My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1390: stunned

Lu Ying rushed.


Su Jin's expression was indifferent, a ball of blood gushing out of his fist, and the attacking Xuebai fist was directly shaken back.

"Cousin, I have no grievances with you, why rush to kill me?"

Su Jin took advantage of his mouth, but secretly screamed badly in his heart. It seemed that he had been discovered. He watched Hua Jinxi in the green thin skirt was shaken back a few steps, but the killing intent on Qiao's face remained unabated.

"Junior sister! There must be some misunderstanding in it!" Zhao Haiyang's head is as big as a fight, and he still doesn't understand in his heart, there must be something **** in it!

"It's not a misunderstanding at all! It's a grudge!" Hua Jinxi flushed with excitement and continued sonorously: "Quickly tell! What method did you use to steal...steal..."

The word stealing is very knowledgeable, but Hua Jinxi, who had the upper hand, is stuck here. Turning to the disadvantage, she really can't tell the real situation in front of the brother.

"Blood spurting people, could it be possible that I steal your clothes? I steal your clothes, why do I use them? I can't eat and wear them." Su Jin kept calm, pretending to be puzzled.

"Little thief with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I will not finish with you today!" Hua Jinxi saw that Su Jin couldn't talk about it, and immediately reached Young Master Su's side, a cloud of green aura condensed on his fist and shot.

"Boom boom!"


Su Jin did not expect that this Hua Jinxi's strength is really good, the foundation is solid, and he has been able to fight back and forth with him ten times, and in the end, there are the shadows of this girl. Of course ......Can fight until now, naturally have her own factors in it.

"It's amazing!" Hua Jinxi was secretly shocked. In her eyes, Young Master Su was simply a stubborn stone without flaws. Every time she attacked with all her strength, he was perfectly resolved by him, and even the opponent was very effortless. Emoji.

"Enough Junior Junior Sister! Brother Su is the distinguished guest I invited. If you want to spoil yourself, go to other people and don't delay major events." Zhao Haiyang is a bit dissatisfied. Usually this junior junior girl is used to everyone. If you let Su The brother was dissatisfied, so he left, but he couldn't take the big pot.

"The little thief invited is almost the same." Hua Jinxi was angry and bluntly said.

"Cousin, I'm not to blame—" Su Jin smiled and said, "Brother Zhao's pot is definitely going to be backed up."

"My pot?" Zhao Haiyang asked in surprise.

"How did you tell me before you went to ask the elders." Su Jin was very calm.

"I let you enjoy it at will..." Zhao Haiyang was even more puzzled.

Hua Jinxi's face flushed, and she stamped her feet in place, "Brother, you!"

Zhao Haiyang was going crazy, scratching his head vigorously, with an anxious expression like a monkey, and asked: "Junior Sister, Brother Su...There is something in this, can you please explain?"

"The scenery here is beautiful, with beautiful beauty like clouds. I wandered around and walked around, and I found a place that I couldn't get in. After thinking about it, I opened a restriction and saw that there was a hot spring pool inside. Your junior sister is inside." Su Jin said straightly.

"See?!" Zhao Haiyang's mouth opened wide, his expression was very exaggerated, and he was already dumbfounded.

"Nothing, this girl was just standing on the shore at the time, and she didn't mean to take a bath. You think I am an upright person, a gentleman who has never met in a thousand years, how could I still watch it." Su Jin said lightly.

When Su Jin said this, Zhao Haiyang’s expression relaxed, and he exclaimed, “Brother Su is like a dragon among people. There is a forbidden enchantment, but it was arranged by Madam Master. People in the realm of Saints are very difficult to break open. , I didn't expect Brother Su to have a way."

"Brother! You still praise him..." Hua Jinxi pouted her mouth high, and looked at Zhao Haiyang.

"Didn't you see it, do you know who Brother Su is? Just like that, no one is big or small and he clashed with him." Zhao Haiyang scolded.

"Who is he!" Hua Jinxi's hostility has not been eliminated. Su Jin said that he didn't see her taking a bath. But Sister Qing was still in the hot spring pool at the time, why didn't he say whether he saw her.

Su Jin smiled and said, "I am your object~"

"Ah? What did Brother Su say? I didn't hear clearly." Zhao Haiyang felt that Su Jin was speaking too fast this time.

Hua Jinxi was also startled, her face obviously sinking.

"I said, I am your idol..." Su Jin said with a calm expression of shame.

"Junior Sister, this is Su Jin you have always wanted to see!"

Zhao Haiyang smiled and said, "Senior brother, I specially invited him to let you see him. You must know that as soon as he was born, he would show off the life of the purple dragon, kill the scum of Shaoyang Sect Xu Zihao, and crush his brother Xu Yichen. Loud noise. And he had crossed the "Ten Thousand Dragons Worship Great Tribulation" in the forbidden immortal fief, and the visions of the immortal king approaching halfway, the beast roaring, the true Buddha chanting for him, and the seven great saints this morning , Has been thoroughly famous."

Hua Jinxi was stunned, her face was getting redder, she never thought that the object she wanted to kill was her idol! Really appeared in front of him.

"I...I..." Hua Jinxi didn't know what to say.

"Cousin, I didn't really see any indecent scenes before. I think this misunderstanding can be resolved." Su Jin said solemnly.

"No, it's okay." Hua Jinxi stroked a bunch of long hair beside her ear, she was very embarrassed, and blushed and said, "I have something wrong."

"If the misunderstanding is resolved, it's okay, just follow like a tail." Zhao Haiyang rolled his eyes helplessly, and then counted: "Brother Su, go to the ancestral shrine--"

"Okay." Su Jin didn't know what Zhao Haiyang was going to take him to the Ancestral Temple. Could it be that the forbidden area of ​​Qinghuomen was there? It should be correct.

Immediately, Su Jin confidently unfolded the folding fan, slowly fanned it, and walked with Zhao Haiyang.

Hua Jinxi and Young Master Su walked side by side, took a peek, and couldn't help covering his cheeks with both hands. handsome----


Soon after, Qinghuomen, Ancestral Hall.

The Qinghuomen Ancestral Temple is a temple-like place. The building is quite ancient, with corners everywhere, the walls are painted red, and there is a wooden staircase in front of the door, surrounded by a green bamboo forest.

Zhao Haiyang is very comfortable. This is probably Hua Jinxi's quietest period of time. He usually doesn't have to talk non-stop. Now he is as cute as a sheep, and he still peeks at Master Su from time to time.

For the same peek, Su Jinxian's atmosphere is much more elegant.

"Brother Su, come in." Zhao Haiyang smiled and invited.

Su Jin nodded and followed the two of them in. After they entered, they found that there were nine-story memorial tablets in the ancestral shrine. All of them recorded in detail the birthdates of the ancestors who passed away. There was no one in there, and there was no so-called The elders exist.


"What sound?" Hua Jinxi heard a strange sound.

Su Jin also looks strange...

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the tablets of the nine-story Qinghuomen ancestors began to sway. These are obviously dead objects, how can they all sway?


Dust rose, and nearly a hundred tablets in the shaking suddenly leaned forward and fell straight forward...

Zhao Haiyang and Hua Jinxi were dumbfounded.

In the end what happened?

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