My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1415: He saw

"Bad brother, what game should you close your eyes to play."

Xia Yunxi was panicked, but Big Brother Su has always had absolute authority at home. Although she was worried, she instinctively closed her eyes and asked shyly.

"Don't ask, don't talk." Su Jin's tone was unpredictable.

Not to mention it, Xia Yunxi became more and more nervous after saying it. You must know that he is not in the living room, but in his own bedroom. If he does something wrong, how can he be better...

Xia Yunxi just had this thought in her heart, but she felt a warmth on her face. It turned out that Big Brother Su was too close to herself, and her breathing was clearly felt by her——

Does Brother Su want to kiss himself?

Panic, very panic in my heart!

Guess is absolutely correct!

Su Jin pressed her thin pink lips, without any hesitation, leaned forward...


Xia Yunxi felt that his small waist was pinched by Young Master Su. He was really gentle, he didn't use much strength, and he kissed him thoroughly...

But then Xia Yunxi felt more and more different. The original "pro" was like a warm stream of heat, but then it was like a hot volcano, erupting like a barrel of explosives...

Out of control soon!

I don't know when, Xia Yunxi finally pushed away Young Master Su, short of breath, beat Su Jin twice before slowly saying, "Bad guy, I knew you wanted this."

how to say?

It's not that I don't want to, but it's too special. Xia Yunxi is very complicated. When Su Jin is away, she has thought about... Either keep your distance and don't go wrong...

But she can't control herself...

There was even the idea of ​​wanting to make mistakes again and again, right?

But at this critical juncture, the reason still didn't dizzy, she flinched!

"You still have a burden in your heart." Su Jin sighed.

"No, give me a few more days to think about it..." Xia Yunxi said, fearing that Su Jin would be angry, so weak that he dared not look at Big Brother Su's eyes.

"How many days?" Su Jin didn't believe Xia Yunxi's words.

It can’t be said to be a lie. This level is really sad. He doesn’t think Xia Yunxi can figure it out. Sometimes he can’t pay attention to the natural straightness of the boat to the bridge head. Instead, he has to fight hard. After passing the natural sea and sky, he may also be defeated. !

"Well, five days, five days, how about Big Brother Su——" Xia Yunxi looked up at Su Jin.

Su Jin was startled--

This look is a bit firm!

Although the five-day period is not long, based on Su Jin’s understanding of her, she is not sure that she dared to take that step. However, since this has given accurate time, if she can’t even agree to this, it’s still a big deal. Man style?

"Okay, it's only five days!" Su Jin's heart bounced and believed Xia Yunxi once.

At the same time, Young Master Su was laughing wildly in his heart. It seemed... the moment when the wolf eats the sheep is about to come. If you know that Xia Yunxi is not in the state of work recently, he can come and ask at any time.

Bear her for another five days!

Five days later, the sky is brighter!

"I know, you don't care what clothes I wear..." Xia Yunxi didn't say it clearly. She knew that she was not interested in Young Master Su when she changed into beautiful clothes. What he really wanted was...

"According to my feeling, no matter how beautiful a woman wears... it's superfluous." Su Jin smiled, very intriguing.

"Hmph, you are very conspiring!" Xia Yunxi pretended to pouting.

"No way, I don't want to eat the swan's toad, it's not a good frog! I will wait for you for five days, five days later..." Su Jin pinched her pretty waist with both hands, feeling that she was trembling slightly, and she couldn't help but draw closer... …

The tone, look, and gesture all showed Master Su's determination!

"Okay, okay, go out quickly. I want to change my clothes back. I don't really feel comfortable with this kind of dress." Xia Yunxi immediately broke away from the clutches of the official Su, smiled and went to the bathroom to change clothes.

Su Jin didn't think of other bad thoughts in his heart. This time he changed to a promise, but he didn't actually lose...

Women who are easily available are not uncommon. For a girl goddess like Xia Yunxi who is so beautiful, he is willing to give her a promise!

Su Jin removed his legs from the bed and put on shoes...

Then he got up and walked out of Xia Yunxi's room.

Living room, no one!

At home, I really didn’t mean anything. At the beginning of the Xia’s family, Su Jin still felt fresh, but over time, although he had a sense of belonging at home, it was not the kind of feeling he wanted after all. He likes the heroic feat of galloping the world. His goal... is the sea of ​​stars!

Su Jin walked out of the residence.

Perhaps it was a rain in the early morning, which caused the current sun to be particularly beautiful. In front of the door, the few withered old trees were swaying their leaves gently with the prestige, and falling leaves burst...

Su Jin looked at the time. It was only ten o'clock in the morning, and his wife hadn't got off work. He held a pocket and smoked two cigarettes in front of the door, only to see a familiar girl who came over with a flower basket on her back——

"Master——" Xiaotong's eyes flickered, he walked over and stopped, cried politely, and was about to walk into the house...

Su Jin stepped directly to the left and stopped in front of her...

Xiaotong was startled. She knew how good her figure was, and because of Su Jin's little movement, she almost ran into it.

"So how did I teach you... when there is no one, call your brother..." Su Jinyi said righteously.

They are all my people, and they are so good. Su Jin doesn't know if he has been out of the field for too long and has a strange illusion, or if this girl is embarrassed to call herself, that's why she can't change her words.

"Brother, I'm still busy." Xiaotong flushed her face, glanced in other directions, and found no one to say.

"What are you up to?" Su Jin asked.

"This is the wine at noon, just taken out from the wine cellar. Later, I will help Chef Li make dim sum and clean it up..." Xiaotong didn't hide it at all.

"Well, go ahead." Su Jin waved his hand, vomited a cigarette, and motioned.

Xiaotong is young and fast, but Su Jin always feels something is on her mind and behaves a little strangely.

This is just a feeling. Specifically, Young Master Su really doesn't know what went wrong. He took a few steps back quietly and saw Xiaotong carrying wine into the living room, and after a while he turned back...

Did not enter the back kitchen!

Instead, he entered his room!


This little girl liar, dare to fool me!

Su Jin put his pocket in his pocket and quietly approached Xiaotong's room...

One minute, five minutes...

Xiaotong did not come out!

Su Jin waited outside the door for a while, and impatiently unscrewed Xiaotong's door slightly, opened a small gap, and looked inside...

result! Su Jin's face was like chicken blood!

He saw...

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