My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1335: Give a gift

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The purple-red light gauze skirt made people think about it. Su Jin put his arms around the waist of Liu Mengwu, ignoring Liu Mengwu's angry eyes, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"For half an hour every day, it is a compulsory course taught by the teacher." Liu Mengwu Xiafei had both cheeks, and did not stand up, still maintaining the posture just now, pulling a piece of rice paper closer in his hand with ink on it. Before she did, she lowered her head and continued blowing, very gentle.

Su Jin is silent, but actually has a shameful expression. There is a female tyrannosaurus-like mother. The two sisters have completely opposite personalities. The sister Liu Mengwu is light and beautiful, and the younger sister has a beautiful face and a calm temperament. Even more like Confucianism and Taoism, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is difficult for the two women to have the explosive personality of their mothers.

"What's written? Let this son take a look--" Su Jin quietly let go of her slender waist, squeezed the folding fan, and took a step to join Liu Mengwu.

"It's a ‘small order’ I made in my spare time." Liu Mengwu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, leaving Su Jin to watch.

This poem was indeed Xiao Ling, and Su Jin's folding fan was pressed against his chin, and he admired it.

"The night is light and lightly hazy, lying on the arm pillow, the small window is condensed with night pupils, like the moon and the moon, smiling neon. Sighs and sighs, why dream with the fairy?

The brushwork is precise, the wording is reasonable, and the flavor is full of ——

It's not difficult for Su Jin to capture the graceful taste between the lines, and a moment of freshness is poured into his mind, like the pity of a deep-bowed beauty, which is endless aftertaste.

"Not bad." Su Jin nodded and looked at Liu Mengwu and said, "Miss Mengwu, I need to leave for one day. If Brother Chilan asks, just reply like this."

"I'm leaving again..." Liu Mengwu's expression is affable, "Don't forget to come back, there is great power to gather in Ziyou County, and the "Forbidden Immortal Feudal" will be opened soon. There are not many opportunities like this."

Su Jin used the front end of the folding fan to lift Liu Mengwu's chin, and said with a smile: "What? You don't want me to leave?"

"Hate—" Liu Mengwu gave Su Jin a blank look, "I'm just afraid you will miss the chance if you are too late."


Su Jin shook his head, "This time I left, just to prepare for the'Forbidden Immortal Fief' trip. Do you have an exact opening time?"

"The morning after tomorrow at the latest." Liu Mengwu smiled.

Su Jin retracted the folding fan from her chin and slapped it between her right hand, "No accident, I will be back tomorrow afternoon."

"Hope." Liu Mengwu was relieved.

"Farewell first." Su Jin arched his hands, then held his chest up, and left the place under Liu Mengwu's gaze.


Not long after, Su Jin, who changed his appearance again, appeared at Yang Ziwen's residence, knocked on the door and entered smoothly.

It was Yang Ziwen who opened the door. After learning that he knew Su Jin last night, Yang Ziwen hadn’t slept almost all night, and now it’s almost noon, he still didn’t dare to open the door. After seeing Su Jin who had changed his appearance, he was first. Froze.

"You are..." Yang Ziwen became wary.

"Brother Ziwen, don't you know me? Last night..." Su Jin said with a smile without changing his voice.

"Ye...That's wrong, Brother Su!" Yang Ziwen was shocked, and immediately invited him in respectfully. After closing the door, his excitement was beyond words.

"You're welcome. Where's Sister Ziyi?" Su Jin asked.

"I'm here!" From the front room, a girl stood up with a very dissatisfied expression. It was Yang Ziyi.

"What's the matter? Who made you angry?" Su Jin puzzled.

"You messed up. What kind of friends does my brother have made? Yesterday we came to my house and we were very entertaining. Who knew that you didn't even show your true face. You still used a fake name. Is there anyone like you?" Yang Ziyi Puffing his cheeks, he was obviously very dissatisfied with Su Jin. Because she felt something was wrong with her brother since she came back last night. The door didn't open, and she didn't let her go out easily, and she learned the situation after asking.

For Yang Ziyi, no matter what Su Jin's identity is, she feels that this friend is not sincere anyway.

Su Jin laughed dumbly, rather speechless.

Seeing Yang Ziyi running upstairs again, Su Jin turned his head to look at Yang Ziwen, and saw him spread his hands with a helpless expression.

"Brother Su, it's no wonder that she is still young and not very sensible." Yang Ziwen sighed with an apologetic expression on his face.

"It's okay. I came here. I wanted to give her something to her face to face. Since she doesn't want to see me, you can do it for me." After Su Jin finished speaking, he cut out the green hairpin from the three source stones before. 'Photographed and delivered to Yang Ziwen's hands.

Originally, Su Jin had this intention, but when he arrived yesterday, he did not have any suitable items in his hand. As a meeting gift for Yang Ziyi, it would not be appropriate to give the spirit crystal directly, so before leaving, he gave this treasure to Zi. Sister Yi, never thought she was so resistant to herself now.

"Lingbao!" Yang Ziwen trembled all over, and quickly put off, and said: "No, no, no... Brother Su, this is too expensive, don't need to be like this--"

"It's just a very ordinary spirit treasure. It doesn't matter to me. Sister Ziyi is still young. Having a spirit treasure is extremely important to her future practice. Brother Ziwen don't refuse and accept it. Right."

Su Jin continued: "Nevertheless, I still need to urge her to hurry up in her practice and try to incorporate this spirit treasure into her body as soon as possible. In a short time, this spirit treasure must not be revealed to others, otherwise it will cause disaster if I am not there. "

"Oh! Brother Su is too polite, then I will thank you for my sister, see...Speaking of which, let's get in the house quickly." Yang Ziwen held the green hairpin tightly and invited.

"I won't go into the house, there are still important things to do." Su Jin shook his head and smiled: "If I have a chance in the future, you can follow me to meet those princes and princesses and have a relationship."

"Thank you, my strength is low, I'm afraid--" Yang Ziwen feels really incomparable, it's a huge difference, but I also thank Su Jin for his importance.

"It's okay, with me in the future, you will break through to the infant fairy stage as soon as possible." Su Jin said, and began to say goodbye. Yang Ziwen knew that he was a big man, so he didn't want to stay and sent him outside.

Watching Su Jin's figure go away and disappear. Yang Ziwen's expression was agitated, a touch of anger came out, he returned to the room, closed the door, and ran upstairs.

"Yang Ziyi! How could you be so rude and talk to Brother Su like that?" Yang Ziwen looked at his sulking sister sitting in the room and blamed him.

"I'm not wrong, it was originally." Yang Ziyi's face became more and more angry, his small face flushed.

"Brother Su's identity is very mysterious. He had to be careful when he walked in the rivers and lakes. How did you understand?" Yang Zi continued to say without waiting for his sister to speak. When this baby was handed over to you, you turned out to be... actually..."

Unable to say anything, Yang Ziwen put the Lingbao hairpin next to her, turned around and said, ‘think about it’!

Yang Ziyi instinctively looked at the treasure that his brother had dropped--

Suddenly stunned.

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