My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1317: Six claws covering the sky

Cut it back!

What a great spirit.

All present are geniuses, either through the sect's most important training, or through the royal family at a high price, and are deeply reused.

But despite this, none of the people present dare to say that they can win against Xu Yichen. After all, the inheritance of the'Taiyin Ancient Emperor' is too terrible. There are unpredictable and fierce and powerful. The genius masters who were rumored to be beheaded by Xu Yichen are countless, I don't know. How many royal nobles want to be married to Shaoyang Sect.

And this is probably the reason why Xu Yichen can ignore people like him here.

Su Jin walked out of the color boat pavilion, and the few present looked at each other and stood up, especially the princess Da Zhou holding a milk baby in a decent way, making people smile.

"Today I am going to kill the ancient emperor's inheritance!" Su Jin yelled, strode to the hull of the ship, facing the crowd of onlookers in an incomparably public attitude, he directly saw the chariot, which was strange like an elephant body. The odd big unicorn BMW looks quite shocking, but Su Daguan people are not afraid.

The crowd was noisy and in an uproar.

Xu Yichen threatened to kill Su Jin and force him to fight.

And Su Jin was unceremonious, not only stood up immediately, but also threatened to kill the ancient emperor's inheritance, how not to make people shocked.

Not only that, but the people who anticipated that there would be problems in advance, this time really filled their eyes. When Su Jin challenged the battle, Princess Da Zhou, Linglong Aoxue and others all came out of the color boat, and they were obviously standing on the deck. Interested in watching battles, for monks, watching other people fight is also a practice, with rare opportunities.

"One is the inheritor of the ancient emperor Taiyin, with the cultivation base of the early stage of the aspiration, and the other has shown the Zilong Tianxiang, with amazing momentum, but I don't know the cultivation base, and I don't know who can defeat the other party." The onlookers were full of excitement and tolerance. Can't help but say.

"Since I dare to fight, Xu Yichen will naturally not be weaker in his cultivation." Someone replied.

"Fortunately, I didn't leave, otherwise I missed this earth-shattering battle. The inheritance of this ancient Taiyin emperor is too terrifying. I heard that it is known as the undefeated in the Eastern Region. The young man against the sky relied on restraint and became a tie with him." Some people know a little misin.

"Brother Su, come on--" Yang Ziwen clenched his fist tightly, staring at Su Jin, very nervous.


Seeing Su Jin challenged, the huge chariot released a huge amount of surging weather, and a golden and gorgeous young man appeared. His figure is not burly, but he is dressed in black and shiny leather armor. The coolness is obvious. He is carrying on his back. A two-meter long gun with a reckless red gold pattern on it.


Xu Yichen shook his whole body slightly, and the spear turned into a red phoenix-like training, and he was caught in his hand. It turned out to be a rare treasure.

"Xu Yichen, when my Purple Phoenix Boat is your Shaoyang Sect?" Liu Mengwu was covered in purple clouds, and a bracelet on her wrist made a crisp, linger sound, instantly regaining the power of cultivation. Dangling, the goddess' temperament was revealed, and people couldn't help but watch for a little longer.

"Miss Mengwu, he beheaded my brother, no matter who made his mark today, it won't work!"

Xu Yichen pointed a spear at Su Jin, full of anger, and said, "Don't you dare to let a woman stand up for you and fight me dignifiedly!"

"Idiot, which one of your eyes saw me let Miss Mengwu stand out for me? It's up to you? Not worthy!" Su Jin looked at each other coldly, not in the slightest.

"Then fight!" Xu Yichen flicked his spear, and under the flickering figure, he slaughtered him.


Without seeing the figure, the spear was so handsome, as if it had shattered this small area, and approached Su Jin.

Su Jin didn't care about it, and moved two steps directly, putting his fingers across his forehead, and wiped away the eyes of the sky——

Puff puff puff, under the full strength, the blood light seemed to pierce the ancient times, and the hideous vertical eyes opened, causing a cry of exclamation.

Under the eyes of the sky, Su Jin immediately spotted Xu Yichen's figure, stepped directly into the sky, and kicked it over.

Xu Yichen waved his spear, the tip of the spear shook a few golden lights, and shook Su Jin.

Su Jin stepped on the body of the red gold spear, directly borrowing force to soar into the sky again...

"Zilong, a purple dragon!" Someone yelled, pointing to the sky above, and watching the long and wide purple dragon enveloping Su Jin, directly swooping down.

Su Jin had communicated with Xiao Umbrella a long time ago and asked it to change the color of the black dragon, otherwise it would cause everyone to be uneasy. Fortunately, the change of the color, Umbrella said is very simple, so it has the current appearance.

Xu Yichen's face was solemn, put the spear in his hand, and directly took out a small cauldron from the sea of ​​qi. The cauldron was golden red all over, and the tadpole-like marks on it continued to bloom, walking around the cauldron like a living thing.


This small tripod is the dream of many monks. Once it reaches the aspiration period, it will be able to condense such a tripod. It is very mysterious, it is a monk's natural method, and it is very powerful.

Under Xu Yichen's urging, Xiaoding Chi Yan reversed the situation, and a phantom condensed from the mouth of the Ding, showing its fierce power like an ancient monster.

Linglong Aoxue immediately moved and said, "It is the heritage beast soul of the ancient Emperor Taiyin. Is it true that a'Dijiang' appeared in this cauldron, as rumored?"

In Emperor Jiang, the second volume of the Book of Mountains and Seas, the “West Mountain Classic”, it is said: In the Tianshan Mountains three hundred and fifty miles west, there is a divine bird. It's only Emperor Jiang.

He is talking about this evil **** from ancient times, with a bloated body, no head with facial features, six elephant legs, and four wings that grow on the'head' in turn, suppressing good and promoting evil.

"Yes, Xu Yichen used a ruthless tactic, and wanted Su Jin not to have any resistance to kill him." Liu Mengwu was also quite solemn.

"Little Friend Su Jin has not broken through the aspiration period, it seems to be very dangerous——" Old man Rongfu sighed, and said with some disapproval.

"I didn't break through to the aspiration period, and revealed the appearance of the purple dragon!"

Everyone was shocked and could not believe it, after all, this was simply unheard of.

In the small cauldron summoned by Xu Yichen, the red clouds were still there, and a behemoth flew out of it, and it turned out to be'Dijiang'.

With such a beast, Su Jin, who was swooping down, did not dare to be careless. He felt the fierce and mighty might, and knew that Xu Yichen had vowed to destroy him. He immediately felt confident in his heart, he was not afraid of all challenges!

"The sky of the purple dragon! Six claws cover the sky!" Su Jin directly mobilized his whole body strength while driving the purple dragon.

I saw the abhorrent ‘Dijiang’ spit out a bitter light, the dark blue curtain was opened by it, and traces swam above it, and the terrifying force that could freeze the flame rushed towards the purple dragon...

After Su Jin drank the words of "Six Claws Covering the Sky", Zilong was not leaning down, and not far from the "Dijiang", arched his body and patted it directly with the front paws covered with dragon scales!


The curtain of the power of the lunar yin shattered, and the cry of Di Jiangru's baby resounded through the world, and he was caught off guard by the dragon claw again...

As everyone looked up, they were all stunned, within their vision... the ‘Dijiang’ was directly covered in spider webs, it was shattered, and the whole sky was covered with blood and flesh...

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