My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1394: interesting

"I want to wash with you—"

Su Jinyu is not surprising and endless, looking at Hua Jinxi fascinated.

Hua Jinxi is wrapped in an emerald green tunic. She is about 1.6 meters tall and has a thin physique... However, her development has not fallen behind that of other girls. Now her ankle is grasped by Master Su Jin with both hands, and she feels it carefully. The moist, snow-colored skin is too small for this foot.

"Bah, baah, what are you thinking about, I don't want to wash it with you--" Hua Jinxi blushed and became nervous.

"Just in the passage, your clothes were all wet, isn't it uncomfortable?" Su Jin glanced at Hua Jinxi's face slightly and asked.

"It's uncomfortable, but men and women are different, how can you..." Hua Jinxi covered her face.

"I don't mind."

"But I mind!"

"You can't help it if you mind." Su Jin chuckled and pulled hard while she was not paying attention...


Hua Jinxi first leaned back, and then felt that she hadn't fallen, a big hand dragged her back, and the whole person instantly fell into the hot spring pool.

Flop flop.

Hua Jinxi found out that she was going crazy. There was a gap between Young Master Su and what she had imagined. Who knew that people were such rascals. She was going to be scared to death. Fortunately, she fell into the hot spring pool and didn't feel that he had Other actions, otherwise she really feels that she can't escape his clutches.


Hua Jinxi pouted her small mouth, held up a handful of hot springs, and splashed over Su Jin abruptly.

Do you like to play like this?

Su Jin wiped away the water stains on his face, and slammed his hands on the surface of the water. A wave of water slammed past, raging, tumbling...

Really move!

The water waves rolled away, and there was nowhere to hide in such a small pool. Hua Jinxi was shot upright by the living water waves. Standing in the mist, Su Jin clearly saw her all over her body. Water stains, in front of him, wisps of water are still flowing down.

"Big badass." Hua Jinxi akimbo her waist, very angry.

Suddenly, Hua Jinxi saw Su Jin startled, and immediately followed his gaze, looked down, blushing immediately, and disappeared in the water again.

"Hush—" Su Jin made a silent gesture.

"What?" Hua Jinxi asked puzzledly.

"someone is coming."

"Huh?" Hua Jinxi was taken aback. After listening carefully, she felt a very light step. She dived directly into the water in embarrassment, trying to avoid being seen by others.

And Su Jin stood by the hot spring pool grandiosely, watching a girl in plain white clothes walk over.

The girl was a little surprised, but she still knew that she was reserved, so she turned around and said with her back to Su Jin: "Excuse me... have you seen sister Jinxi?"

"I saw it, I was here just now." Su Jin looked at the girl in white, and naturally he had seen it. Isn't this the'Sister Qing' that Hua Jinxi said? The relationship between the two of them must be very good. The prohibition was broken before At that time, he had seen her, and it was in this pool. Even the water in it was washed by beautiful women.

"Oh, maybe I went somewhere else..." Sister Qing thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Senior Brother Haiyang was outside just now, and asked that he was looking for someone. Are you the friend Haiyang Brother was looking for?"

"Brother Zhao looking for me?" Su Jin nodded, "I see, can my sister tell him, let him wait outside, I'll be fine right away."

"Yes." Sister Qing left quickly.

Su Jin stretched his waist, glanced at the water, and directly reached out and fished again. The first time he didn't seem to catch the right place, he caught Hua Jinxi out of the water the second time and said, "Everyone is leaving. Now, go ashore, maybe you can go back to the house and change your clothes while she is away."

"You just..." Hua Jinxi glared at Su Jin with a flushed face, and stopped talking, looking at the respectful Young Master Su, what she said... I really don't know how to say it in shame.

"Right, right, wrong, and the result is good." Su Jin smiled: "There is almost no time."

Hua Jinxi wanted to bite Su Jin angrily, but time waited for no one, she dashed up and quickly disappeared in front of Young Master Su...

"Is it just a mistake..." Su Jin looked at his right hand and closed his eyes as he muttered to himself, that special feeling appeared.

Su Jin went ashore in silence and put on the robes that Hua Jinxi had prepared for him beforehand. Not to mention, they really fit and the quality is not worse than his own clothes.

Immediately, Young Master Su walked out of Hua Jinxi's back garden with his hand, and saw Zhao Haiyang and the sister Qing waiting outside the door.

"Brother Zhao!" Su Jin smiled.

"Brother Su... the elders said, in order to thank Brother Su for coming to help, we can make an exception to let Brother Su choose any weapon to take away in the Holy Land." Zhao Haiyang laughed.

"Holy land? There are no treasures in the holy land. They are all waste products. Aren't the elders cheating?" Hua Jinxi's voice appeared, and then she saw her walking out of the wooden building, saying dissatisfiedly.

"Jin Xi, are you in the house?" Sister Qing opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief.

"Uh, sister Qing just came to me, I know...I, I'm peek-a-boo with you." Hua Jinxi couldn't say that she was hiding in the hot spring pool, so she had to explain this way.

Zhao Haiyang was also very helpless to this little junior sister, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, although there are many waste products in the holy land, you have to know how our town sent the holy artifacts in the first place."

"The Nine Sun God Furnace? Was it found from the Holy Land?" Su Jin suddenly became interested, which was much more interesting than going to the Qinghuo Gate.

"Yes." Zhao Haiyang said with a smile: "Maybe Brother Su can find the holy treasure from inside? Although it is a bit difficult, there is still hope."

"I want to go too, although I have been there hundreds of times." Hua Jinxi said enthusiastically.

"Let's go together." Su Jin glanced at her.

No one objected, and then Hua Jinxi led the way, with Su Jin and Zhao Haiyang behind, walking all the way towards the so-called "Holy Land" of Qinghuomen.


Back to the mountain.

Su Jin followed patiently. They walked for less than half an hour, and finally saw what Qinghuomen's so-called "Holy Land" was like.

Came across the mountains and ridges, the scene that appeared in front of Su Jin's eyes could be described as'a mess', all kinds of refined'Fanbao' were discarded at will, swords, spears and halberds, broken furnaces and broken bowls, in front of this'Holy Land' 'Su Jin looked at the most decent treasure, it should be a magic lantern hanging on a tree not far away.

Hua Jinxi blushed, feeling hot, and said angrily: "The elders didn't let their cousins ​​choose from the'Chongbing Pavilion', but let them come here...I'm embarrassed."

"Junior Sister, this is the decision of the elders, and you must not make trouble." Zhao Haiyang stared at Hua Jinxi and said.

"But, but I have never heard of it, who can find a Lingbao level baby from here..." Hua Jinxi looked at Su Jin.


Unexpectedly by the three of them, Su Jin closed his eyes and slowly said such a sentence.


There are indeed treasures!

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