My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1372: Who am i

Heaven and earth are furnaces, sacred mountains are incense!

Who has the courage to move the three heavenly sacred mountains here by guarding the sky!

Su Jin looked at the three sacred mountains towering into the clouds, was silent for a while, and asked: "The legend is related to me?"

"Yes." said Jiutian Shengji: "Amidst the darkness, there is a destiny. My clan has an ancestor **** who has issued an ancestral instruction, and has been dormant in the Jiuyou Jedi for thousands of years, just waiting for one person to arrive."

"Wait for me?" Su Jin frowned.

Jiu Tian Sheng Ji did not directly answer, saying: "The beast tide eleven years ago was just a beginning. At that time, many human monks came to the forbidden immortal fief, their power was lost, and the major orc masters also suffered heavy losses, but Didn't find the right person. I thought about it later, but those idiots miscalculated the time."

"Now is the right year?" Su Jin stepped forward, looked at the sacred mountain side by side with Jiu Tian Sheng Ji, and slowly spoke.

"When you revealed the appearance of the purple dragon, I sent someone to pay attention to you quietly. A few days ago, I was too close to the'right' time. Naturally, I would not tell other orc forces. But at that time, I just doubted you. , I'm not sure. Even if you are just now, I can't be sure if you are that person." Jiu Tian Sheng Ji appeared with a smile in his grasp.

"So you took my hard work."

"All the ancestors of the major animal races have a part of the blood of the beasts, and my family is no exception. The ancestors have said that when the master returns, he will mix his blood and the blood of the ancestors to test it, which can instantly ignite the gods. With this sacred flame, these three sacred mountains can be ignited, and by then they will be invincible in the world."

"Master? What the hell?"

"Whoever built the Forbidden Immortal fief is the master of the orcs here. He laid the'slave talisman' for us and other orcs back then. The orc forces will be there for generations and generations, and will only serve and rule for him. "

Jiutian Shengji smiled and said: "When you were in a coma, I took your heart and blood and mixed it with the blood of the beasts, and directly ignited the divine fire. This is unprecedented. If this fire is drawn, it will definitely ignite this. Three sacred mountains."

"Then why doesn't it ignite?" Su Jin asked.

"It's not the time yet, your strength is too weak, and lighting these three sacred mountains now means a dead end for you. Except for my Nine Heavens Palace, which orc force would like the master to return?"

Immediately, Saint Ji of Nine Heavens took a deep breath and continued: "Eleven years ago,'Wan Beast Mountain','Luan Feng Pavilion, and'Monster Beast Ancestral Court' led the wrong beast tide. They were looking for you. But it’s not for your own good, but to find you... to kill you."

"Why is this?" Su Jin asked in amazement.

"The demon beast clan has long been accustomed to the days when it was not ruled by anyone. Take the'Ten Thousand Beast Mountain' as an example. There are no less than 20 holy monsters in the clan. They are the best and the scenery is infinite. Who is willing to put on the shackles again? But me. The'Xianhu' clan is different. There are historical records in the ancestors. Before the master ruled this place, the demon clan already followed the master and walked through the wilderness."

"Who am I—"

After speaking, Su Jin fell into thinking. Although he looks the same as Emperor Huangquan, he only has a missing relationship. He knows some things, and he is sure that he will never be the Emperor, plus what he has seen and heard recently. , Is he a certain character from several epochs?

"No one knows the identity of the owner."

Jiu Tian Sheng Ji thought for a while and said: "If the historical records are true, then the owner should have come out of the'unknown world' several epochs ago."

"The unknown world?"

Su Jin's face changed drastically. He had heard that he could reach it from the deepest part of the'Nine Nether Jedi'. In the era of Emperor Huangquan, Emperor Huangquan ended the heavenly court of the immortal world and broke the inheritance of immortals. There were countless immortals, gods and Buddhas, animal ancestors, and demon gods. , Have all gone to the unknown world, but after these heaven-defying powers have gone, it is like sinking the sea, and no one has ever returned.

Su Jin couldn't figure it out. After combining all the recent things, he was confused in his mind, and it was a little painful to think about it, but he believed that when he grew up, all the mysteries would be solved!

Thinking of this, Su Jin's face relaxed. He has a good mentality and can let go of all his worries. When even stretched out his hand to embrace Jiu Tian Sheng Ji's waist, he squinted and said with a smile: "You dedicate yourself to me, and use Holy Power to help. I'm healed, how can I reward you?"

"Doing things for the master, let alone the body, even if you save your life, you will be willing." Jiu Tian Sheng Ji laughed, did not stop Su Jin's movements at all, and then said: "However, the paper package can't keep the fire, sooner or later, your identity It will be exposed, and it is best to keep it for as long as possible."

Su Jin nodded slowly.

Holding the soft waist, looking up at the magnificent three sacred mountains, he felt that there seemed to be big secrets hidden in them, but for the time being, he had better not act rashly.

"One day, I will personally take action, light the mountain, and declare my return!" Su Jin did not hesitate to withdraw his gaze, wrapped the thin willow waist, and turned and left.

Two hours passed.

Su Jin declined the invitation to dinner from the Nine Heavens Saint Ji, and saw him. Although the mystery in his heart has not been solved yet, everything should go smoothly and the boat will go straight to the bridge head. From then on, improving the strength is the kingly way, so he left.

Watching Su Jin from above the fairy palace, Jiu Tian Sheng Ji squinted her eyes slightly, and there was a playful smile on her mouth...


The moon is bright and the stars are scarce.

Su Jin drove with all his strength from more than 2,000 miles away, and when he returned to Zijiu County, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. At this point, he simply found a tavern and asked Xiao Er to bring a plate of beef, a plate of peanuts, some vegetables, and a jar of wine, and began to eat dinner.

The quaint Ziju County, with red lanterns in one piece, the street is still noisy, giving people a feeling of crossing. Su Jin is in the tavern and likes the quiet atmosphere of being alone. In addition, the tavern business is not good, and it is natural It was the kind of quiet environment he wanted.

I moved a few peanuts, picked up the wine jar, and drank a sip of wine. How can life be a happy one!

Soon, Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he saw a small paper crane flying in front of him, and a voice came from above: "Come back, just come back safely..."

"Are you really in the Purple Phoenix Boat?" Su Jin asked.

"Yes, yes, your wives are by my side now..." Zi Xue's voice made Su Jin smile slightly.

"I'll go back right away, you tell them don't worry, by the way, let them wear thinner after bathing, I'm going to flip their brand tonight!"

Su Jin laughed and watched the little paper crane flew away. He immediately threw out a spirit crystal, took the old wine directly, walked out of the tavern, and headed towards the "Purple Phoenix Boat".

Right now, flip the sign!

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