My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1400: Fengducheng

The snow mountain is shaking!

After the appearance of the Sky Bridge, the people in the Witch God Palace also reacted instantly.

"The enemy is coming to attack the mountain!"

"Elder, where are the elders?" someone cried out in fear.

"I can't even move! What kind of Taoism is this..."

"It's terrible, who would dare to provoke me to the Witch Temple?"

The horrible fluctuations continued, and the sky-reaching bridge shook downward. All the disciples under the aspiration were shocked to death!

The immortal power of the Tongtian Bridge is really terrifying, even Su Jin didn't expect to have such power, but when I think about it, I'm relieved, under the aspiration, there are all ants! He can be destroyed now!

"One and a half holy, five aspirations, can you be lawless?" Su Jin can clearly feel where the other party is. The five aspirations of the masters have suffered a little injury. The kind of enchanting genius who is lucky.

Brush and brush——

Six figures rushed out of the Witch God Palace and greeted them from a distance.

"Where are you sacred, you dare to come to my witch temple to go wild!"

A skinny old man in front sipped. Seeing that his right arm was completely petrified, Su Jin immediately knew that this person was the only semi-sage master in the Witch God Palace!

"Destroy my witch **** palace Daoji, kill my hundreds of disciples, who are you!" a middle-aged man who had aspirations said angrily.

"It hurts the heavens and the truth, you are not afraid of getting retribution if you have a deadly life?"


Su Jin looked calm, looking at the six aggressive masters of the Witch God Palace, and said, "You still need an excuse to destroy you? Even if there is retribution, it will be imposed on you! Dozens of villages around the snow mountain, thousands of adult men were arrested by you. Mining, have you considered the feelings of them and their families?"

"This is something inside my Witch God Palace. You don't need to be an outsider to intervene!" The half-sage old man's expression changed. He didn't expect that he would still be discovered by a master.

"Then I will walk for the sky!" After Su Jin yelled, a purple dragon rose from his body.

The dragon snaked and rushed directly to the buildings on the snow mountain. Su Jin not only wanted to destroy its disciples in the Witch God Palace, but also demolished all its foundations!

Boom boom boom -

The huge purple dragon is like a broken bamboo, and after a few steps in and out, you can see the splendid buildings, constantly collapsing, and finally turned into ruins with bursts of flames!

"What you showed... is the Zilong Tianxiang!" The half-sage old man said in shock.

"Uncle Shi, he... is he the number one Su Jin in the Eastern Region?" Someone was also dumbfounded.

"Why did the geniuses who have made the limelight recently come to our little place?"

"It shouldn't be so coincidental!"

No one wanted to believe it, but Su Jin soon shattered their fluke, and said with his head upright: "Yes, I am Su Jin! You come here to die!"

"A young guy who is aspiring to date, even if you are really Su Jin? I am a half-sage and kill you like a dog!" The half-sage old man raised his petrified right hand and directly planned to kill Su Jin. Otherwise, I can't swallow this breath.

"Prison Eye of Maha Town!"

Su Jin's face was cold, and he let out a deep cry, his hideous vertical eyes opened, and an upright "Ghost Gate" appeared above the bridge over the sky. Before Su Jinfa gave orders, hundreds of Yin Soldiers took a neat step forward, and countless war spears projected over, bringing up gusts of Yin wind!

The raindrops of yin spears continued to throw in.

The half-sage old man waved his stone arm and made a circle to protect the other five people!

"Ka Ka..." The half-sage old man's face blushed, and he felt anxious when he watched the barrier barrier he had formed began to shatter.

Su Jin pointed his hand, and the bridge over the sky was crushed and frustrated. Except for the semi-sage power, all the other five spurted blood, which aggravated the injury!

"Young Emperor, you have such a heaven-defying pupil technique! These are all Fengdu Yin soldiers..." The Blood Emperor Sage Yin said excitedly.

"Occasionally, what do you want to say?" Su Jin asked with a jump in his heart.

"If the young emperor had said that there was such a day-defying pupil technique, I would be sure to take you through this vain'ghost gate' and directly to the capital city in the underworld, there would be no need to go to this broken place." There was a voice from the Holy Seal.

Su Jin was shocked: "Really?"

He was in ecstasy, what the Blood Emperor Sacred Seal could think of, why didn't he think of it? This vain ghost gate originally had a faint connection with the underworld, and he didn't even think about getting through it. Of course, he estimated that he could not do it by his own ability alone, and his realm was still too low.

"It would be great if the young emperor was in the realm of a saint, so that he could cross over by himself, but it didn't hurt. If you want to enter the underworld, I will use the remaining sacred power, and it will be okay to entrap you in, but I can't help the young emperor for the time being. "The Blood Emperor Sage Seal said.

"Good good! Massacre these six people, we will go to Fengdu City and return to the region from the underworld!"

Su Jin missed his wife.

I really want to...

He decided to leave the region for a while, there are still many unforgettable concerns in the region, which he cannot give up.

"Kill!" Feeling Su Jin's anxiety, the Blood Emperor Sacred Seal came out directly from his eyebrows...

A red horizontal screen appeared, directly cutting across the half-sage old man and other six people.


The six people were divided into two, and the twelve segments of remnants spewed out twelve pillars of blood and fell from the air.

Su Jin sneered, took a step forward, wrapped in scarlet color, and directly passed through the vain ghost gate summoned in the sky with pupil technique, and rushed in!


Before long, Su Jin's energy and blood surged, and the vision of his eyes began to become clear.

A huge city appeared, quiet, and there was only gray color!

Su Jin was very excited, he knew that he would see Yuyan's wife soon!

Because...the capital city of the underworld is here!

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