My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1396: Scold the three saints

The huge blood grave shook in the air. The imaginary and the real, gradually appearing and fading, and the entire area seems to have been hit by an earthquake and tsunami, making it difficult for people to stand.

I saw that it was not Zhao Haiyang and others who responded.

On the top of the green volcano, nine sacred furnaces spewed out red sky automatically, suppressing the blood tomb!

"Boom boom..."

The Chi Xiao of the Shenlu was directly drunk by the blood tomb, and all of it was absorbed, and its body size was directly enlarged by one third. From a distance, it looked like a volcano and it broke the sky!

In the next moment, the nine sacred furnaces flew out and placed them above the blood grave, with even more terrifying waves colliding, and the degree of dazzling in the field of vision was simply unimaginable.

"Top... Top opened?" Zhao Haiyang was shocked.

It was visible to the naked eye that the Nine Suns God Furnace could not suppress the blood grave, and under the collision, two of the furnaces were directly topped up.

"What is it?" Hua Jinxi asked, shaking her head and shaking her body and mind.

"It must be a holy soldier." Sister Qing was also terrified. The Nine Sun God Furnace in Qinghuomen is a treasure of the town. The ordinary holy treasure is simply unattainable. I didn't expect it to be compared with this blood tomb. I really don't know what terrible thing the blood grave is. She has lived in Qinghuomen for more than ten years and has never heard of it.

Su Jin was on the spot like a missile, and with a boom, he stepped on the ground and shot into the sky. The whole person kept streaming down phantoms in the air, and the streamer flickered...

Before the blood grave...

"Who is disturbing my leisure?" The blood grave asked with a voice.

"Blood Emperor Sacred Seal, I am the reincarnated person of the Great Emperor. I was quite unwilling to die in this battle when the Blood Emperor died. I will take you away today, and I can show your monstrous fierce power in the future!" Su Jin held his hand. Standing in the air, condensed into a line. Of course, this is what he said deliberately, he cannot be the reincarnation of the great emperor.

The blood tomb was silent, and after a while he asked: "The Great... a long time ago, what evidence do you have that you are the reincarnated person?"

"I have the origin of the Great!" Su Jin said.


"On the body!"

Su Jin immediately slammed his right hand on the blood grave.

Naturally, the Umbrella Spirit of Jixi Long Umbrella told him, otherwise he wouldn't directly call this treasure by name.

"It is indeed the origin of the emperor! I would like to follow the emperor and gallop the world." The blood tomb was excited. It was refined into a treasure by the blood emperor, and it has already given birth to wisdom. It is natural to know that the blood emperor was the emperor’s next soldier. Now that the emperor returns, it naturally wants to regain its former glory and fulfill the unfinished wish of the blood emperor.

Su Jin only felt the blood grave on the palm of his palm. There was a tingling sensation in his palm of being bitten by a mosquito. He immediately knew that he should have recognized himself as the master.

But at this moment, in the green fire gate...


Several figures appeared in the air.

"Little friends!" The beauty saint immediately stopped.

Su Jin frowned and looked at the three people who appeared. They were two men and one woman. The beautiful saint who spoke was Elder Chen. He naturally knew him, and the other two old men... actually existed at the level of saints.

"Why not?" Su Jin retracted his hand and asked the three saints.

"This treasure belongs to my Qinghuomen and has been placed underground in the Holy Land. Because it is unpredictable and unpredictable, it is the treasure of the evil sect. It was suppressed by the sacred treasure'Nine Sun God Furnace' sent by our town. I can't let it reappear in the world. "The beauty Elder Chen said.

"The treasure of the evil faction?" Su Jin said lightly: "Since you Qinghuomen know this treasure, can you tell me its name and let me listen."

"This..." Elder Chen didn't look pretty.

"This treasure is called'Emperor Blood'." said an old man with white eyebrows.

"Oh? Hehe... Then what kind of magic weapon is it?" Su Jin asked again.

Old man with white eyebrows:...

"Our sacred treasure of the Qinghuomen, what are you doing so clearly?" Another sloppy old man became dissatisfied.

Su Jin cursed directly: "I know you are paralyzed, a dignified big faction, the Qinghuomen has this kind of tolerance? Under the Earthhuo Mountain Range, I almost died because of your little trouble, saying that you can choose a treasure at will. , But instead of choosing from the existing heavy-arms pavilion, I let Lao Tzu come to this garbage dump to look for it. Lao Tzu found the holy treasure, but you don't even know what it is called or what it is, and you are not ashamed of it, saying it is yours ."

Below, Zhao Haiyang and the three have been connected to the hot, ashamed.

The elders of Qinghuomen, it is too ugly to eat!

"My cousin found it." Hua Jinxi covered her face and directly embarrassed her elders.

"The Saint Soldier is really important, but I'm still on Brother Su's side." Zhao Haiyang sighed, not to mention other things, just to say that if this matter now spreads, Qinghuomen will not talk about dishonorable reputation. Up.

"The Elder Gate is very shameless." Sister Qing also couldn't bear to look straight.


The sloppy saint was scolded and wanted to go mad. The boy spoke too much. He suppressed his anger and said, "We don’t know, don’t you know? Your kid is very kind, you can tell his name and the kind of magic weapon come out?"

"This treasure is called the Blood Emperor Sacred Seal. Should I tell you the type?" Su Jin said in a bad mood.

"Making it up! Do you mean it?" Said the Saint White-browed too.

But the next moment he was slapped in the face, Su Jin scratched it lightly, and the huge blood grave became smaller and smaller. Finally, he was caught in his hand. What is it that is not a blood-red stone?

The sloppy saint old man immediately vomited his eyes, and shouted: "Put down the blood emperor seal, and you can leave!"

The beautiful Elder Chen stayed in a daze, and immediately said, "My little friend, let's do this, you return the'Blood Emperor's Seal'. We can let you choose two spiritual treasures in the'Heavy Arms Pavilion' at will, how about?"

"Fuck your grandma, if I were you, I would have dug a hole and got in early, a bunch of shameful old things!" Su Jin was also outraged, he himself was shameless, but he had seen himself shameless. , I have never seen them shameless.

"My little friend said so, don't you plan to pay it back?" Elder Chen's face became cold.

"It's not yours, so naturally you don't have to pay it back. On the are in this posture, are you going to **** it?" Su Jin said coldly.

"Cousin, come on! Take Shengbao away!"

Below, Hua Jinxi was excited, and immediately began to cheer.

"Can I be robbed of something from the Blue Fire Gate?" Elder Chen snorted, "You are a junior, we don't want to embarrass you," leave the blood emperor seal and leave! "

"Why don't you talk to him? Whoever gets this precious treasure, I don't want to abandon it." The sloppy old man turned into a stone body directly, and didn't want to give Su Jin any chance to leave.

Su Jin was under a lot of pressure. Last time he faced the seven saints, it was his brother Ksitigarbha who helped him. He didn't show any strength at all, but now without Ksitigarbha's help, let alone three saints, it's just one... It can also instantly turn him into a scum.

A sense of powerlessness appeared in my heart like never before.

How to take away the "Blood Emperor Sacred Seal" while ensuring your own safety?

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