My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1297: How dare you hit me

"I have taken a fancy to the fairy tale band, especially that Bai Qiujin."

Liu Haoyang had a little obsession in his eyes, and he told the truth about what he thought in his heart. Not long ago, he had always been following the entertainment circle, and he happened to see the turmoil of the'Luanyan Media'. Later, after a series of measures and whitewashing, Luan Yan Media, which continues to introduce newcomers, has worked **** the portraits of its artists.

It is also true that Liu Haoyang seems to have entered a new world, that fairy tale orchestra!

At this point, the four school girls of the Fairy Tale Orchestra were so fascinated that he had a taste of star chasing. The four beauties have fair skins and fair looks, and one of the members, Bai Qiujin, is even more skinny. The condensed fat, like the waves of the eyes, made a deep impression in Young Master Liu.

So he had an idea when he was abroad, desperate to get this band! I even got this company, because this company also has the little dragon girl Long Han and the famous Korean queen Park Yoona!

Many well-known beauties!

Liu Haoyang seems to have fallen into heaven, thinking about it day and night, so he prepared everything today and came to buy Luan Yan Media, not afraid of the boss surnamed Su! Because he never missed the woman Liu Haoyang wanted! Even at no cost!

Su Jin felt stunned, and his eyes became colder.

"Did you buy it?" Su Jin smiled coldly, looking at Liu Haoyang and said.

"You... don't sell?" Liu Haoyang's face sank, and there was no lack of threats in his tone.

"Yes, not for sale!"

Su Jin did not hesitate. His ambition is to become the No. 1 media company in China Entertainment Industry, so he wants to take all the money? I underestimated him too! Although that big truck has hundreds of millions of dollars in money, this ‘Luan Yan Media’ was only bought by him for 20 million, but he is not stupid.

"You're looking for death--" Liu Haoyang patted the coffee table again, his cheek muscles were cramping in anger, but his face was still full of anger.

He couldn't believe it.

Why not believe it?

Before Liu Haoyang came, he naturally checked the details of Luan Yan media. The capital that changed hands was only 20 million. The money he brought was enough to buy several Luan Yan, but Su Jin did not sell it!

Sure enough, Grandpa Liu was angry, and the four bodyguards behind him stood up, staring at Su Jin with an unkind expression, and meant to hit someone with a disagreement.

"Mr. Liu, our boss naturally has his plan if he doesn't want to sell it. I'm afraid it's not good if you force it?" Lan Yan frowned.

"Fart! Let him make a price, how can he not even open the price? Are you afraid that you can't afford to pay? The contract is ready, you tell me not to sell!" Liu Haoyang has almost lost his reason, and questioned Su with red eyes. Jin said.

"Mr. Liu calm down--" Lan Yan was so angry, this person is unreasonable, but he has an identity, what else can he do.

"Calm down, come and come... You kid come and sit down, I'll give you another chance, the contract is here, you promise to sign the car money outside, and then you can get away as far as you can!" Liu Haoyang He picked up the contract and threw it on the corner of the coffee table, pointing to Su Jin and said.

"You! Why are you..." Lan Yan finally couldn't help it. She was out of anger, and was about to argue, but was held on her shoulder by a hand.

Su Jin smiled, and kept holding Lan Yan's fragrant shoulders and soothed.

Immediately under Lan Yan's beautiful gaze, Su Jin walked to the sofa with his face as usual.

"Sit, let me tell you, you have to..."

Before Liu Haoyang finished speaking, he felt his eyes flash, and then a crisp sound appeared, and his face was burning like a fire!

It's really crackling!

Everyone was stunned, including Liu Haoyang, who was slapped, also covered his face, and did not react!

"You **** dare to hit me!" Liu Haoyang immediately rushed to his forehead with a burst of blood, and immediately yelled, so at the same time the four sturdy bodyguards also moved their hands!

"Master! Let's teach this kid! Don't get frustrated!" The bodyguard blushed and directly stopped Liu Haoyang who had lost his mind.

"Yes! Master, we have to beat him without knowing him!"

"Break the leg and kill him!"

There were four bodyguards in the room, and they took out police iron rods directly from their waists. This telescopic weapon was very convenient. Not only was it more lethal, but it was also easy to carry, only slightly longer than a palm.

The four bodyguards drew out the iron rod directly and hit Su Jin!

"Be careful..." Lan Yan didn't expect that things would develop into this way, and while she was a little strange about Su Jin's recklessness, she was worried about him!

Why doesn't he know that a good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses! While Lan Yan instinctively stepped back, she was very anxious!

Since Su Jin dared to fight, he was sure to settle everything!

Two stick figures flickered in front of him, Su Jin leaned forward, not retreating but advancing, holding his hands away like lightning!



Two screams appeared, Lan Yan couldn't believe her eyes, but Su Jin at this moment pinched the wrists of two of the four with both hands...

Directly break!

Like broken branches, the injured hands of these two bodyguards formed a 90-degree right angle with their wrists! Has been abandoned!

The other two didn't show much concern in their desperation, and they didn't even see anything. They only heard the sound, and one person raised his fist and smashed it!

Su Jin's reaction was of course awesome, he immediately raised his fist and smashed it at the same time!


The bodyguard's face was green, and his other hand was covering his arm. The whole arm was painful, and at least three bones were broken!

The last person in the room just wanted to rush over. Seeing the miserable condition of his companion, he hurriedly stopped, his face was full of cold sweat, and his whole body was trembling!

Fight four bodyguards who are taller and stronger than him! And also unscathed, no one can believe it!

At this moment, several people outside the door opened the door and rushed over!

"Kill him!" someone was yelling.

"You dare to offend my young master!"

"You are considered light if you waste it."

"Must die—"

Several people brandished daggers and iron rods and rushed over, shouting screaming and killing, and the scene was almost messed up!

But the only thing that didn't mess up was Master Su!

What scene has Su Jin never seen? Not to mention that there are only a dozen people, even if they come again, he will not miss it!

"Boom boom!"

Wherever the fist passed, one person fell with each blow, but for a few breaths, a bunch of them lay on the ground! These bodyguards are all wailing on the ground like dogs!

Su Jin put his hand in his pocket, touched the cigarette, and stooped to pick up a knife by the way, smoking a cigarette, and turned around——

Liu Haoyang's face is ugly...

He really didn't expect that when his seemingly sturdy subordinates were fighting with Su Jin, they were almost as paperless and vulnerable!

Now I see Su Jin walking again with a knife!

"You, what do you want to do?" Liu Haoyang asked, shaking his body without spine, and trembling lips.

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