My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1369: Nine Sky Saints

"Nine Heavens Saint Ji?"

Liu Mengwu's eyes widened, "Old monster--"

"There are many peerless powers in the Jiuyou Jedi. Although her'Nine Heavens Sacred Palace' is not a top power, this Saint Ji is considered one of the top ten demon saints and is revered as the demon queen. The strength lies in the demon saint. In the later period, I don't know if the Demon Sage has reached the perfection." The old Tian's voice of the God Eye clan was low.

Demon saint! But it is comparable to the existence of a human saint!

The Emperor Shaoman sighed and asked: "Several seniors, I heard that the Nine Heavens Saint Ji is more than two thousand years old, but is it true?"

"It's true." Palace Master Jiujiang nodded.

"Ah, sisters... Why is there a plum blossom on my wrist? You... Hey, you have Bicheng too." Long Yingru grabbed Bicheng Fairy's hand with a look of surprise.

"I also have--" Liu Mengwu raised her red sleeves, and a red plum blossom appeared on her snow-white wrist, surprised.

Linglong Aoxue glanced at her wrist, a bit more bitter on her face.

"It's not dead, it's just that the time hasn't arrived." Shenhe sister Zi Xue gave a cold look at the women, then turned her head, obviously knowing something, but she didn't want to tell.

Emperor Shaoman also felt puzzled, and when he thought of the sarcophagus visions in "Boundless Wind and Moon", Zi Xue's words made people feel creepy.

"What about the boss? Why didn't I see him come out? Are you still trapped in the forbidden immortal fief?" Shaomanhuang saw a group of monks, but he didn't see Su Jin's figure, and asked in surprise.

"I didn't see it." Long Yingru shook his head.

"It should be moved to another place, it's very strange." Liu Mengwu no longer cared about the blood plum blossoms on his arms.

"It's a pity, I heard that the Nine Heavens Saint Ji is good at beauty and her beauty is well-known all over the world. Let's see and see together..." The Emperor Shaoman said with regret.

The words of the emperor Shaoman immediately attracted a burst of glares from several women.

However, the great prince of Chilan Kingdom didn't care. Since he dared to say that he was afraid of being an egg, he just pretended not to see it.


No, Young Master Su who was on the way immediately raised his head and glanced. My mind shook suddenly, Ciao, what a big turtle!

Su Jin didn’t know much about the forces in the Jiuyou Jedi, but he believed that people would know...

As soon as the "Mountain God and Dachuan Picture" unfolded, when the fox girl Shui Qingfu appeared, she was kneeling on the ground. When she stood up, her pretty face was wonderful and she exclaimed, "The Queen of Demon..."

"Is it your former master?" Su Jin clicked his lips and said, "I didn't expect your former master to be a tortoise."

"Don't talk nonsense, my master is not a tortoise, she is in the palace on the tortoise shell, and that palace is the famous'Nine Heavens Palace'."

The face of Shui Qingfu was scared, and Su Jin didn't expect that Su Jin would dare to be so reckless and say such rebellious things.

"Your former master seems to be looking for me, just... I can't hide, I'm going to see her, by the way, if this tortoise has been treated with hormones, it is so willing to grow!" Su Jin came out of the forbidden immortal fief. Later, in a good mood, his eyes flickered.

"I'm talking nonsense again. This tortoise is a holy beast. It has lived for more than 10,000 years. My master also has a lifespan of more than 2,000 years." Shui Qingfu rolled his eyes and pouted, as if dissatisfied with Su. Kim's words.

"how old are you?"

Su Jin smiled, grabbed her in his hand, and messed around with his hands to his heart's content, causing Shui Qingfu to blush.

"I've only passed my 20th birthday, and I'm just a little demon..."

Shui Qingfu blushed, and couldn't help but said again: "You monks are not the same. Now there are so many beauty-retaining techniques, and there are also a lot of medicines for calming beauty. They are not calculated according to age, only the level of cultivation. "

"Don't be embarrassed, I have only practiced for a few years." Su Jin squeezed her face and yawned, "Go and meet your friends first, anyway, you Saint Ji will also find them."

