My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1380: I'm coming!


In the clear sky, a paper crane flopped in the middle of Ziji County. This paper crane is obviously the main body, and it is huge. It flew over and waited and shouted: "Master, master! The city can't enter, just ride me." Body, I will take you away from here!"

Soon after Su Jin's breath appeared, Zi Xue sensed his presence, quietly left the Purple Phoenix Boat, and quickly flew to inform the situation.

"What's the situation?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

"The master who has made too many enemies asked me what's the situation!" Zixue surrounded Su Jin, her tone a little hastily, she felt that the master should understand more than she did.

"It's not too much, let me talk about it specifically." Su Jin's face sank, obviously with a bad premonition.

"I heard from Miss Liu that the leader is the old master of the Shaoyang Sect. He has united the power of the'Evil Dragon Valley' to come to Zihuangfang, forcing Zihuangfang to hand you over!" Zixue slapped The wings slowly fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, it's them!" Su Jin frowned. He knew that at that time Xu Zihao wanted to forcefully buy the'Ancient Sacred Stone', but later he couldn't agree, but he wanted to kill himself. He became the king and the loser. He killed him by himself, and he took the folding fan of his spirit treasure'Mountain God Dachuan Tu'. It's normal.

As for the Evil Dragon Valley, what's wrong with the rebellious monarch before the fief of the Forbidden Immortal, who punishes evil and promotes good by himself? Although Su Jin was mentally prepared and prepared, he did not expect the other party's revenge to come so quickly.

"The seven saints are powerful, run quickly!" Sister Shenhe urged.

"Run? Why run!" Su Jin shook his head, his tone very calm.

"Sick girl, your realm is tens of thousands of miles away from them, so you can't beat them!"

Zixue was anxious. She knew that Su Jin was not a fearful person, but what was the difference between going to death like this?

"Your brother, I have a hole card!"

Su Jin raised his head, he made up his mind to take a gamble, and immediately asked: "In addition to the seven saints, how many people are there?"

"Shaoyang Sect and Evil Dragon Valley have brought a lot of cubs. Those who are strong and powerful are all very arrogant!" Sister Shenhe Zixue was angry after thinking about it.

"Fuck a chicken! Fuck him!"

Su Jin's body shook, and 45 phantoms were dragged behind him, and he had already rushed to'Ziyou County'.

Zixue couldn't help flapping her wings when she saw it, watching Su Jin's body style while flying.

45 phantoms!

This number is very subtle, nine is the number of extremes, and 45 phantoms also show a special meaning at this moment, ninety-five is supreme! Emperor Xiang!

There is a special tension in Zijiao County at this moment. The reason is naturally that seven saints have arrived in Zihuangfang at this moment. This is an unimaginable realm for ordinary cultivators. Ordinary cultivators who can cultivate to the infant stage are already in heaven. Blessing, it is Fuze added, and the enchanting monk is already the ultimate.

There is no one who can practice to half-holy!

And the true saints... some ordinary monks, I am afraid it is difficult to see once in a lifetime.

This kind of scene is quite rare, and the local monks in Zijiu County or the practitioners of Taobao from outside sources should not miss it. From a distance, Zihuangfang's boat was filled with black heads a few miles away.

"The light of Su Jin is too bright and dazzling. The so-called tree attracts the wind. Just after Yizhe, even if he is evil, he will still be targeted and killed by the power before he grows up." A monk said with emotion in the crowd. .

"Yes, he is not well-known. He directly killed the young master of the Shaoyang Sect not long ago and has offended the Shaoyang Sect since then, even though Xu Yichen of his generation was crushed by him and beaten by him in embarrassment. Fleeing, but after all, there is no monk under the saint, and he is destined to fall in this battle." A monk next to him responded with regret.

"It's still too young. At this time, he can only be trapped in the'Purple Phoenix Boat' like a dog in the family, sheltered by Palace Master Jiujiang and Fairy Miaoyun, and dare not even utter a voice. The saint is too powerful, let alone some Seven saints, it's unimaginable!"

"Showing the purple dragon's heavenly appearance and crossing the ‘Ten Thousand Dragons’ admiration’ has long been regarded as a thorn in the eyes of some power dynasties. Some dynasties would not allow him to live. He is destined to fall today."

Compared with these people who are not optimistic about Su Jin, there is still such an eye-catching clear current among the black and overwhelming crowd. I saw hundreds of beautiful female cultivators raising banners by the river in the city, constantly Many of Su Jin's female fans are already angry when recruiting supporters of female nuns.

There was a sentence written on the banner: Support Su Jin, defeat the evil forces, defeat the saint...

If ordinary people see it, they will think that these women are crazy, and even dare to write things like "Down with the saint", but if you think about it carefully, you will be afraid!

Those great abilities are destined not to care about women, and they also have scruples. Think about it, who are these girls? from where?

They come from all sects, big and small, "Shaoyang Sect" and "Evil Dragon Valley", no matter how powerful they are, they dare not be enemies of the world!

"The sisters who have just joined will register and write down the school address. Everyone must help Su Ye through the difficulties. Those saints rely on the old and sell the old and deceive people too much!" A beautiful woman greeted angrily.

"I, my name is Xiao Linger..." A little girl squeezed out of the crowd of beautiful women, flushed her face, and said to the big sister.

Not far away, among a group of sad-faced youths, Yun Tianyang stood among them with a calm expression.

There was also a pair of brothers and sisters standing together, Yang Ziwen brother and sister. His sister Yang Ziyi was a little embarrassed, her cheeks flushed and she looked pretty.


At this moment, upstairs in a palace, all four beautiful faces showed a worried look.

"I don't know how those seniors and their mothers are talking." Liu Mengwu sighed.

"My father is here, it should be okay." Li Bicheng hesitated, not sure.

"Fortunately, Young Master Su has already left. If he is not stupid, he probably won't come back." Linglong Aoxue nodded.

"Although I know he is bold and fearless, but this is the case. I really don't believe him and dare to show up."

After Long Yingru finished speaking, she pointed to the girls in the group by the river in the city, and said in a helpless tone: "Those girls are crazy? Are they stupid? People like Su Jin can also be worshiped as idols. ?"

In response, the other three women could only sigh.

The three women were worried, but after only a cup of tea, they reminded them of what happened in their throats. Not only them, including the thousands of onlookers present, could hardly believe their eyes, the size of the Purple Phoenix Boat. A proud figure appeared in front of the door!

Then, an unprecedented domineering voice shocked everyone's ears.

"A few old dogs! I'm here!"

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