My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1326: Fairy Bicheng (third more)

What kind of source stone is this?

After Su Jin knocked down a stone shell, he felt as if a war sword had been inserted straight into his heart. Unimaginable killing intent flooded the room, making people tremble in their minds and becoming unstable.

Kill the sky!

Su Jin got used to it, urged his momentum, grabbed the source stone on the table, opened his heavenly eyes, and looked at the broken stone mark.

"Bell?" Su Jin's eyes turned red, and he immediately took the source stone into the map of the mountain **** and Dachuan. Not only did he see the entire face inside with his sky eyes, he also knew that it was an egg-sized stone bell. There are two cracks, and one big break with a bean.


But this is an ancient sage's life spirit! In other words, after the death of the ancient sage, the surface of this stone bell was wrapped in a layer of stone shell in the eternal time. Su Jin guessed that it should have the power against the sky and killed the ancient sage, otherwise the bell would not Cracks and one breakage appeared.

The stone bell was taken into the map of the mountain **** Dachuan, Su Jin felt relaxed and began to quickly untie the third source stone. After this source stone was opened, there was no special surprise.

Seeing a small rust-green hairpin appeared, Su Jin injected his strength into it and found that this rust-green hairpin can stretch and shrink, and when it expands to two feet, it can even be used as a long sword. Although it has been ages, it still wields brilliant The circulation is unstoppable. But it was a pity that this hairpin was only a subordinate level of Lingbao, and its value was less than one ten thousandth of a stone bell, so he thought about it and put it away.

All relaxed.

When Su Jin stepped out of the room, he planned to go to Yang Ziwen's house first. This Xiongtai himself was still apologetic. He had concealed his identity from him, and I believe he would understand.

But in the process of leaving the'Purple Phoenix Boat', halfway through, I heard constant chattering and laughter not far away. Su Jin smiled and walked over.

"Look, don't bother, Brother Su has already come out." The Emperor Shaoman's eyes lit up and he came over with a laugh.

Su Jin glanced at Linglong Aoxue, nodded in a gesture, and said to the Emperor Shaoman: "Brother Chilan, you mean to come to me?"

"Of course it is." With an incomprehensible smile on the face of ordinary people, Emperor Shaoman said to Su Jin, "Brother Su, the people of Jiujiang Shuifu and the'Extermination Lao Ni' of the Xitian Buddha Kingdom have arrived. I just got the news. I just found out where you live and plan to go together."

"Is it necessary for me to play?" Su Jin asked likewise.

"Of course! The purpose of their coming is definitely to see Brother Su's demeanor. This emperor is just a foil by your side." The Emperor Shaoman smiled mysteriously.

"Why is Brother Chi Lan so excited?" Su Jin puzzled.

"The extinct Lao Ni of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom, this trip brought a group of beautiful female disciples who practiced beautifully. I heard that they are all beautiful, and I want to see my brother." The Emperor Shaoman seemed to lose his prince temperament, and said his heart. Think.

"I was tempted by what I said." Su Jin deliberately responded. He was actually embarrassed in his heart, but everyone is a man, so why not be curious?

Linglong Aoxue's expression was slightly weird, and she lightly opened her mouth and said, "Two people, cultivators, need to be clear-hearted and low-spirited, so that they can advance to the next level in the path and aspire to the saint."

Su Jin was shocked, sweating...

The conversation between him and Shaomanhuang was naturally heard by Linglong Aoxue, but he did not expect to gather the sound into a line, and it would be completely useless in front of Linglong Xiaozhu.

"Although the emperor does not agree with the young master's words, he will not make more excuses." The Shaoman emperor was not embarrassed, and said directly with raised eyebrows.

In fact, the Emperor Shaoman was quite jealous of Linglong Aoxue. This woman was honored as the ‘second female emperor’. She has a profound cultivation and is not detailed. Who dares to offend?

Su Jin smiled and shook his head, "Miss Sister's words are bad. If you meet a good man, just marry. Why should you imprison the natural instincts, do whatever you want, naturally, so that Dao Xin will not have any regrets. Below, I should be able to see all the mountains."

"Seven emotions and six desires will only hinder Dao Xin, unable to prove Dao." Linglong Aoxue slowly shook her head, still insisting on her own opinion.

"Hahaha! Let's just leave it alone for the time being. I heard that Fairy Bicheng from Jiujiang Water House has also arrived. The gang of water bandits finally produced a female cultivator who moved the world, and it happened to take a look."

The Emperor Shaoman didn't shy away from his words, and what he said was right. Jiujiang Water House was indeed a group of water bandits back then, but it gradually became white and settled in business, but his behavior style still retains the domineering style of the year. Although the gate is not small, it can't be compared with the little emperor of Chilan Kingdom. He is naturally not afraid of being a man.

"Let's talk while walking." Su Jin took the lead, walking side by side with the two of them, and asked: "The people from the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom came here for the ‘forbidden immortal fief’?"

"That's natural. At that time, the animal tide was fierce, and more or less efforts were made by more than 80 countries. I heard that in the Forbidden Immortal fief, the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom lost a very important Buddhist artifact. The Lord Buddha ordered that we must find it. "The Emperor Shaoman answered.

"To be precise, it's a magic weapon."

Linglong Aoxue was fascinated, and said: "It was originally a stick from the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom, named'Yao Shi Tathagata Stick'. In the eternal time, I don’t know why it was contaminated with the blood of Shura, and it was driven away for thousands of years. Fortunately, a powerful master with Buddha power can suppress the already weak magic power when using it, but it was lost in the'Forbidden Immortal Fief' 11 years ago."

"Little Lord Linglong knows so much--" The Shaoman Emperor was secretly surprised. He had never heard of such things. Maybe the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom was too far away from his Chilan Kingdom.

Linglong Aoxue smiled, making the scenery pale, and the three of them walked and talked, heading to the hall...

Purple Phoenix Palace.

There is not one of the most luxurious main hall of Zihuangfang. There are many disciples standing scattered outside the hall. There are disciples in cyan long clothes wearing the "Jiujiang Water Mansion", and there are also more than a dozen beautiful nuns who are surrounded and silent. These nuns and Buddha hats and clothes are added, and here is also a very beautiful scenery.

"Li Hexuan, you met Su Jin that day, how about he compared to me?" The young man in cyan long clothes was headed, and asked the person beside him.

"Senior Brother Nine, isn't this embarrassing little brother——" Li Hexuan smiled bitterly.

"Humph! Just say it straight." The young man said coldly.

"I haven't worked with him, I don't really know his strength, but I believe Senior Brother Jiu heard what happened last night, and even Xu Yichen was almost killed by him..." Li Hexuan bit his head and said with a dry smile, just a voice Getting smaller and smaller.

"Last night, I heard that Xu Yichen, an idiot, was stolen from the saint's blood. Using the power of the saint's blood, he was defeated and fled. If it weren't for Xu Yichen's eagerness to kill him, he would definitely not be his opponent." The young man seemed to say very much to Li Hexuan. Dissatisfied, waved his sleeves severely.

"Yes, what Senior Brother Nine said." Li Hexuan shed cold sweat and wiped it secretly.

"Yesterday, the palace lord went to call Bicheng sister...I knew it was not so good." The young man gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I want to defeat this Su Jin in front of Bicheng!"

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