"Where is your friend?" Shui Qingfu asked.

"A stream beach one mile away."

After that, Su Jin began to take the walking method, because he had already seen the giant tortoise arrived and was bowing his head, scaring him to death.

The faces of Palace Master Jiujiang and others were calm. When the giant tortoise stopped, seven powder beams suddenly burst out of the palace above. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be seven young demon girls, lined up in the air.

"Here Saint Ji!"

"Here Saint Ji!"

The seven Miao-aged demon girls yelled out together, and a girl in the middle stepped forward and said loudly: "Palace Master Jiujiang, Fairy Miaoyun, can you know where Su Jin is?"

"Shengji is a big battle, she wants to know~ won't she come out to ask in person?" Fairy Miaoyun's fiery temper was rising, and she was obviously very dissatisfied with the attitude of the few women calling her names.

"Sheng Ji has a noble body, can you see it if you want to?" one of the girls said coldly.


Fairy Miaoyun was about to punish her, Palace Master Jiujiang calmly stopped, and said to the seven girls: "Please tell Saint Ji, Brother Su has left and is not with us."

"Lie! He was with you when he came, and he will naturally go back with you when he comes out. You even said that you didn't see him." A girl in the sky cried, obviously not believing the words of Palace Master Jiujiang.

"Hurry up and hand over Su Jin, otherwise it won't be enough for you people!" The other girl also said.

"Do you want to have another beast wave?"


Palace Master Jiujiang's complexion suddenly became gloomy, his eyes slowly turned gray, and the huge momentum of his body suddenly shook out, causing the seven girls to change their complexion and retreat one after another...

Su Jin was constantly approaching everyone, and when he saw Palace Master Jiujiang like this, he was secretly surprised. Could it be that Jiujiang Palace's major has reached the sage stage? I want to come! But at this time the palace lord did not exhibit the stone human body, I am afraid he just wanted to deter, and these little demons should not be allowed to make mistakes.

While in Zijiu County, Su Jin had heard Li Bicheng said that Palace Master Jiujiang was carrying a holy soldier. If he had cultivated to the saint stage, plus a holy soldier, his strength...thinking about it would be terrifying.

At this moment of tension, in a palace on the giant tortoise, with purple aura, there appeared a large Luanfeng bed that was ten meters long and wide.

This Luanfeng bed was covered with pink gauze, and there was a faint jade body lying on its side, with flawless snow-white jade arms holding his cheeks and closing his eyes.


"Why are you so nervous?" At this critical juncture, Su Jin slammed his folding fan and strode out of the forest.

"Su Jin!"

Everyone exclaimed, but they didn't expect Su Jin to appear at this time.

"My father-in-law, don't get angry first, Shengji wants to see me, so I'll go and see." Su Jin was very impressed by the importance he is receiving now, and glanced at Fairy Bicheng when he said this.

"Who do you call father-in-law?" Fairy Bicheng's eyes widened, and Su Jinqi's body was already shaking.

"Tsk tusk, you all go back first. Eleven years ago, the seniors died, and the secret treasure has been lost. You can ask Bicheng for details. We saw it with our own eyes. Going in again is going to die."

Su Jin waved his hand and said, "Several wives don't run around in the Purple Phoenix Boat, and wait for their husband's return. I'll go and see Nine Heavens Saint Ji first."

Having said that, Su Jin leaped up with Shui Qingfu and swept towards the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace, ignoring the stunned many people below.

Su Jin even called several beautiful women as wives!

Li Bicheng, Long Yingru, Liu Mengwu, and Linglong Aoxue all had pink faces. They didn't know if they were angry or embarrassed!

Palace Master Jiujiang's expression was gentle, watching the giant tortoise disappear, thinking that the Nine Heavens Saint Ji would not embarrass Su Jin, and immediately waved helplessly, "Let's go back!"


"There are so many beauties--" Su Jin sighed at the speed of this 10,000-year-old tortoise. At the same time, looking at the eight girls including Shui Qingfu, their mouths grew up with a look of intoxication.

But who knows, at this moment a mysterious female voice came from the palace, it turned out to be from the big bed of Luanfeng...

"Take him~"

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