My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1447: Comfortable


Xia Yunxi hesitated, she pointed to a place on her upper body, the fiery red color set off her small face, and she looked a little bit charming. When she saw Su Jinduo asking questions, she said, "I feel bad. From the time I can remember, my heart has not been very good. When I was a child, I took a lot of medicines and went to many hospitals. I am now afraid of medical treatment!"

Because his heart was very close to the woman's place, Xia Yunxi was naturally shy and hard to bear when he heard that Young Master Su wanted to check her.

The inspection must be done by hand-

With her hands, Su Jin, who is a man, will be honest. She may touch places that shouldn't be touched. This is where she is more entangled.

Sometimes Xia Yunxi was also very nervous and wanted to keep a distance from Su Jin, but she really liked him and couldn't help it every time... But there was always a word in her heart that told her no!


"The heartache is not necessarily a heart problem. Since you are afraid of doctors, let your brother-in-law treat you. Brother-in-law is a genius doctor!"

At this time, Su Jin felt that he had to stand up, believing that Xia Yunxi was afraid of doctors and would not be afraid of him. Based on this relationship alone, Young Master Su himself envied Xia Yunxilai.

After all, there is a brother-in-law genius doctor, "Mom" no longer has to worry about my body!

"Will you do it?" Xia Yunxi pouted, wondering if he should believe in Su Jin. Although he used to seem to know how to do medical skills, he is a'heart' problem, which can't be cured simply.

And this illness was also the reason why he mainly rejected Su Jin at first and then gave his sister to him.

"Anyone can't, but I absolutely can't!"

Su Jin sat down next to Xia Yunxi, still holding her wrist with one hand, gently passing through her Qi, circulating her whole body Qi...

"Then how to check it?" Xia Yunxi is most concerned about this.

"How do you want to check?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"I feel that my brother-in-law is a fake doctor..." Xia Yunxi almost cried when he saw Su Jin's answer. This so-called ‘doctor’ even asked himself how he wanted to check in such a surprised tone!

The real doctor is definitely not in this state!

So fake brother-in-law!

"It's already being checked, do you really think I have to touch your heart to check it out?" Su Jin was dumbfounded, and he finally understood Xia Yunxi's worry.

Why is Su Jin playing tricks on her now?

The filming location at Silverstone Beach is still waiting for him. No matter what, work is the most important thing. Sister Yunxi can't run anyway!


Xia Yunxi really felt a warm current from her wrists flowing all over her body instantly. The weather is quite hot now, but the warm feeling still makes her feel very comfortable. It is like eating ice cream on a hot day. .

Su Jin closed his eyes briefly, and the examination time was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he opened his eyes and said: "The heart is completely fine, but it's blood stasis. You, an office worker, need to exercise more—"

"I haven't been to work for several days..." Xia Yunxi said.

"But you still haven't exercised, don't always sit at home, go for more walks, or exercise from today." Su Jin sighed.

Fortunately, it was not a big problem, otherwise he really couldn't get away.

"It hurts a lot now, how do you exercise!" Xia Yunxi was more discouraged, feeling that Su Jin's words were the same as he hadn't said.

"I can make you feel less painful, but it's just a temporary solution, not the root cause. If you think about it in the long run, you will still relapse if you don't exercise." Su Jin thought about it.

"Can you keep me from hurting? I don't believe it!" Xia Yunxi shook his head.

"Okay, then you will keep your eyes open from now on..."

Su Jin let go of her hand, and then from the bend of her leg, hugged her legs to her thighs and took off her shoes.

"Ah, what are you going to do?" Xia Yunxi's nerves collapsed suddenly when he saw this situation.

"Don't call it." Su Jin's mouth was threatening.

"Um... don't... itchy, itchy..."

Xia Yunxi saw Su Jin holding her right foot, as if being touched in a sensitive area, he began to beg for mercy. The sole of the foot that had never been touched by a man was very sensitive, and it directly made her unbearable. Laughed.

Su Jin was startled--

Xia Yunxi’s feet are very small, and he almost shook his slap completely. He was a little dazzled with the snow-white color in front of his eyes. In addition, her legs were placed close together on her own, and they were a little tight, because she was wearing a cheongsam. Because of this, Su Jin's expression was briefly frenetic...

"I haven't moved, is it still itchy?" Su Jin sighed in his heart, watching Xia Yunxi's big movement, he was quite helpless...

"Don't move, it's itchy if you move--" There were some tears in Xia Yunxi's eyes.

"No way, I need to start from the'Yongquan Point' on the bottom of your feet and directly penetrate the several places where your Qi and blood are stagnant. Otherwise, how can you smooth your Qi and blood and achieve the purpose of temporary healing? But it is temporarily cured. After that, you still have to do more exercises as I just said."

Su Jin began to directly push in her strength through her "Yongquan Point".

I only felt a tremor in Xia Yunxi's whole body...

The huge external power seemed to penetrate her body and limbs, and often her breathing was never so comfortable, not as smooth as it is now, just like the feeling after a sauna!

This experience is wonderful!

Very comfortable!

Xia Yunxi didn't even notice that there was no pain in his heart, and everything was going according to Su Jin's ideal effect!

"Is it comfortable?" Su Jin asked softly.

"Comfortable! Brother Su, I'm so comfortable!" Xia Yunxi saw sweat on her body, and this cheongsam seemed to need to be replaced later. There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, appearing densely, feeling these Over the years, and only today, the body is in its best condition.

"It takes two minutes." Su Jin continued to focus on the treatment.

For Su Jin, this is a trivial illness that is not worth mentioning. In fact, it can be cured by taking some medicine, but in terms of effect, it is not as remarkable as his.

Less than two minutes...

Xia Yunxi lay on the sofa, looking at Su Jin with a blushing face. She rushed to Master Su and took her hand, but she was so weak now...

Lazily, even a lazy move of my fingers——

Su Jin smiled, and touched the sole of her foot quickly.


On Xia Yunxi's blushing cheeks, with a grotesque expression and bulging cheeks, like a movie of a girl doing something wrong, he said weakly, "Don't touch...itchy~"

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