My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1350: Su's BBQ

Li Bicheng, well-known, was recited as a fairy of Bicheng.

It is a body of ice and jade. Now they are entangled with Su Jin in every way, to no avail...

In the end, Fairy Bicheng’s flat lower abdomen clings to that majestic body, and her black hair hangs down on her back, soft and straight, and two big hands at the ends of her hair tightly clasp her waist, which also causes There was a lot of shame on her pink face.

"Do you dare to ignore the authority of this king? Believe it or not, in broad daylight, I will let you taste what it is like to be a woman?"

Su Jinfa is cruel... At present, Young Master Su's mentality is that he has tolerated her for a long time, and is always against himself. Why does Laozi owe her?

"You, you let me go... I'll just do it." Li Bicheng's voice was not a little weaker than his previous posture.

She was still afraid of being seen, after all, the two of them were so entangled together, they were tightly attached to each other, and the smelly man had already taken a lot of advantage. If you don't admit counsel anymore, I'm afraid the ones who suffer are still to come.

Hearing this, Su Jin reluctantly let go of her, licked her dry lips, the folding fan appeared, looked at the proud place in front of her for a while, and then said with a quiet gesture: "Move the stone. , To be placed here in a boxy manner, I am useful."

About ten minutes.

The Emperor Shaoman arrived first, and he came back with a large deer with both hands. This deer is very common, weighing four to five hundred catties, with spiral gray antlers on the top of the head, and dark red on the surface of the fur. Imprints are shaped like leaf spots.

Su Jin was very surprised, but it didn't hurt, let Shaomanhuang go to the creek to get rid of the deerskin entrails.

Emperor Shaoman secretly gave Su Jin a thumbs up, he felt that this was simply unimaginable, especially Bicheng Fairy had already begun to obediently, being driven by Su Jin to use spells and began to move stones——

Within these ten minutes, Su Jin did not do nothing. He found a natural mineral salt, not far from the waterfall and cold pool. The water that flowed out was salty, and there were many animals on the edges. Footprints, he easily took out a few pieces and grind them into fine pieces.

Seeing that the prey was huge, Su Jin returned to the salt mine again. This time he brought a sufficient amount of salt to the mine. In addition, he made a few wooden stake grills and stood on the rocks moved by Li Bicheng near the stream.

Then, the three daughters of Long Yingru all came back and brought a lot of wood. The Emperor Shaoman cleaned the deer, and Su Jin strung a tree trunk that was thicker than an arm across the deer and placed it on the barbecue grill. on……


"Most of these woods are Lingxiang wood, and these are vanilla materials." Linglong Aoxue waved a small bunch of green plants.

Su Jin looked at the blazing flame, divided half of the small pile of vanilla into the fire, the other half was chopped and stuffed into the belly of the deer, and began to tumble and roast...

Roast deer!

Su's BBQ has another famous dish!

During this period, Su Jin evenly sprinkled some mineral salt on it, which was melted on the surface of the deerskin by the oil fire...

In less than half an hour, the women and the Emperor Shaoman witnessed a magical scene. At first, the naked deer was still a bit fishy, ​​but soon the surface was yellowed by the flames and began to have grease. It oozes out of the surface and falls into the fire with a fluttering sound.

Then, the fat in the body of the four or five hundred catties of Mang deer was roasted, and it became a lot smaller, and the body of the deer became golden, and the fragrance was overflowing for a time!

Li Bicheng was secretly surprised. He thought that Su Jin was a little pretentious and there was no cooking skills. Although they didn't eat breakfast, they were not very hungry. It didn't matter if the monks hadn't eaten for ten and a half months. Some people hadn't eaten for a hundred years. It's still alive. But now including Li Bicheng, everyone started to swallow secretly.

People take food as their heaven. Although monks don’t need to eat food, it’s an instinct to be so delicious, and they simply cannot help them.

Su Jin found a stone and smashed it, and began to make a cut in Mang Lu with a sharp stone knife, just to make him more enjoyable.

After a few more cups of tea time, Emperor Shaoman happily got Su Jin's permission, took out an axe, unloaded the deer's leg, and hugged him to eat——

"You are all hungry, eat! I save lunch..." Su Jin gestured to the women whose stomachs were already grunting, and asked them to take the barbecue by themselves.

The eldest master's own craft, how could he be polite, straightened the hind legs of the reckless deer, and began to enjoy it.

I don’t know why the ingredients are too top-quality. The golden flesh on Mang’s deer’s legs bites into the mouth, as if it melts in the mouth instantly. The unique meat aroma blends with the taste of vanilla, so Master Su has never experienced it. This feeling.

"It's delicious." Compared to other girls, Long Yingru took the lead in taking a sip, her eyes widened, and she also tasted the salty taste of the meat, knowing that Su Jin was sprinkled with salt.

In this way, the big roasted deer... gradually decreased, and then decreased.

As the prince of Chilan Kingdom, Emperor Shaoman is a savage land and there is a wind of eating meat. He eats the most, and sometimes there is some glowing light all over his body. Obviously, he is doing exercises to refine the venison, although it is wasteful to do so. , But the feeling of eating in the mouth is quite delicious!

"What are you eating? It smells so delicious..." Several figures appeared and rushed towards them.

"Mother." Liu Mengwu's face was a little red, and the predecessors must have seen her just now. He immediately looked at Fairy Miaoyun and said.

Su Jin looked towards the voice. He already knew that the female tyrannosaurus-like beauty was the fairy Miaoyun that people said. Now he saw Palace Lord Jiujiang, fairy Miaoyun, extinct Lao Ni, and two bodies. The senior in gray appeared, and he nodded immediately.

Li Bicheng's food is not elegant, and his father's appearance is not very timely.

"Good guy, I'm roasting venison!" Fairy Miaoyun licked her lips, raised her sleeves, and directly tore a piece of venison a few kilograms with her hands, and started to eat.

"Hehe, I'm coming too! You guys have a taste too." The Jiujiang Palace Lord saw that Su Jin was roasting, and smiled, chopped off more than ten kilograms, and took out some fine wine.

Except for the extermination of Lao Ni who refused, everyone else ate a lot. Later, there was only a pile of bones left in the whole deer.

"Smelly boy, I still know this craft." Fairy Miaoyun ate a full, made a pleasant and seductive voice, and stretched her waist. The terrifying and proud figure was also displayed at this moment, which attracted Su Jin. Gaze.

"It's the seniors who appreciate their faces." Su Jin shrugged, flicking the soot between his fingers, and said: "I heard that several seniors went to negotiate with the big demon. Have you gotten them?"

Palace Master Jiujiang frowned and said: "It's a bit troublesome, the other party's attitude has initially softened, but it's obvious that the monster race will also get involved."

Fairy Miaoyun smiled and shook her head: "Let them go, there is no way to reason with them."

"In the meaning of several seniors, when will we leave for the immortal fief?" Su Jin asked.

"Now!" Palace Master Jiujiang nodded.

Su Jin felt a lot more depressed for a while.

After all, now that I have gone to the "Forbidden Immortal Enclave", I can imagine how dangerous it is, let alone whether I can come out...

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