whispered: "There is a strange smell."

He didn't dare to say that it was urine, **** it, women are sensitive, not to mention that this is brought by the beautiful An Qianyi, that does not mean--

But he muttered to An Qianyi's hearing, the originally quiet beautiful woman had super hearing, not to mention her master, Su Jin's face suddenly changed color.

Putting a dagger on his neck, the speed of his first shot is absolutely top-notch! Even Su Jin felt that only the hand speed he used to fight'Yan Luo' could beat her.

"What?" An Qianyi asked coldly.

"Beauty, let me drink!" Su Jin suddenly had the determination to break his wrist and looked at her.

An Qianyi still didn't take the dagger back, Su Jin had to grab the cup, and under her watch, drank in one mouthful.

Seeing him finish drinking, An Qianyi also took back the dagger.

Su Jin secretly scolded the masters who followed the old guy, all of them are masters, especially in their character. They are very good. Since An Qianyi came here, he hasn't seen her smile before, even if there are any other ones. If you don't have an expression, wouldn't it be tiring to keep it like this?

"Take a rest." An Qianyi took the cup and glanced at him.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Su Jin nodded and said.

An Qianyi didn't respond, and Su Jin had to walk to her room, but when she passed her door, he suddenly said, "That, Qianyi."

"Say." An Qianyi didn't turn her head, Su Jin felt, why is it similar to what she pretended!

"You're so beautiful, good night." Su Jin immediately locked the door, he was afraid that this beauty would kill him! Now he has no ability to resist.

An Qianyi's expression was stunned, and after hearing the sound of him closing the door, she showed a small arc of smile, and then left the corridor.

If Su Jin sees that kind of beauty, it is estimated that he will die without regret, when is the best beauty? Then naturally it's time to laugh! Unfortunately, he didn't see it.

Su Jin closed the door and walked to the bed with her trouser pockets in. Didn’t Sister Lan say she wouldn’t let herself touch her things? Brother I was not convinced. He planned. I will definitely not come to Gu Shu in the last few days. Zhai, after all, he has to stay at home well, and then other forces will think that he is really recovering from his injury, and when he is well, he will still be afraid of Sister Lan? That's nonsense!

So Su Jin went through the box and took out all the clothes of Sister Lan, and most of them were close-fitting clothes.

Su Jin saw that although his whole body was hot, but the little brother didn't work hard, he only sighed, and then appeared from the bed made with Sister Lan's clothes, and he jumped on it and started to sleep, even though he couldn't sleep!


In the early morning, the saliva from the corner of Su Jin's mouth ran over the pink clothes. After he wiped it, his eyes moved a few times before opening his eyes. It was already dawn outside, and he slept well last night!

Su Jin looked at the bed full of Xiangyi, thinking in his heart, I wonder if Sister Lan knows if she will die of anger?

No, she should be back soon too. Su Jin dressed up with a guilty conscience, picked up the phone and went out.

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