My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 157: Let's go

An Qianyi's eyes were dumbfounded. She couldn't understand this man. She used to think that feelings would always be strange to her, but in terms of feeling, Su Jin was the first man she did not reject. She has always been like this since childhood. Even the master, that old guy, she didn't wait to see her, she only listened to orders.

This feeling is also the most special feeling in her past experience.

Seeing her stunned, Su Jin couldn't help turning around and hanging on her nose, "Why, I'm going to cry if I'm so touched, if I can't beat him, you have to help me."

An Qianyi quickly looked out the window and didn't know how to answer him. Anyway, when the person she followed was dragged into the room by Sister Lan, she felt very uncomfortable. It is normal to have a conflict with Sister Lan, anyway, many people I'm afraid of her, don't wait to see her, avoid her!

Su Jin felt very warm when she saw that she didn't want to get out of her palm anymore. Such a girl can only be influenced by her actions if she wants to chase her. If the scale is larger, she might be disgusted by the other party. This is not worth the gain. Things, so he is waiting, the easiest to get is the least cherished. He understands that only when he is tyrannical is the king, and he must not let his own woman look down upon him.

"You go." An Qianyi said.

"Go? I'll go when I hit that kid." Su Jin shrugged.

Beating people, such as sprinkling water, is a simple matter.

Even though she said this, Su Jin could clearly feel it. Although An Qianyi didn't say it, she still thought she could not beat the other party. He was not satisfied with this!

If you refuse to accept it, you have to prove yourself. At any rate, he is also the young master identified by the old guy, and will succeed in the future.

The two get along like this, maybe this is An Qianyi and another person, who said the most words in her life, although she said a lot less than others, but Young Master Su likes such a quiet person!

The sky was getting dark, Su Jin sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs upright, and he was also a little curious. Why haven't you come yet?

Paralysis-is it going to night?

Su Jin frowned. After spending some time with An Qianyi, he proposed to sit down. An Qianyi also agreed. This is the first time she listens to a man like this except for the old guy, even though she doesn't It’s amazing to know why you are.

So Young Master Su smoked a few cigarettes and gnawed the fruits prepared by the two daughters of Tao Xiaolang, watching the sky getting darker and darker.

"Damei girl, are you here?" Su Jin heard the movement outside the door and spit out a puff of smoke.

"It seems to be here." Wang Mei Niu turned her head from the door and said cautiously.

"Just come." Su Jin's face became cold.

An Qianyi sat in the proper manner, and was not overjoyed, as if things had nothing to do with her.

"Uh, there is also Brother Zhou and Sister Qin." Wang Mei Niu said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Tianhu smiled at Wang Mei Niu and said, "Is the young master here?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for you." Wang Mei Niu said with a smile, and then looked at a man next to Zhou Tianhu, her eyes flashed a little weird, in her opinion, there must be a fight later!

"Oh, good." After Zhou Tianhu said, he walked in.

Sister Qin walked in with a smile, but when she saw the gazes of Su Jin and Pang Bo, her smile froze, and there was a little worry in her pupils.

Pangbo is not easy to mess with!

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so bold and run wild on Su Jin's territory.

Although both of them are their own, it is important to know that Su Jin is the young master. According to their understanding, Pangbo did not regard Su Jin in his eyes. The higher his strength, the more arrogant he is. It may appear in people.

Zhou Tianhu was also a little embarrassed. As soon as he came in, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and the smell of gunpowder was quite strong. He also thought of these. After watching the two men look at each other murderously, he quickly smiled and said: "Young Master, let me introduce , This is Mr. Pangbo above."

Quite beyond everyone's expectations, Su Jin's complexion suddenly returned to normal, and he smiled and walked forward to several people.

This is what everyone feels like the rhythm of shaking hands!

Including Pangbo, he thought so too. Naturally, his face was somewhat complacent, which was very different from before. Before, he had only disdain in his eyes.

Su Jin wants to shake hands with him?

That's nonsense!

Young Master Su looked at Pangbo's raised hand at this time, and then raised his hand. It seems that this girl still knows that he is the Young Master, but he will not give this face, and raising his hand is not to follow him. Holding it, he patted Zhou Tianhu on the shoulder.

"Brother Zhou, I've been doing well recently, so what... Qianyi, go back to my house obediently, I will go back in a while." Su Jin looked at An Qianyi freely and said.

This best-

Even Sister Qin was dumbfounded, it was a rhythm that didn't give face at all!

In the eyes of others, Su Jin is defiant.

Ok, Su Jin's original intention is to be defiant! ! ! What's wrong!

An Qianyi hesitated slightly, but she was not noticed, but she nodded and got upstairs.

At this time, Pangbo's face was green and his fists creaked. Since he joined Longya, apart from a few competitors who have acted with him, which one is not flattery? Unexpectedly, a small person treats him like this. If it hadn't been for the accidental knowledge that the old guy had appointed Su Jin as his successor, he would not have known that there was such a person! Moreover, he was very disdainful, and did not recognize Su Jin's strength at all.

That's not bad, it swept away my face all at once, and let myself sweep the face in front of An Qianyi. Why is he not angry!

Su Jin never looked at him directly at this time. He is like this. If you are polite, brother will be polite. But at first glance, you know that this girl is arrogant and owes repairs. As the leading figure in the way of pretending to be x, can he persuade?


Therefore, such a master was ignored by him.

"You, you..." Pangbo was trembling all over, and he stared at Su Jin, his tone a little unstable.

Su Jin just glanced at him, then turned to Zhou Tianhu and asked: "Let's talk about him, who is he."

Zhou Tianhu showed a sense of helplessness in his eyes. He knew very well what kind of person Su Jin was. These two best meets, it would be weird if they don’t cause trouble, but unfortunately, both of them are very strong, and they are very special. This is a bit difficult.

"Young Master, his own." Zhou Tianhu said in a low voice.

"Oh, my own person." Su Jin raised his hand and scratched his head with one finger, then said: "The old guy asked him to follow me?"

Zhou Tianhu was stunned, then shook his head: "I haven't told you so."

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