My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1367: Leading drum

It was Xia Yuyan.

The terrible scene finally confirmed Su Jin's thoughts. This forbidden immortal fief is really related to myself!

Since his debut, Young Master Su, who has always been fearless and fearless, panicked in his heart. It was not his own safety, but the women around him! Especially when Xia Yuyan appeared in the giant coffin on the right, his Dao Heart collapsed almost instantaneously, his breathing stopped again and again, and his emotions could not be restrained.

When Emperor Huangquan was young, he left a poem under the old pear tree and cut his love with the lady of Zi Xue's family. He went on the road of the great emperor and never came back. The young emperor looked exactly like himself.

In Su Jin's opinion, the young Emperor Huangquan did cut his love, but it is more likely that the Emperor discovered this place at that time, and there is something unspeakable! The sight here also made the emperor feel terrified, so he dared not come back again, so he departed, and finally proclaimed the Dao.

After all, there are historical records that Young Master Chu, who became the great emperor, later married a beautiful wife of a Taoist couple, so he didn't cut his love, and he cared about himself.

The problem Su Jin discovered was unknown to everyone.

The most incomprehensible place is those saints and saints who have been brainstormed in the "Forbidden Immortal Fief". The years of their existence can be traced back to several epochs!

There hasn't been an era yet from the time of the Great Emperor! In other words, it is very likely that this place was constructed several epochs ago, and it will eventually become its own grave!

"Who is the owner of the forbidden immortal fief... and who am I..." Su Jin regained his calm, and closed the two giant coffins again blankly.

On the mountain top platform, the mountain wind disturbed Su Jin's hair. The wind seemed to be a bit bigger than before. The nine dragons in a circle around him gave out a misty gleam, and Su Jin walked towards a dragon head on the left...

"True dragon head!"

Su Jin looked shocked and stared at the dragon's eye. Two tears of blood and tears were clearly visible above the dragon's eye. Looking down, the entire dragon body was buried in the mountain, a total of nine!

Not only that, Su Jin came to the back of the dragon head and made a bigger discovery...

On the ten-meter-diameter dragon head, a piece of dragon skin was peeled off and a layer of gray material was laid. Su Jin stretched out his hand, and his whole body was shocked suddenly, and he stepped back a few steps.

"This is... the naphtha of the saint!" Su Jin finally understood why those saints and saints whose brains had been scratched would die in the forbidden immortal fief. This place is like an excellent hunting ground with a'forbidden immortal fief' Materials required by the owner.


Su Jin's face was uncertain, raised his fist and patted the head of the dragon head saint.

The sound is loud! A purple-red circular energy directly penetrates the stars, traverses the earth, and scatters away!

Take the dragon's head, stuff the saint's brain, and peel it into a drum!

"What's the situation!" In Su Jin's mind, Ji Mie Long Umbrella made a shocked voice.

"It's like this..." Su Jin then briefly explained what happened to Xiao Umbrella, but concealed some of the facts. He was afraid that the fact that he was not the reincarnation of the Great was broken by Xiao Umbrella, so he could only conceal it in good faith.

"It's a big handwriting, peeling the dragon's scalp, taking the saint's brain, and intending to bury thousands of women. This is to build an invincible grave for myself!" Xiao Umbrella's tone was shocked, but more sighed. .

"You said this tomb was built by the owner of the tomb himself?" Su Jin's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Of course! There is history in ancient times. Many emperors built tombs for themselves during their lifetimes. They were invincible during their lifetimes and invincible after their deaths. This can also be seen. If it is not the owner of the tomb, who would spend a lot of time to build such a tomb? How detailed and terrible?"

Su Jin was silent.

That's what Qin Shihuang did in those days. He ordered people to make countless pottery soldiers and horses during his lifetime, just to be invincible after his death.

"I want to go out. Never come here again." Su Jin said to Xiao Umbrella after being silent.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Little Umbrella said.

"Simple. Those great abilities and disciples came here just to verify a fact, but eleven years ago, those trapped great abilities fell, and the human head was hung on an old pear tree, constantly infused with life. Control your mind and call for future generations to come. But the weapons and secret treasures brought by the Falling Power will probably not be found."

Su Jin thought for a while, and continued: "I feel that if you just beat these nine dragon head drums at the same time, you should be able to get out."

Although he guessed the facts in his heart, he would rather he not. Sister Shenhe Zixue said that the owner of the Forbidden Immortal fief has left for thousands of years and is destined to return.

Yes, it is likely to be back. That's me...

Su Jin’s mouth is bitter. A few epochs ago, did he build this masterful tomb for himself? Then why did Huang Quan look the same as himself when he was young? Even Ksitigarbha and others couldn't tell. And even if he is really the owner of the "Forbidden Immortal Feudal Land," why would he return in this appearance now?

Everything is speculation, and what I think is not necessarily true.

Su Jin no longer thought about it, and immediately sat cross-legged on the two giant coffins and closed his eyes.

At the same time, he urged the ‘big life technique’ and the ‘easy beaming technique’.

I appeared in my mind, and I directly began to feel the profound meaning of the'Great Life Art' to nature, and at the same time, I started to leave a shadow step by step in my mind. I carefully practiced the streamer technique, because only the'Happy Streamer Technique' went one step further, he Only to beat nine leading drums at the same time!

Soon, the 45th Phantom Condensation was completed, and Su Jin opened his eyes and disappeared in place.

Whoosh whoosh...

In front of the nine dragon heads, a figure ran around, quickly reaching the extreme speed, and finally reaching the point where there were five phantoms in front of each dragon head.


Su Jin raised his hands, and the forty-five "self" in front of the drums of each dragon head also raised their hands and patted again, the drums shook the sky!

Bang bang ......

The entire forbidden immortal fief began to tremble violently, and spherical lightning began to fall everywhere in the air, and purple flying!

The faces of the people below suddenly changed, their eyes panicked, I don't know what happened!


A reclining Buddha slowly standing upright from the west, with its hands folded, stone chips falling from its body, golden light!

"That is a real Buddha! It may even be a Western Buddha!" ​​a monk exclaimed.

In the northern sky, a platform rises, and on it, a black unicorn is roaring, and the blood bursts into the sky!

"It's the unicorn holy beast, this, what happened!"

"There is something strange in the south too!" A monk sat on the ground in shock, his heart reaching his throat. Just in the southern sky, a black dragon emerged from the clouds and mist, with its head above the sky and its tail touching the ground, winding like a god!

"Dragon God, only the Dragon God has such power!" a monk muttered dumbfounded.


Palace Master Jiujiang and several other great powers felt real, and their bodies were constantly trembling. It was the East that really frightened them. There was a chaotic world there, and I don't know what visions would appear.

Fairy Miaoyun trembled, "It's the fairy king, a more powerful fairy king than Immortal Emperor Qingshuang."

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