My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1305: Lie down, wife!

"it is good--"

Su Jin answered, and it was okay to say otherwise, but he had to help her fulfill this beauty's dream.

All the members of the Viru family, including the seven injured by Su Jin, all left in their cars. Nangong Jun covered his chest with one hand, his face full of pain, and the other hand raised towards An Ruoqing's car and left. The direction, sad, the girl you like, is gone! There is nothing more painful than this...

As a result, Su Jin ushered in the questioning eyes of two slut.

"It seems that something is going on here! Quickly explain!" Nangong Jun and Qian Donglai were tied together, asking Su Jin in a persecuting tone.

"What's wrong?" Su Jin said ashamed.

"What the **** is the trainer?" Nangong Jun asked.

"The little princess wants you to go to her house urgently, won't you ask you to propose marriage?" Qian Donglai also blinked in his eyes, in a weird tone.

"It's nothing, it's just an agreement with her." Su Jin said as he walked.

The three of them walked into the Royal Hotel. They were all hungry. They had a meal first, and planned to talk in detail at the dinner table.


After three rounds of wine, one table of dishes and a few bottles of good wine.

After spending more than one million yuan in Donglai, he was already full of food and drink, and then Su Jin refused the two slut's dirty invitations to find a girl, and drove to the city.

Soon, at home.

Su Jin has been thinking about it all day. Since leaving yesterday, I haven't seen Xia Yuyan yet. As the most important woman in my mind, if I don't see it for a day, it feels like I have lost something in my heart.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon, Su Jin walked into the living room with a cigarette in his mouth, and suddenly found a pair of beautiful eyes looking over.

"Brother-in-law, where did you go?" Xia Yunxi asked with her long legs folded, holding an unknown book, and turning her head.

"Drank some wine with the two brothers." Su Jin said calmly.

"Be careful, my sister seems to have a bad temper today, don't provoke her—"

"Joke, what do I use to accommodate her?"

Su Jin was full of alcohol, and he walked directly towards the bedroom door, but he didn't see Xia Yunxi's hesitant to speak, he opened it and walked in.

In the room, Su Jin was wrapped in a hint of cool air-conditioning wind, watching Xia Yuyan combing her dress, it seemed that she was planning to go to work early.

Xia Yuyan sat in front of the dressing table with a wonderful figure. The delicate flower-like face reflected in the mirror was slightly cold. She was wearing a half-moon-necked long silk shirt, completely covering the part below the willow waist, in the eyes of Su Jin Formed a beautiful streamlined line, and her mushroom hairstyle skillfully manipulated, let the young master very amazing.

Su Jin walked behind her, squatted down, hugged her slender waist with both hands, and said, "I'm back..."

"It's so heavy." Xia Yuyan frowned, looked at him slightly and asked, "How much did you drink?"

"Not much, one bottle is white, one bottle is red." Su Jin smiled.

"Do you still drive? You don't want to die!" Xia Yuyan was startled, stopped her dressing up work, and continued: "Go to sleep."

Can and can't drink like this--

"Kiss first." Su Jin became drunk, and when the voice fell, he kissed her right cheek with a big mouth, then let go of her, walked to the bed, lay down heavily, and the bed shuddered. Trembling.

"Where were you last night." Xia Yuyan turned her head and stared at Su Jin without blinking.

"It's important?" Su Jin laughed. "It turns out that Yunxi said you were unhappy because I didn't sleep with you last night?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just asking." Xia Yuyan said.

"Do you care?" Su Jin asked.

"If I don't care, I will ask?"

When Xia Yuyan faced Su Jin, she was a bit outspoken, but she regretted it after she said it. How could a guy like Su Jin not go home to sleep, understand her painstaking efforts? Wasn't it exactly what he wanted to answer?

Su Jin couldn't help but shook his hand, and the "Mountain God and Big River" reappeared.

"I didn't sleep all night last night, and I only got a little sleep when I came back in the morning. As a result, I bought such a treasure and came back." The folding fan in Su Jin's hand is very unusual.

Xia Yuyan opened her eyes wide, and then she rubbed her eyes. She didn't know if it was an illusion on the surface of the fan. Just now she saw that the creature above moved, and on the stretch of mountain peaks, white clouds seemed to be surging.

"Really?" Even though Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin didn't lie to her, she asked.

"Xiaotong can testify. It's eight o'clock in the morning." Su Jin was also depressed. How could his wife not believe him? It was only a night that she didn't go home to sleep, which caused her to doubt whether she should take the secrets of the underworld. tell her?

Su Jin then denied this idea.

"I believe you. Where did this fan come from?" Xia Yuyan's heart suddenly became bright, and a long-lost smile appeared on her face.

"I got it in a mysterious place. I can take you there if I have a chance in the future." Su Jin is very yearning for the outside world, and naturally has this idea in his heart.

"Okay, hurry up and rest." Xia Yuyan packed up the dressing table, Yu Guangjian saw Young Master Su hooking her hand, and couldn't help turning her head and asking, "What do you want to do again?"

"I missed my sweet wife all night, and I feel deeply guilty for my husband, and I plan to make up for it with my body." Su Jin put down his hands and shook off the shiny big-headed leather shoes, not forgetting to take advantage of his mouth.

"Cut." Xia Yuyan blinked her beautiful eyes, and the corners of her mouth were upturned, very helpless for Su Jin.

"Seriously, come and stay with me for a while." Su Jin said in a very sincere tone.

In addition to work or work, Xia Yuyan needs comfort for her husband's fragile heart, especially if she meets again in a day, it is better than a newlywed!

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuyan got up from the dressing table, came to Su Jin and sat down, and said with a smile: "You think I am as leisurely as you, a lot of tedious work—"

"Then get rid of your worries, discard all distractions, and indulge yourself!"

Su Jin was happy, got up swiftly, and put her on the bed before Xia Yuyan could react. He laughed and said, "Lie down, wife!"

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