My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1314: Within the stone

What the **** is being a mother——

Several people are blinded. If you don’t know the situation, you really think Princess Da Zhou is really pregnant...

But in fact, the royal family attaches great importance to such things as chastity. Princess Zhou has never been married, she is definitely Yunying, and has never enjoyed the love of men and women, but despite this, she is now congratulated by Su Jin.

"Explain clearly!" Princess Zhou's tone became sharper after she was in a daze. This is about chastity. All of you present here are extraordinary characters. If it is spread out, how will she be a person?

"There was a Shi Ying conceived in it. I guess it will be called your mother after cutting it out." Su Jin explained helplessly, he didn't make any jokes.


Everyone’s eyes became hot, including Liu Mengwu’s stunned face, his face flushed, and his heart was extremely regretful. If it was really as Su Jin said, then Zihuangfang’s loss would be too great. The natural born Shi Ying only exists in If a few people are cut out and cultivated harder, the future may be a shocking existence.

Princess Da Zhou couldn't believe it, and asked: "Really?"

"No need to lie to you, I'm still alive--" Su Jin felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but he felt that the little guy in the rock was really strange, not only alive, but also full of vitality, completely unlike the existence that has been sealed for a long time. There is also some expectation, looking forward to cutting out a monster that is against the sky and forming a good relationship.

"If the cut out is not, I'm going to be crazy--" Princess Da Zhou hummed, and took a few more glances at her own source stone. Her heart was not easily nervous, and now she jumped up and down. It began to undulate rapidly, the scenery was wonderful...

She can't help but be nervous, this is the congenital Shi Ying! Rare in ancient times, it is said that if a person’s body is truly holy, it needs to be fossilized and freely transformed. By then, the fighting power will become a great power against the sky, but if Shi Ying has cultivated to an extremely high level, the step of “fossils” can be omitted. , Directly become the innate saint!

"If what Brother Su said is true, then it is because of its fate with the princess." Although the Emperor Shaoman is envious, he is not jealous. You know that he hasn't even cut it now. What if it is not?

"The old people have also heard that this stone infant is not particularly rare. For a school, it is definitely a curse rather than a blessing. First of all, they don't eat ordinary food. They all need to be fed by treasure-level elixir of more than a thousand years. It is too difficult to cultivate. , It’s easier to die. Fifty years ago, an old friend of mine fed a rock ape, only to raise it for two years before giving up and letting it die. It's not humanly accessible." The Rongfu old man of the Hanging Sword School, nothing. Envy, speak with a heart and soul.

In this way, Liu Mengwu woke up. Although their Zihuangfang family had a great family, they might not be able to support such a Shi Ying. Only the ancient dynasty can raise it. In this way, it will take hundreds of years to cultivate a stone man at the level of a saint. The price is too high, and it is not a pity that it is owned by Princess Da Zhou.

"There is no weapon and elixir that is easy to use." Dao Lang was surprised at first, but now he feels a little watching the show.

Only Linglong Aoxue glanced at the Shiying source stone, and secretly called it a pity. This Shi Ying may be able to raise her exquisite blessed land.

Because there is a ten thousand year old bitter snake vine in the blessed land, which produces a lot of fruits, which can be comparable to a thousand-year-old medicine, but this kind of fruit is highly poisonous, and it is difficult to remove the toxicity by refining medicine. This stone infant is not a human. Toxicity is definitely immune.

On the other hand, Princess Da Zhou remained calm, and she could also raise this Shi Ying! Zhou Guo is really important to them. Although training is slow, once they grow up, they can definitely be used as a great power to protect the country.

"Miss Sister, come first." After Su Jin finished the selection for Princess Da Zhou, the lady gave priority and invited Linglong Aoxue to choose first.

Linglong Aoxue was also not polite, she stood up and waved more than ten green glows with her bare hand, and penetrated into the various source stones. Immediately, her eyes lit up, and she waved to take a head-sized source stone and placed it beside her--

On the recommendation of Daolang, Emperor Shaoman chose the source stone of Kuaichi more than long, and he was satisfied.

After the old man Rongfu looked at it carefully, he chose a crimson rosestone, and Su Jin nodded secretly. The old man's methods were amazing, and his eyes were so harsh...

In the end everyone looked at Su Jin again. Su Jin was the last choice. Some were not wise. They all knew that it would be easier to produce good things by choosing first. After all, good things were picked away.

"Brother Su can choose two dollars." Shaomanhuang smiled.

After all, it’s the second round of selection, so Su Jin simply let Su Jin continue to choose——

Su Jin smiled. He had seen all of these stones just now, and directly recruited the last two smallest stones, both of which were fist-big source stones, and they were close to each other. No one wanted to choose.

Afterwards, several people selected the stones again and again, and soon each had three stones beside each other, and the old man Rongfu pulled out the divine sword he was carrying, and directly shrank it to two inches long, and began to "dissolve the stone."

Daolang took the lead in pushing out the three stones he chose. Rongfu took one directly, the sword light in his hand flickered, and layers of stone chips were cut off...

White spots appeared in the last stone, and the sword wolf frowned...

The source stone with a big head eventually turned into a powder, nothing!

The source stone is originally the nature of gambling. It may hide a lifetime of riches and nobles, and it may not have a single hair. It is very normal, but the knife wolf feels that the face cannot be maintained. The first piece is empty. No ordinary person here, he blushes. .

Continue to the second block!

In just one minute, a ray of purple light appeared!

"There is a group of spirits, I can only say that it is not bad." The old man Rongfu waved his hand, and a cloud of purple mist the size of an egg flew in front of the knife wolf and was sucked in by his mouth. Spiritual spirits are not uncommon, this group of spirit spirits can be worthy of Saber Wolf's one month of hard cultivation. But definitely not worthy of the existence in the ninth floor of the Treasure Pavilion.

The third piece...Half a fang with a jade texture, an inexplicable beast fang! Knife Wolf was overjoyed, saw the extraordinary, and put it in the storage bag.

The Emperor Shaoman was a little unlucky. Under the urgency, he gave priority to stone. The three stones only produced a dagger hilt. Although they existed in the era of the emperor and the material was difficult to match, they still couldn’t hide their disappointment. , These three stones, after all, he helped Shaomanhuang choose.

Linglong Aoxue seemed to be favored by the goddess of beauty, and she came out with a blood-stained handkerchief, and a strand of black and yellow essence was already quite rare.

Then there was the anxious Princess Da Zhou. Elder Rongfu helped her untie the first smaller source stone, and the sun was shining!

"It's so fragrant! What...what's in this stone?" Shaomanhuang's eyes widened, his nose ring dangling, he couldn't be surprised.

Princess Da Zhou secretly squeezed her pink fist and stared at the source stone, which was radiant with sunlight, because not only the sunlight but also the sweet fragrance filled it!

"My God!" Dao Wolf exclaimed, watching Elder Rongfu cut off the last corner, he knew what it was!

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